
Elvira Rojas

Beauxbatons Graduate | Competitive
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/2029 (32)
Elvira Rojas had never been in New Zealand before, or even on this side of the world. It was incredible to think this had been possible because she was part of the quidditch team. They had seen the inside of the castle now, but Elvira always preferred the outside. It may be fall here, which was strange for her to wrap her mind around, but that didn't make it less awesome. Just a bit colder than she would've liked. She had been told the forest in the distance was off-limits, which was a shame, but she had fun exploring outside where she was allowed. Occasionally she cheerfully waved at a passing Hogwarts student, delighted by the confusion on some faces. She hoped she could use this international opportunity to make more friends. Maybe a pen pal! With each passing person she saw, she wondered if they would be on the opposing team for the match, but there was no way to tell if anyone played quidditch. She had been told Gryffindor's color was red, though, so she kept an eye out for those. She couldn't wait to play against them, it would be awesome.
The pink haired second year walked out across the lawn with as much determination as a bee trying to find its hive. After everything she'd been through this year, she wanted to make sure that she was ready for the next one, and would waste no more time without pursuing something she truly desired. Last year she'd managed to miss the Quidditch try-outs, and the year before that she'd been too young. Geo was hopeful though, and as supportive as she'd tried to be to the Hufflepuff team she knew she was going to need to practise if she wanted to join them. Dressed in her flying outfit, broom in hand, she was headed in the direction of the Quidditch pitch when she noticed a student she didn't recognise. While it wasn't that unusual, given the length of time she'd actually been at the school, Geo thought she looked a little out of place. Where were her friends? She continued to walk, but her blue eyes were fixed securely on this student, wondering what she was up to. Suddenly the girl waved at her, and Geo waved back with little control over her own body, not realising her interaction until it happens. She paused, not too far away from her, wondering if she did actually know her and she was mistaking her for a stranger. "Do I know you?" she called out, hoping she wouldn't come across as rude if she did.
One of the students she waved at approached Elvira, and she grinned. "Nope!" She said in response to the girl's question, delighted by her confusion. She headed closer with a smile. "Not possible unless you happen to frequent France. Or Chile." When talking in English, her natural language of Spanish mostly came through as an accent. "Your hair is really awesome, by the way. I'm Elvira, on the visiting team that's gonna kick your school's butt." She said, grinning. "Our beater used to have pink hair, but its red now. You must have pretty awesome parents for them to let you dye it so young." Her own parents wouldn't let her, not even temporarily, and she was sure this girl was younger than she was. "Are you in Gryffindor? That's the team we'll be playing later."
Geo was even more confused when the student said they didn't know one another, and it took her a moment to remember that Beauxbatons had apparently come to face off against the winning Gryffindor team this year. It wasn't as though she was expected to remember, so she couldn't feel too bad. She smiled at the comment about her hair; She'd decided to make the most of what she had, and no matter how arrogant some people considered it, she was going to embrace all of her ability. "Thanks, though what I do has no effect on my parent's opinions of me" she decided to keep things simple, it would only make the situation more awkward if she delved straight into the full truth. "No I'm not in Gryffindor" She admitted. If she had been asked that at the beginning of her first year she wouldn've responded much more offensively, but she was proud of her house and had realised she was better suited to it after all. "I'm in Hufflepuff. The yellow's. Although I'm not actually on the team." She felt as although she had to clarify this to the girl, although it wouldn't be long before she found that out for herself. "My girlfriends brother is the Gryffindor Seeker though. He doesn't like to be beaten" she added with a smile. She'd only met James a few times, but being on the team was something she'd seen he cared about, and no doubt wouldn't go easy on the international school. "I'm Geo." she said, walking closer to the girl so she no longer needed to call out to her.
Hogwarts castle was nothing like Beauxbatons, and even though he'd visited once before, it still astounded Brendan how different they were. New Zealand lacked the same elegance as the French school, yet it remained somewhat charming. The redhead enjoyed exploring, given more of an opportunity to do so this year than he had the previous, which felt shorter by comparison, but there came a point where the strangeness of being in a foreign land, and not being the most fluent in English, that it was almost overwhelming, and the boy needed to ground himself with some familiar faces. Thankfully it didn't take him long to find two. "Jessica! Elvira!" Fulke called out as he approached what he assumed to be his two teammates, though it soon dawned on him as he reached them that one of them wasn't who he'd thought, she must have been a Hogwarts student. "Ah, sorry! I thought you were someone I know. I'm Brendan." He apologised to the foreign girl and introduced himself with a small wave of his hand, forgetting for a moment that their beater had changed her hair from pink to red recently. It was taking some getting used to. Switching to French, he leaned in toward his teammate. "Are you busy? I need to hang around with someone familiar. Everything is so different here."
Elvira couldn't help but wonder what the girl meant by her statement about her parents. She wondered if it was just a saying she didn't know. She was fairly good at English, but not fluent enough to understand non-literary things all the time. She gave a snort. "Huff-lepuff? Is that really the name?" She asked, laughing quietly. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. I want to be one of those, it sounds like fun." She said with another laugh. She grinned when the girl mentioned her girlfriends brother. Partly because she always felt a sense of kinship with other girls that were dating girls, and partly because she was happy to hear their seeker was competitive too. "He'll have to get used to it." She said proudly. "I'll catch that snitch before he does, I'm sure." She smiled when the girl introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Geo."

Then Brendan called out to them, and Elvira took a second to see if she saw Jessica anywhere near. Then she realized he had mistaken the pink haired girl she was talking to for their teammate and stifled a giggle. She waved at him as he approached and was quiet as he introduced himself to the younger girl. He seemed a little nervous, and she wondered if he was excited to be here. When he switched to French, she leaned closer to hear him, a small frown on her face. "I"m not busy," She replied in French as well. "Just trying to make new friends, the people here seem really nice, don't you think?" She cleared her throat, then switched back to English. "This is Geo with awesome hair, she's not a Gryffindor but a Huffypuff." She said with a grin. "Isn't that the best name for anything ever?" She nudged the younger girl. "Will you be the only one rooting for us at the game? It kind of is a shame we couldn't bring our entire school here to cheer us on. Makes sense, but still, we'll have to get used to being boo'd I suppose."
Geo smiled as the girl tried to pronounce her house name, allowing her to believe that she was correct. It was more funny that way. Whoever she was, she seemed confident that she'd be able to beat James as the Beauxbatons seeker, and she wondered if she'd be leaving the school quite as happy as she was now. She liked the girls energy, she seemed excited and ready to go. She was going to ask her name but her head turned in a new direction when another student approached them, although she wasn't going to lie that she wasn't impressed when he decided to speak French in front of her. "Are you finding the school to your liking?" She asked in an attempt to break up the language she couldn't comprehend. If either of them had a problem, there were more students and professors alike around the castle who would be more than happy to help. She smiled once again as the girl referred to her house with a few too many syllables, but considered her most recent question with the shortest of intervals. "You'll be going head to head with a house that contains at least five of my closest friends." she crossed her arms over her chest, glancing between the pair of them "and they're this years winning Quidditch Champions. Of course I'll be rooting for you. Put them back in their place" She joked. Obviously Hufflepuff deserved to win most of all, and it was during Quidditch games that Geo's competitive streak truly shined.

"So, you're the seeker." She nodded at the girl who'd introduced herself as Elvira "And are you keeping this team in line, or what?" she asked, wondering what position the boy played. It didn't hurt to get a little inside knowledge before the game began.
Brendan nodded his relief, happy to take a break from wandering around on his own. "So far! I'm wondering what the team we face will be like, though I haven't met any of the red players." He responded, dropping the French quickly as they moved the topic along. "A Huffypuff. The names here are very interesting! And a little confusing also. The...Griffindoors 'ave a lion instead of a griffin?" That wasn't even getting started on the Ravenclaws animal being so obviously not a raven. He didn't quite understand it but he was sure there was a perfectly good reasons for the differences. "The school is very charming! I 'ave seen many wonderful things. Two memorials! Beauxbatons has a beautiful fountain for Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel, they say it has healing powers. But 'ave not heard of this Rose Landers or Avie Mitchell. Are they famous wizards here in New Zealand?" The boy inquired, having not heard either name before in his history lessons, though he knew of at least a few English witches and wizards, they were few and far between. Being here in New Zealand really was turning out to be an educational experience all around. There was so much to learn about being in new countries.

When the girl, Geo as he now knew her, mentioned Quidditch positions, Brendan shook his head. "Non, our captains are Grace and- oh." He stopped, a look of understanding on his face as he realised what she had been trying to do. He'd mistaken her comment as her thinking he had a position of leadership. "Haha, I see! Actually, I am a Chaser. What about you? What do you play?"
Elvira was thrilled to meet this girl and meet up with Brendan at the same time. He was always nice to her, and she would be on the team with him next year too. It was a bit sad to think how many of their teammates would be graduating, so anyone that stayed was a relief. She nodded at the girl's question. "It's funny, so old and grey! Very different." She said with a shrug. "I like the armors standing around, and the lake is nice. Is it fun to swim in there?" She asked with a curious glance at the lake int he distance. She laughed in delight when Geo said she would be rooting for them, holding her her hand for a high five. "See Brendan? We already have one fan in New Zealand." She said with a grin at him. "Maybe we should spend the rest of the time until the match converting others so we an adoring audience too." It seemed like Brendan had picked up a lot more information than Elvira had, as he asked her about memorials around the school. She had no idea, as she had never heard of either oft hose names. Hopefully Geo would have some answers. She didn't immediately understand the girl's joke about Brendan's position on the team, her brow furrowing as she tried to figure out what she said. Then she got it and laughed along with him. "Brendan is one of our best chasers, I'm sure you'll see him score a lot," she said, boasting on his behalf. "Maybe so much I won't even have to find the snitch, we'll be that much ahead." She said, giving him a grin to show him she wasn't serious and not trying to put pressure on him. "Though all our players are really good." She added quickly.
Geo grinned at Brendan when he mentioned the animals for their houses weren't exactly what was expected. "I guess each house was named after their founder, but the animal represents the personality trait?" She asked them out loud before continuing "Gryffindors are Lions - Because they're brave" she added, knowing that it was quite a stereotypical way to group children but most students seemed to be open to the idea of owning multiple traits from each house. It was only the particularly rude or closed minded ones around here that thought their houses completely defined their personality. Geo briefly recollected the names of the two people the boy spoke of from her History lessons, although she lowered her head for a moment when he asked her who theirs belonged to. "Our memorials." she paused for a moment "They're not for famous wizards as such. At least not in the way you're talking about. Rose and Avie were students here.." She really didn't want to make the topic take a depressing turn so quickly or have the guests worried for their safety, and did her best to recover the situation "I think they had accidents, although I'm not sure what. It was before I joined the school. We have the memorials for them in their honor now." Geo was glad to see how talkative they both were, allowing her to easily move on from such a lowering subject. She was surprised to hear that Elvira thought the castle was very grey, although Geo hadn't been to any of the other schools to compare it. "What is Beauxbatons like?" She asked out of curiosity, wishing she'd read more about the school as not to appear inconsiderate to her new friends. She gratefully received the high five, wondering what on earth Jess or James would think if she saw her hanging around the enemy. It was all in good fun though, and besides, it was just a game. "Chaser is a good position I would think. That's what I would want to be if I ever got on our team." She said, knowing how fun it would be to come up against Elly as the Ravenclaw keeper, and even after their practice sessions she would try to score the goals against her. "I was heading there now actually. Just to practice...for fun. I mean if you have spare time and you're not already sick of Qudiditch..?" She trailed off, hoping they'd understand what she meant. For French students they had been great at speaking English, and Geo knew she would have to start learning languages if she wanted to be as well spoken.
"Ah!" Brendan nodded his understanding as Geo sort of explained the difference between the founders and their chosen animals, though he still wasn't entirely sure. Lions were brave enough, but so were griffins, it was the obvious choice. Despite the founder actually being spelled Gryffin-dor, as he'd find out later, his thoughts didn't change. If Brendan had founded a magical school with the surname Spyderwick, he certainly wasn't going to then go and choose a wolf as his mascot. Elvira's comments on the castle left Brendan stifling a snort of laughter - old and grey certainly weren't the most complementary terms, as true as he thought they were. Beauxbatons was a grand and majestic palace that took great pride in its appearance, whereas Hogwarts was just...rather plain. When Geo responded to his comment on the memorials, Fulke listened eagerly, looking forward to hearing some sort of exciting tale about New Zealand magicians who had done astonishing things. The Flamels of Beauxbatons were always interesting to hear about, their works in alchemy and creating a magical stone that let them live almost forever, to turn metal into gold, it was stuff of fairytales made real even by wizarding standards, and he loved it. So, it was somewhat disappointing to hear that Hogwarts' memorials were for dead students. He opened his mouth in surprise, not at all expecting that response. Had they died here, in the school? He didn't want to think about it, and was glad that the topic was kept brief, not interested in pursuing it any further in case it scared him off from coming back in future years.

Describing Beauxbatons was difficult to put into words he knew, and Fulke took a moment to consider the question. "It is, ah, very elegant, very stunning place. We 'ave beautiful gardens and mountains that surround the chateau, it is something you would see on a magazine. Right, Elvira?" It was the best way he could think to explain it, not wanting to gush too much about how much prettier Beauxbatons was, but the fact remained that it was a breathtaking place to live and study at, and seeing it all from the sky during Quidditch practices was even better. When he was younger, he could have fun and pretend he was a nobleman, overseeing his many subjects below. With the topic on Quidditch, Elvira's comments about Brendan's chaser skills left him blushing in embarrassment, his cheeks almost matching his red hair. He certainly wished any of that were true, his own expectations were high enough with the upcoming match, and actually being at Hogwarts had him more nervous about it than ever, but he chuckled along, shaking his head in amusement. As Geo made mention of heading to the Quidditch pitch for practice, Brendan looked quietly side-along at Elvira. He didn't have any of his gear on him, it was still away with the rest of his things, but he was sure he was sure it wouldn't take long to grab. Then again, flying in front of the enemy before the match perhaps wasn't the best of ideas.
Geo's explanation about the houses didn't really interest Elvira all that much. Sure, it was nice to get some background information, but a history lesson was a bit much in her opinion. It also seemed odd to her to classify students in houses like that. If you didn't get put in Gryffindor, wouldn't that feel like that meant you weren't brave? She also wondered how they were sorted in these houses, but she didn't really want to ask and linger on this subject even more. The news that the memorials were for dead students was a bit startling, and Elvira's smile slipped for the first time. She glanced at Brendan because she honestly wasn't sure what to say to that. Thankfully, Geo seemed to move on from the topic quite quickly. It was too sad a topic to linger on for long. The pink haired girl asked what Beauxbatons was like, and Brendan gave a pretty good answer. "Yup, it's really beautiful." She said, nodding. "Less... grey. I guess." She gestured vaguely. "With nice gardens." Brendan had said as much, but she wanted to say something too. She nodded in agreement. "It is, like going to school in a painting." She said, grinning. She had to admit she preferred Beauxbatons to Hogwarts from what she had seen so far, even if this cool old castle was pretty nice too. "Chaser seems okay, Seeker is great though!" She said eagerly. "If a bit stressful, sometimes." Her eyes lit up at the invitation in Geo's sentence, and she clapped her hands together eagerly. "Oh! I'm never sick of Quidditch, that sounds like fun!" She glanced at Brendan. "Right? I mean, she's not on the team we'll be playing against... so it should be fine, don't you think?" She wasn't sure if Grace and Jessica would agree, but maybe they didn't need to know. "Like some last minute extra practice."
Geo had to admit that their description of Beauxbatons certainly made the school sound more cheerful than Hogwarts. She was never the type of person to say or think that Hogwarts didn't have aspects of it that were beautiful, but it was hard to compete when told the French counter part looked as though it was from a magazine or painting. "Well, if we ever come to you, you'll have to show us all the nicest areas." she said glancing between them. It may have been a tactic they were using to fall the Hufflepuff into a false sense of security, but she considered them both to be very friendly, and wouldn't hesitate to seek them out if their paths ever crossed again in the future.

They seemed to like the idea of practising a little more before the match begun, and Geo grinned at Elvira's enthusiasm. "I mean, surely it's only fair that you freshen up your skills before the big game?" she added, trying to encourage them more. If anyone from the Gryfindor team was to watch them, they may learn a thing or two about how they played, but it was unlikely since most of the school were currently in lessons, and as a second year Geo had more time off than the others. Plus, it would be nice to play against someone new. "There's a bunch of spare equipment down by the pitch if that helps" she shrugged, unaware of whether they would need anything special to use. If Beauxbatons was anything like Mahoutokoro they'd need their own kind of broomstick, but the Hufflepuff at this point was almost jumping on the spot, ready to go and challenge the new contenders.
Brendan nodded his head with a small smile as Elvira expressed interest in some small practice time. It couldn't hurt, he supposed, especially with only the two of them playing out of the entire team, though the thought occurred to him that maybe he could intentionally play somewhat badly, and potentially lull the competition into a false sense of confidence to make them sloppier when the time to play against them finally came. Then again, what were the chances of them even watching? Either way, he looked forward to getting some air time to warm up for the match. It was only fair, seeing as the red team probably had plenty of their own time to continue training leading up to the big game while Beauxbatons were here. "Yes! I'm 'appy to get the extra practice in. When the Gryffindors see how well we play, they just might decide to back out." He joked, though in reality it was the last thing he'd ever want to happen. He didn't want this year to feel like as much of a waste of time as the previous year had felt. He wanted to show the whole school that Beauxbatons were the very best, they'd trained all year for it. "I do not mind using spare equipment. After all, I 'ave to keep my broom in perfect condition for the big match!" The redhead had spent a lot of his morning taking care of his broomstick, delicately making sure it was in pristine condition, and he was happier leaving it that way until he really needed it.
Elvira beamed at the girl's comment, nodding with enthusiasm. "That would be so fun! I hope that can happen sometime." She paused, nudging her. "Or you could transfer." She added as a joke.

The idea of a practice was wonderful to her, and she could hardly contain her excitement. She nodded when Geo said they should freshen up their skills, that was exactly right! She was glad Brendan agreed. "And we get to scope out the pitch! See if there's anything we can report back to our captains." She said, though it seemed unlikely. A quidditch pitch was a quidditch pitch, no matter the country. "And I don't mind using spare equipment either. It's good to be adaptable." She said eagerly. "Let's go!" It wasn't like anyone could miss the quidditch pitch, so she was fairly sure where to go. Still, she waited for the Hogwarts girl to take the lead, as this was her home.

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