Y48 Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Here are the stands for the Y48 other students game.

Follow the game here.
OOC chat can be found here.

((The stands will close approximately 2 days after the end of the game))
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Ellery had been hesitant to let her daughter play quidditch, but she really desired to be apart of the sport. Ellery knew it could be violent and the injury rate, especially among young players, but it wasn't like they were playing such a sport with only muggle medicine, and after much thought, she had agreed to let her daughter play the year prior. It had surprised her even more to see her be promoted to captain and her obsession with learning everything she could during the break.

As she watched Kit score a few times, she cheered for her daughter and the team as a whole, hoping the game went well no matter who took home the trophy in the end.
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