Y31 Dueling Match #11

Jon Phillips

Nerd | Traveling the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Pine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Jon walked the pair of fourth years onto the dueling platform, ready to get their duel underway. He explained the rules and assigned them different ends of the stage and when he was sure they understood everything he stepped away so their duel could begin.

OOCOut of Character:
Please refer to the spell list for guidance. No board rule breaking is acceptable. Have fun! I have a copy of the code that you should use with every post. Remember, when you are knocked out, unable to shoot anymore spells, you lost. And if you run out of points, you lose.

The duel begins now. If someone doesn't post after 24 hours, they are disqualified.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 
[hr]RP content[hr][b]Action(s) Taken:[/b] 
[b]Point Changes:[/b]
[b]Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150

Alistair was sure he must have been bitten by a mackled malaclaw as a child, and had some sort of severe allergic reaction that left him magically unlucky for the rest of his life. How else could he explain his bad luck? Being paired with one of his few friends in the dueling tournament, for example, was one reason he felt this way. Andromeda was one of the last people he wanted to have to duel, as someone he could actually consider himself at least slightly close to, which was ironic given she didn't like to be physically close with anyone. It had taken him a great deal of encouragement and preparation to even sign up for the tournament, and now he regretted that decision.

Bowing toward Andy, Alistair reluctantly raised his wand. "Confundo." He incanted in a half-assed way. It felt wrong to use magic against someone he was comfortable to be around. One of them had to win, and he wanted to be that person, but he didn't want to ruin one of the few friendships he had.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145

Current Points: 150</COLOR>

The last person she ever wanted to duel was Alistair, but Andy wanted to win, and she wanted to win fairly. Ad, she hoped that he would not take it easy on her. He cast his spell, which was something she did not expect at all. She blocked it with a protego. She then set out the Bat-bogey hex toward her friend, almost feeling bad, but this was a tournament.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 145

The bat-bogey hex wasn't the worst of spells to be hit by, but that didn't mean Alistair intended to lose from being chased off by his own animated boogers. The boy casted his own protego to ward off the incoming spell, and followed it up with his own jelly-fingers jinx. Also not the worst, but one that would easily win him the duel if it landed.
Action(s) Taken: Cast two spells
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135

Current Points: 140</COLOR>

Andy tried to dodge the spell but managed to kiss entirely. The jinx managed to turn her fingers into jelly but to her relief, she threw up the hand that didn’t contain the wand. She narrowed her eyes toward her friend and cast be stunning spell. First year spell but didn’t catenary.
Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:Hit by Spell, Cast Spell
Points Remaining:<COLOR color="green">+10, 150

Current Points: 135

Alistair had not expected his curse to hit Andromeda, and though it did, he was disappointed to see it didn't have the desired effect. Or, it did, just not on the hand he'd been trying to affect. The success did instil the Slytherin with more confidence, the thought that he was finally good at sonethijg after all. He didn't have long to reflect on it, as Andy returned fire with a stunning spell. Alistair barely stepped out of the way in time, the jet of red light harmlessly snagging the tip of his cloak in his delayed movement. That had been a close call. The boy took careful aim of his wand at his friend, deciding that if she wouldn't be dropping her wand, he'd just have to force it away from her hand. "Expelliarmus!"
Action(s) Taken: Spell successful, dodged spell, cast spell
Point Changes: -20 -10 -5
Points Remaining: 100

Current Points: 150</COLOR>

Andy managed to throw up another protego to protect her wand from flying away from her. She sighed and thought over the spells, before sending out a petrificus totalus toward her friend.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 100

The brief moment it took Andromeda to consider her spell was enough time for Alistair to prepare his shield. As the girl sent the petrification curse his way, he quickly blocked it. If she wasn't going to hold back, then he didn't need to, either. "Stupefy!" He shouted, casting his own stunning spell in retaliation.
Action(s) Taken: Cast two spells
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 90

OOCOut of Character:
Due to the 24 hour rule, Alistair Lancaster is the winner!

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