Y32 Dueling Match #25

Ryder Warrick

Misuse of Magical Artifacts | Tutor | Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Alex)
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Aspen Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Ryder lead the two contestants out onto the stage and appointed them to the north and south points of the stage. After explaining the rules he walked off the stage and watched.
OOCOut of Character:
All right, make sure that you use the spell list for guidance. No board rule breaking is acceptable. Have fun! I have a copy of the code that you should use with every post. Remember, when you are knocked out, unable to shoot anymore spells, you lost. And if you run out of points, you lose.

The duel begins now. If someone doesn't post after 24 hours, they are disqualified.

[b]Current Points:[/b]
[hr]RP content[hr][b]Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150

Alistair was on top of the world, and nothing was going to stop him now. With two wins under his belt, and the fact he'd won the previous years championship, he was feeling more than a little confident, to say the least. The teenager took his position on his side of the dueling platform and greeted his opponent, the familiar Slytherin prefect, before quickly diving straight into the duel. He'd had a slow start in prior duels, but by now he was on top of his game. It was the deciding duel, and there was no room for slacking off. "Stupefy!" He incanted, firing off a forceful stunning spell toward the girl.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Last edited:
Current Points: 150

Sara took a deep breath. She almost couldn’t believe that she had made it to the final of the duelling tournament. She had to do her best, she could not have come this far just to have the title of winner out of her reach this easily. She cleared her throat, and once she had greeted her opponent raised her wand, but the boy was quicker than she was. She knew who he was, not to mention the fact that he was known for having won the previous duelling tournaments. "Protego," she cast. Narrowing her eyes slightly at her fellow Slytherin prefect, Sara sent an easy spell his way. "Expelliarmus!"
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:
Talk about cutting it close =))

Current Points: 145

One of the perks of making the first move was having the time to prepare for a counter. Alistair watched as his fellow prefect shielded herself from his spell, and prepared his own shield as she fired back. "Protego." He incanted firmly, protecting himself from the disarming charm. His grip instinctively tightened all the same, and he cast a babbling curse in response.
Action(s) Taken: Cast two spells
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
again so close, yet so far :p

Current Points: 140

Sara had kind of expected her spell to work, since it was what - a first year charm? But she knew better than that. The easier the spell she cast, the easier it was to defend against it. She had to think of better, higher-level stuff. She dodged the incoming babbling curse at her, deciding to make things a little interesting. "Densaugeo!" she cast, saying the first one that popped into her head. It wasn’t her top choice, but she had to act quickly.
Action(s) Taken: dodge spell, cast spell
Point Changes: -10, -5
Points Remaining:
Current Points: 135

Alistair growled under his breath as, just when he thought he was about to win the duel, Sara managed to dodge out of the way. Her retaliatory spell was pretty clever too, he had to give her that. Trying to enlargen his teeth would have made it impossible to incant spells, just as he'd hoped making her babble would do. It was just too bad that her dodging had given him enough time to prepare another shield. He went with a hex-deflection spell, sending the oncoming hex spiralling off to the side of the platform. "Silencio!" He responded, going with the same vein of incapacitating his opponent's ability to speak.
Action(s) Taken: Cast two spells
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 125

Sara wasn’t that surprised at Alistair’s expression, since she had managed to dodge that spell she didn’t blame him if he thought he could defeat her that easily. True, she hadn’t expected him to be so quick but she had fast reflexes (most of the time). She cast a shield charm to protect herself, really not wanting to submit to the duel already. "Confundo!" Surely if this spell worked on her opponent she would be at an advantage.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:
Ooft I totally forgot about this :r

Current Points: 125

Alistair had grown confident as time went on. Perhaps overly so. When Sara attempted the confundus charm on the teen wolf, he attempted a dramatic flourish that was supposed to be impressive, but instead left him fumbling his wand and casting the shield charm away from the oncoming spell, rather than toward it. Too late, he took the hit, and immediately his mind grew fuzzy. Hum. What had he been doing? 'Stair glanced at the wand in his hand, inspecting its tip. That's right, he was about to use a spell. What had it been? Oh, yes.

Stupefy." Alistair muttered, staring at the end of his wand as if he still wasn't quite sure what he was doing with it. A jet of red light emitted from its tip, and blasted the youth in the face. He staggered back, before completely collapsing from the stunning spell.
Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, cast spell. KOed
Point Changes: -125
Points Remaining: 0
Sara almost couldn’t believe what happened before her. She thought Alistair would block her spell, but apparently, her own charm had caught him by surprise and she watched as, with her mouth slightly open, it hit him. Not only that, but it seemed as though her spell had been stronger than she had meant it to be, as her opponent was looking at the wrong end of his wand and apparently had no idea what he was supposed to do next. Sara hesitantly glanced at the professor in charge, wondering if he would do something, and before Sara herself could stop her fellow slytherin from hurting himself, he stupefied himself. Her eyes widened and she ran to him, attempting to wake him up, but of course, to no avail. The fact that she had won the duel was far from her mind. He needed to go to the HW, and fast.
Ryder couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. The boy had been hit by a confundo, unsure how that would effect his ability to duel it soon became clear as he aimed a stunning spell at his opponent, only his wand was pointing the wrong way and he hit himself. Ryder made his way onto the platform and prepared to take the boy to the hospital wing.

OOCOut of Character:
Sara Benivieni is the winner!"

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