Wrong Place Right Time

Rosalinda Montez

Active Member
OOC First Name
It was a dark and cold night outside and Rosie was so drunk that she couldn't walk straight.She walked a few steps down the cobbled street and then halted.Why am I walking? she thought.She took her wand out from under her jacket and closed her eyes and concentrated hard on the door of her apartment.But just as she was going to dissaparate an image of the bleak street flashed in her mind.Oh no! she thought as she dissaparated with a crack.

She apparated on a dark,quiet and spooky street which she immediately recognized."Arghh!"she groaned as she took two stumbling steps froward.She knew that it would be hard to dissaparate from the Bleak street so she took a few uneven steps holding the wall for support.She turned to her right and walked on,almost tripping on small rocks.But after a while she realized that she had walked into a darker part of the alley where she had never been.She knew this place was very dangerous and in her condition she would never find her way back.Fear gripped her and she collapsed to the stone floor where she lay unconcious.
Ryan was walking home after spending the day with a couple of mates in the poison ater. He was on the way home and he found himself walking through the dark part of Bleak Street. This wasnt a problem for Ryan. He knew this place like the back of his hand as he had become accustomed to the layout of Bleak Street since he had moved here three years ago. Not to mention he would come here every now and then when he was younger with his parents when they were on business or what ever. Back then it was none his business and all he knew to ask is when they were going and when they would be back. Anything else was nothing to do with him.

As Ryan walked through the alley, lit only by the full moon which was on full show tonight as there were no clouds in the starry night. It wasnt much light but it was doing the job as Ryan could just about see where he was and he could also see the girl on the floor. With a confused frown Ryan cautiously walked over to her and lent down next to her. He could smell the Alcohol from there and he wrinkled his nose. He reached out his arm and turned her over so he could see her face. She was out cold and even if Ryan was a death eater and hated most people he knew he couldnt just leave her here. It was a cold night and the thought of what some of the people around here would do to her, it made him sick. He looked around quickly to make sure that no-one else could see the more or less nice act he was about to do, Ryan picked her up in his arms and stood up again. Checking the alley again he saw nobody so he quickly apperated back to his apartment.

Once his feet touched the floor outside of the door he flicked his hand. "Alohomora." He uttered quietly under his breath as he opened the door and closed it with his foot. Ryan walked up the stairs and into his room and laid the drunk girl on his bed before turning around and walking out again. He went into his living room and took out the book he was reading and lay down on the sofa and began to read

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