Y45 Ilvermorny Quidditch Try Outs

Pearl Parra

perfidious | lazy | thunderbird | seventh year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 8 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
04/2045 (17)
Pearl hadn't really expected to become quidditch captain, for one she hadn't thought of herself as good enough for it. She wasn't alone in being the captain, but still. Pearl was getting the pitch ready for the try-out, making sure that they had the brooms and items that others might end up using if they were trying out but didn't have the equipment necessary. Once students had arrived Pearl cleared her throat and then smiled. "All, I'm Pearl, I'm your co-captain with Zoey Hawkins," she said with a falsely sweet tone. "Welcome to the try-outs. if you are new, then state your name and the position you'd like to play and then get to trying-out. Those returning, please just get to practicing," And with that the try-outs were started. She did not give Zoey a moment to speak, because why would she, she had this.

@Nabi MunSeeker
Pearl ParraKeeper
Zoey HawkinsChaser
@Hadrian MurphyChaser

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to try outs! Returning players, please make sure to RP in this thread so I know you'd like to keep your position. Alternates must try out again. Should you want to have a first year student try out please PM me or Zoey Hawkins first. Feel free to do the same with any questions.
Ocean had strongly disliked playing as an alternate seeker last year. She had been thankful to even be on the team at all, but seeker wasn't the position for her. Playing it for a year had only confirmed that. She listened to one of the new captains speak, not too interested in what the girl had to say. She just wanted to get into the air. "Ocean Keeley, trying for beater." Ocean eventually spoke up after stepping forward, keen to get on her broom. Once in the air she followed after a bludger, missing it by a hair when she swung her bat at it. She could do better than that. She spend her time alternating between aiming bludgers at other players and trying to defend some when a bludger headed their way. By the end, she had managed a couple of straightforward hits and was pleased with how she had performed.
Larissa Baros transferred to Ilvermorny this year, and felt that it was a good decision since she could not hope to live away from her parents just to attend Hogwarts New Zealand. The fourth year Wampus student was excited to try out for the Ilvermorny Quidditch team. She looked forward to seeing if she could make a difference. She arrived to the pitch and looked around at some of the players. They were united into one and not four, but it might have been for the international school thing versus house teams. Regardless, she listened to the captain speak, and looked at the other co-captain. Oh, right, both were co-captains. She approached them and announced clearly, "Larissa Baros, fourth year Wampus, and I'm trying out for a beater position." Larissa would have loved to be a chaser, but she could not throw very well. But she could hit! She took to the skies to try out for the position, and she protected as many players as she could. She was decent - room for improvement for sure, but she was certainly not hopeless. A few times, she even tried to hit a few of the seasoned players with bludgers. It was nice to keep people on their toes anyway. She landed and hoped that she would hear back some good news.
Zoey had been pretty surprised when she was asked to take over as co-captain this year. She hardly thought she deserved it but she was hoping to prove herself this year. They had an ok team and hopefully some new blood would help them win. She stood next to Pearl, happy to let her do all the talking as the players arrived. She stood watch with her arms crossed as they took to the air.
Nabi was honestly really glad she hadn't been asked for captain, it sounded like a lot of work. She still beamed encouragingly at Pealr and Zoey as they spoke to the team. Though it was really Pearl doing the talking. When it was time to play, Nabi tried to act like it was just another practice. She looked around the pitch for the snitch, keeping an eye on the people trying out.
Hadrian was still learning to play better when it came to Quidditch, but he was slowly improving. He hoped. The two girls who were the new captains were both a bit intimidating. Hadrian wasn't a coward, but girls could be a bit scary. He knew he got to retain his spot, but he still wanted to put in an effort in the tryouts and stay on their good side. He passed the quaffle around a bit, having had a bit of practice catching and passing with his younger siblings and cousins. Shooting was a bit harder, because he was a little rusty at that part, but after a few misses he did manage to start actually scoring goals, thankfully. Admittedly, it helped that Pearl was probably not paying as much attention since she had to keep an eye on everyone else, but Hadrian would take the small victories.
Melrose wasn't about this whole Quidditch thing. Quadpot was way more cool and popular no doubt though really wasn't that why he'd picked Quidditch instead? If he had to play a sport, which his Dad was convinced he did, he'd be better off playing the one no one watched. Now that he was here though, Melrose couldn't help but notice the team and other kids trying out seemed to be almost entirely girls. Really pretty girls.

Deciding it'd be way worse to bail out now that the pretty girl captain had addressed everyone, Melrose steeled himself as best he could before he had to step forward and announce himself. "Melrose Miller, I guess I'm trying out for chaser," he said weakly, clambering onto his broom. Flying at least he could do, the rest of it he guessed he'd find out. Thankfully, he didn't have enough energy to be intimidated by all the girls on the team when all his focus was going to holding onto his broom with his left hand as he got an arm around the quaffle. And dropped it immediately.

Groaning, Melrose swooped down to grab it again, fumbling until he had a secure grip and hoping no one saw that. How did anyone fly straight with only one hand? Taking a breath, Melrose made it over to the hoops, his shot immediately and easily blocked, but at least he'd made one. He took a few laps to shake out his nerves before catching the quaffle again, repeating the process. No goals were scored, but he thought he might have come close when the sun got in the keepers eyes at one point and he'd bounced the quaffle off one of the hoops. At least he tried, Melrose thought grimly, and if he didn't make the team, Dad could take it up with the school and leave him out of it.
Jenny needed to integrate herself in the new school she was it. It was nothing like her last one, but she was trying her best. The people she needed to be around were the ones on the quidditch team. It was easier to make friends when you had something in common. Though Jenny didn't really want to do too much. So she turned up to the try-out having studied the team list from the previous year and picked the position she wanted. Jenny noticed another new student to the school at the side. She walked up to the girl and said, "Hi, I'm Jenny," before the captain began speaking. She couldn't then say anything, just listened. Then eventually stepped forward. "Jennifer Tseng, but everyone calls me Jenny," she started, "And I'm trying out for seeker,"

Jenny took the school broom and flew up into the air, chasing after the snitch. She didn't do particularly well, her flying was steady and she could go fast, but she did have some issues spotting anything. But she knew the current seeker was only the year above her, so it wouldn't matter if she wasn't good yet, she might still make the team and in the better position as an alternate. Jenny did manage to catch the snitch just once before the end, but she knew it had been just been good luck.
OOCOut of Character:
Try outs will be closing in 24 hours! Any one interested in joining the team get your posts in quick!
Nabi MunSeeker
Pearl ParraKeeper
Melrose MillerChaser
Zoey HawkinsChaser
Hadrian MurphyChaser
Ocean KeeleyBeater
Larissa BarosBeater
Jenny TsengAlternate seeker

Here is the line up!

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