wow, she's niiiice!

Jake Kiernan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jake lay down in the grass, it was pretty long and he was watching a small group of people talking. He watched for about five minutes until they split up, one coming his way. The plan was to scare them. He was bored and this seemed like something fun to do.

The one coming his way was a blonde girl but he couldn't see her properly until she was close. He jumped up and screamed at her loudly, laughing when she jumped. He then noticed that she was pretty. Well, when he said pretty he of course meant hot. "Hey." He spoke in a smooth voice, obviously flirting with her.
Zascha was sat with a few of her friends until they had to go and do homework. Zascha, of course, had already done hers so didn't feel like sitting around doing nothing while they caught up. She walked into the long grass and held her hands out so it brushed past her fingers when she walked.
Zascha let out a small scream when someone jumped out in front of her. "Sh!t!! What the hell do you think you're doing??" He looked pretty fit but she wasn't going to give him a chance until she stopped making her jump out of her skin
Jake shrugged and laughed. "I'm stopping myself being bored. Why? What are you doing?" He was in a very annoying and flirty mood. He looked closer at this girl, he still thought she was pretty fit, even more so up close than far away. "So, who are you then?"
Zascha shook her head. "Because I prefer not to be scared sh!tless by stupid little boys and I'm walking. Duh." She stared at him. Boys really could be complete twits. "Zascha. Who are you??"
JAke raised his eye brows, he was obviosly older than this girl and yet she could call him a stupid little boy. "I assure you Zacsha darling, I am anything but little." He winked cheekily before introducing himself. "I'm Jake my dear."
"Well then, Jake-my-dear. Put it this way; try and scare me again and I will chop off you're 'manly parts' and throw them to my friends cat. Got that straight??" She smiled evily. She loved being able to be in control of other people. School was the only place it could happen. At her house she was the bottom of the food chain.
Jake laughed at her attempted threat. "I wouldn't do that honey, people will miss them." He laughed and placed his arm round her. "You know you'd never harm someone s goreous as me anyway." He couldn't help but laugh t that, even he wasn't that conceited.
Zascha had to admit that he was completely gorgeous. She looked up at him for a second when he hugged her then she shook herself out of her daydream and looked away. "Get off me. God boys are so annoying sometimes."
Jake laughed and put on an offended look. "I'll have you know I'm a man, not a boy love." He winked again and laughed. "But, if you don't want my company then2 what's stopping you from walking away. It's not like you can't find another bloke that will treat you nice and look the way I do." He laid down on the ground, his eyes closed, and waited to see if she sayed like he hoped she would.
Zascha had to agree that there weren't many good looking guys at this school. They were all rank weirdos with glasses and afros. She sighed and sat next to him. "Fine, I admit it. You're cuter than any other guys here. You're still annoying though."
JAke grined as he opened his eyes. "That's what I thought babe, Sorry though, I aim to annoy and flirt." He winked and laughed, rolling over so he was on his belly and facing her.
Zascha rolled her eyes. "And I aim to get good grades. Boys don't help with that. They're distracting." She started pulling up some of the grass by her feet so her hands had something to do.
Jake grinned, he could tell she was trying to discourage him. She wouldn't succeed. "Well,it's a good job I'm getting top marks in almost everything isn't it. I can help you study." He wondered how she would take that.
Zascha's eyes widened. "That's a new one." She laughed. "Usually I have to help other people study. Now I'm having someone offer to help me." Zascha had a tutor who taught her in the holidays and on the weekends to make sure she was getting the grades Jeanne-Claire and Pascal wanted her to get.
Jake grinned. "Well, I'm just that great. You know what, you think it over and I'll see you around." He grinned, stood up, and winked at her before walking away. This was a strategy, if they followed then he got the girl, if not there was no embarressment through rejection.
((Soz it's taken so long.))

Zascha stood up and walked quickly so she caught up with him. "I'd like it." She smiled as she fell into step beside him. "Where are we going to do it then??" She looked ahead before turning back to him with the same smile on her face the whole time.
Jake grinned when she caught up with him. He was winning. "Up to you babe, I can focus anywhere." He laughed, he hadn't looked over at her since she had caught up with him.
Jake chuckled. "Yeah, I'm happy to go back to your room babe." He kept in the inapropriate comment that would obviously push her away. That's right where you want me ain't it? Yeah, he definitely wasn't going to say that.
Zascha smiled and led him to her room. It was tidy but then that was expected from someone who spent there life tidying up after their 'family'. She walked over to her desk and grabbed some books before taking them to her bed and sitting there. "Come on slow poke."
Jake laughed and entered the room, of course it was tidy, he had never met a girl with a messy room. Apart from his sister and Markov's sister. Apparently Markovs' girlfriend, Shaylah, did too but he hadn't met her yet. "I ain't no slow poke." HE chuckle and sat beside her. "So, what we studying first?"
Zascha opened one of the books by her side. "Charms. I am seriously starting to go down hill with it." She laughed slightly. "If I don't keep my grades up my step parents get all moody. It's annoying."
Jake smiled. "Alright then, show me your attempt and I'll tell you where you're going wrong and how to do it right." He was lucky Charms was one of his best subjects.
Jake nodded. "Well of course it's not working." With the wand movements and pronunciation she was using it was a wonder she could do any magic. "Okay for starters it's this." He performed the charm and it worked perfectly. "You see, not only did you say it wrong, you did the wrong wand movement." She had done it backwards. He did it again, saying it slowly and moving his wand slowly with it. "You see, now try."

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