Closed Written Letters

Marley Owens-Lee

5th 🦡 puff co-captain 🧹 artistic 🎨 energetic 💫
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
15 (05/2048)
Marley had quite enjoyed Hogwarts so far. Everyone she had met so far had been nice to her and she had hoped that it would stay that way. Her cousin had been helpful with showing her around and whatnot. The castle was huge and there were so many things she wanted to explore. The forbidden forest had been something that perked her ears and she definitely wanted to have a peak. Although she had been excited about the castle and starting school, she did in fact miss her dad and she had hoped that he was doing okay. She spent the night writing a letter to her dad and the next morning she had made her way to the owlery and sent her letter, hoping that the letter had arrived to her dad safely.

Hey dad,

It's me Marley! I hope you are doing great! I miss you loads! I just wanted to write and to let you know that Hogwarts is super duper cool! The castle is HUGE! I don't know how many times I've been lost in this place. I've been sorted into Hufflepuff! It's super cosy here and there is so much yellow! Amodeus isn't in the same house as me though, which I'm a little sad about, but I'm sure it will be all okay.

I've made a few friends already. My roommate is really nice, even though we haven't really spoken much, Everyone is nice, really. Kyon has been really helpful too! Classes start soon and I'm really excited for the classes. I hope they aren't too boring!

Anyways, enough about me, how are you doing? I hope you aren't missing me too much haha! Anything new I should know about?

Miss you loads,
Marley xx
The house was unusually quiet without Marley around. He'd gotten used to her noise, her presence. Even with the extra days down at the docks and the extra time he was spending with Telia, his days just felt lonelier. So, of course he was thrilled when the letter came in. He smiled, settling in to read it eagerly. He chuckled, and set it aside once he had finished. He had to go to his office to get a pen and notepad, but he came back to the table to write up a reply.

Dear Marley,

Thank you for taking some time to write to an old man. It sounds like you're having a good time. I'm glad that you're making friends and that you're enjoying school. I've been keeping busy, seeing Miss Telia and working on my ship, but that's fairly normal. How is Amodeus? Is he in Hufflepuff, too? I hope you're doing alright. I hope you're doing well. Be sure to let me know if you need anything.

All my love,
Killian (a.k.a., Dad)
Hi Dad,

You're so not an old man! Of course I'll write to you! I miss you too much not to write! I miss home a little too. I can't wait to see you soon during break! It feels different not seeing you all the time. Nope, Amodeus wasn't sorted into Hufflepuff, which is a bummer, but I make sure to see him all the time! He's in Gryffindor and he made some friends which I am happy about!

School is awesome! I'm enjoying the classes, but doing homework is super boring! (I promise im doing the homework though!) They have a forrest here that's forbidden! I'm not sure why. How's everyone? Tell them I say Hi!

I'll let you know if there is anything I need at all!

I miss you loads!

- Marley xx

These old bones would protest that I am, indeed, an old man. I miss you too, sweetness. I'm sending along a few presents- your aunts helped me pick it out. It's a scrapbook, a journal, and a magical camera. Take all the pictures you want, document your time at school. Capture your memories. And share what you want to when you're home again.

I'm sad you two were seperated, but I'm glad you're making other friends as well. Do remember to keep up on your schoolwork, but also don't forget to spend time with your friends. And stay out of that forest! If they say it's forbidden, then it's dangerous, so please don't go in.

Your brothers are both acting lovesick, but they haven't shared any details yet. I'll keep you updated as I know more.

All my love,

Hi Dad!

Hope you're doing well! Missing you loads! I don't believe you! You're definitely not an old man! Thank you for the gifts! I'll make sure to use them and show it all to you during the break. It will be fun to do at school for sure.

It's a little sad that me and Amodeus aren't in the same house, but he seems like he's doing good! I still see him heaps, so I guess it makes up for that. I've been keeping up with my homework and studies, don't worry! And I haven't been in that forest, I promise!

Flying class and history of magic seem to be my favourite classes and im liking them heaps! I flew on my broom this week, which was super fun! What do you think of me trying out for the quidditch team next year?

Lovesick huh? Tell them I miss them too! I miss you dad and I hope you and the family are doing good!

Miss you loads,
Marley xx

I'm looking forward to seeing all your pictures and hearing all the stories you're building up about your time at school. I think if you want to try out for Quidditch, you should go for it! What position are you wanting to play? When you come home for break we'll go shopping and buy you what you need- the proper gear, a nice broom, maybe a few books on the sport. How does that sound?

And yes, lovesick! Your eldest brother has moved in with a girl- can you believe it? He went from no girlfriend to living with one. I'm a little wary of it, but she seems like a sweetheart, very demure and polite, so I just hope they can work things out. And your other brother- well, he hasn't brought anyone home, but he's been fawning about a girl he met, so that's been fun to hear about. I just hope they both find happiness, that's all.

Keep me updated about your year, and stay out of trouble!

All My Love,
Y45 - Second Year (2060)

Hi dad!

Hope you're doing well! I miss you already! I'm sorry for the late letter! I tried out for the house quidditch team this year and I managed to get into the team as a beater! IT'S SO COOL! I guess all that practice during the break made up for it! Classes have been okay, but they're really boring... But I promise I'm doing all the work! My friends are doing well too and I like seeing and spending time with them! Teddy made it onto the Quidditch team too as an alternate seeker which is super cool!

Anyway, how are you, dad? How's everyone? I'm not missing out on anything, am I? I miss you guys so much!

Miss you heaps!
Marley xx

I miss you too, sweetness! Congratulations on making the team, and for Teddy as well! Did Amodeus try out? He doesn't seem to be the strongest flyer. Are you keeping him out of trouble? Your brothers and I are doing well- Elijah has been bringing around Miss Lavender more, and CJ says he's hanging out with this nice girl that owns a club. Her little brother was actually just sorted there- Helios, I believe. Would you check in on him, please? CJ says she worries about him. And you're always so sweet, I think he could use a friend like you. I'm taking miss Teila out for dinner again tonight. Let me know how school is, hm? And say hello to Dominic for me.

Love, Dad
Hi Dad!

Thank you! I'm so happy about it! Our first game isn't that far away so I'm really excited about it! Nope, Amodeus didn't try out but that's okay! I'm sure he'll be okay though! I'll make sure Amodeus will keep out of trouble. That's nice! I'm glad CJ and Elijah are doing good and have found amazing people! I don't remember who her brother is, but I'll keep an eye out and look for him and see if he's doing okay.

School is going great! Classes are really fun and I'm enjoying all the classes so far! Astronomy and DADA are probably my favourite classes this semester though! I'm not exactly sure why, but I like what we are learning in these classes.

Enjoy your dinner with Miss Teila! I'm sure it's going to be fun! Please say hi to her for me! I hope she's doing well! I'll be sure to say hi to Dominic for you too! Let me know how your dinner goes with her. I'd really like to know how everything went.

Love you Dad and miss you loads!
Marley xx
Marley Bear,

Make sure to tell me how your game goes! Win or lose, just play well and have fun! You can't always win in life, so focus on the joy of playing the game and just doing your best.

CJ and Elijah both send you hugs and kisses, and CJ asked me to send you the glitter he bought you- it's a three pack, pink purple and blue, he says that it's easy to clean up but he thought you'd love it. He also says the boys name is Helios and that he's a real scaredy cat.

Those are good classes. Astronomy is basically the study of stars, isn't it? Stars are important to sailors, you know. We use them to navigate the oceans. There's a lot of sophisticated equipment these days to help, but I like to chart our course with a sextant as well- keeping it a little old school. Perhaps when you come home for break I can teach you how to use one. Would you like to take a trip on the sea with me? I can get our own little sailboat and we can take a small trip around, how does that sound? A little daddy-daughter time.

Dinner with Miss Teila went well. We had a great time. How's Dominic?

I hope school is going well! Keep your head up, Marley Bear, I'm sure you're having an amazing time. And I'm always here to talk to if there's ever anything on your mind.

Love, Dad
Y46 - Third Year (2061-2062)

Hi dad!

Sorry for writing this letter a little later than usual! It's been a busy couple of weeks! School has been good, I am enjoying classes like I usually am! We're learning about boggarts in defence against the dark arts, which I think is pretty cool! Though it's a bit scary looking If I'm being honest! I also joined the yearbook team, which I'm super excited about and I cannot wait to see the behind the scenes of it all! We had our quidditch game happen, though I'm bummed we didn't win! I wasn't in the air for that long and the Gryffindor team had managed to get the snitch! Teddy's team won instead, but I am happy for him and his team either way!

That's all the updates I have for you as of right now, but how are you doing? How is Teila and everyone else? I hope I'm not missing out on too much! As always, I miss you all heaps and I hope to send you a letter again soon!


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