Wow, I like this Place

Ariahna Northwood

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Ariahna Northwood was a curious girl. When first arriving in any new place, her first and pretty much only instinct was to look for things. To explore. She always liked not quite knowing what she was going to find, so she tended to go exploring into areas that had been deemed forbidden. Ariahna was just that kind of girl. She liked to find things out for herself, more than anything. She liked seeing things before believing them. Ariahna was walking the halls. Her long blonde hair bouncing as she walked. She had a small skip in her step and was acting almost hurried about it all. Even though she really wasn't. There wasn't much left for Ariahna to explore. And if she was honest, this was one of the days, when she doubted there was anything left to find. There was of course a down side to searching everyday for something new. Ariahna was optimistic that no matter what, she'd find something. Someone, or just anything. Because she found that enjoying the little things life had to offer meant that she found she was just happier overall. She didn't find the need to look for happiness. She had in everything. Lately one thing that had made her happier than life itself was the fact she could now call herself a proud Gryffindorian. An incredibly proud Gryffindorian. She was as per usual wearing her gryffindor Jock jersey, she was close to saying that it was her lucky jersey. It had to be. Her grandfather had always talked about the fact that he'd worn that the day he'd met her gran and her mother said it had brought her luck in all her exams. One thing was for certain, Ariahna was not going to easily give it up to anyone. No matter who they were, it was probably why she was glad she didn't have a younger sibling. The jersey would always be hers. It was old, and it held so much in terms of memories she was glad to add to that. Add her own memories, and then be ready to pass it on to her child far off into the future. Right now, it was just hers. And it always made her feel connect with her mum and her mum's history. Ariahna looked up to her more than anything. Her mum was her idol.

Ariahna spotted a door. It was on the second floor. She walked over, curious and walked in. She found that it was dark. So, she took out her wand and remembering the spell her mother had told her just before she'd gone to hogwarts, focused her mind and then said. "Lumos" After a faint start, her wand lit up. And now she could properly see around the room. Ariahna walked to the windows and pulled away the curtains. She was openning the second set, when she became aware that someone was entering the room. She didn't look round, but, didn't move either, she hoped to god that it wasn't a teacher. Or a prefect. Ariahna took a deep breath and turned. She let out a great sigh of relief, while putting one hand against the wall to stablise herself. While with her wand hand, running it through her long blonde hair. "Thank god. I thought it you were a teacher." Ariahna said, laughing slightly. The person who'd entered the room, was a pupil who looked about first year, like Ariahna. Ariahna stood up and put away her wand, the light now gone. "I didn't know if we are allowed in here. I can't see why not, but, you know." Ariahna looked around the room, before letting her large blue eyes settle on the girl. "I'm Ariahna."
Alice had just been to the Lakefront and, after a disastrous meeting, leaving her completely upset, she decided to walk around the school. It was calm and quite and Alice just wanted to think over what had happened. Peering into classroom windows to see if there were empty ones, she finally noticed a single light coming from one. Walking closer, she smiled and saw a beautiful girl about her age practising some spells. Lighting her own wand, she opened the door silently and walked in. Taking in the girl properly now, she noticed that she was the complete opposite of Alice. Whereas Alice had dark brown ringlets for her hair, this girl had light blonde ringlets. And instead of Alice's chocolate brown eyes, pretty blue ones that stood out on her face. Sighing as she walked in further, Alice considered telling this girl how much she envied her hair and eyes. But, deciding that this would a weak way to introduce herself as an admirer, she smiled at the girl. "Hi Ariahna. Im Alice." She said looking around. "I think we are allowed in here, i don't see why not." She said with a worried tone. Alice had never been one to like getting in trouble or to risk things for courage, and so she was always cautious when going into new things.
The sense of relieve that Ariahna felt when the girl said that they should be allowed in the room was great. She didn't know if the girl knew more than she did, but safety in numbers was all Ariahna thought. She smiled brightly at the girl. Who introduced herself as Alice. Ariahna couldn't help but think that she'd met quite a few people who's names began with A. It was just considence but, Ariahna couldn't help but notice it. Ariahna now looked around the room. Being able to see it in proper light made her realise that it had been a classroom. She couldn't understand why it wouldn't still be used. It seemed like a perfectly good room. It couldn't be because it was haunted. The ghosts in the school, just wondered around. They lingered and it was no reason to stop classes. Perhaps it was a classes no longer run, or just because there were too many classrooms, and too few classrooms. All these questions swum around in Ariahna's head. She just couldn't figure it out. She had made a mental note to find out. "I'm sure we are allowed to use it. It looks like an abandoned classroom. And that surely means anyone can use it. I Don't see why they wouldn't use it." Ariahna said looking around the room. "I'm sure we'll be fine. And if a teacher does come in and we aren't meant to be here, I'll say I lead you here." Ariahna hoped it wouldn't come to that. But she would never let someone else take the fall for her, and the girl didn't seem like the type to want to get into trouble for something as small as entering a classroom. Ariahna smiled at the Alice. She wanted to be friends with her. The girl seemed nice. And she knew that early on in Hogwarts friends were pretty much crucial. "I'm a Gryffindor, what about you?" She asked, while wondering what the room could actually be used for. And then she had an idea. "Looking forward to classes?"

Ariahna once she'd asked, then proceeded to move all the desks out the way. It was quite a large room, and although in her mind doing a cheerleading move in a classroom was a bad idea, she was still insistent on trying. Of course she didn't say anything, instead she just moved the desks and tables out of her way as she listened to Alice talking. Once she had a big enough pathway. She took a bobble from her pocket and tied up her hair. She took off her jumper and put it too the side. She then, took off her shoes and kicked them to the side too. She moved till she was against the wall. And then shot a glance to Alice "Don't move" Ariahna said quickly, before taking a small run, and doing a Round off whip back. Ariahna did land very close to the wall. She had a smile on her face. And glanced back to Alice. "I guess I could find a use for it." Ariahna said, laughing slightly. Smiling happy she could still do what she'd learnt during the summer. "Though I think I'll stick to doing it outside."

OOCOut of Character:

Yeah, I didn't know what else to do. lol.
Alice laughed gently at the girl's offer to take the blame. "No, don't worry. I came in here on my own accord, nothing to do with you." She said lightly, although she was truly touched by the offer. "Im sure we are allowed in here." She added, finishing the concern for both of them. She held her wand higher and looked around the room, taking in the chairs and desks, stacked neatly against one wall. "Im a Ravenclaw." She said with a smile. "And, yes, i can't wait for lessons to start." She said with a smile, thinking of how desperate she was to start her learning about magic. "Although, the idea of flying freaks me out." She added, happy to talk to this girl whom she believed that she could trust. Her faith had been secured with the girl being in Gryffindor. Although it sounded as if she was being prejudiced, she had met many Gryffindor's who all seemed the same so far, trustworthy. It was probably just her imagination, but she knew from the books that she had read that it was an honourable house with many brave and courageous people. She understood perfectly well why she wasn't in the house, due to her lack of courage and daring spirit. But, she was glad to be in Ravenclaw and accepted as one of them.

Watching as the girl did a roundoff, she smiled and clapped gently. "I always wished i could do those, but i failed at pe." She said with a laugh itching to come out. It wasn't that she had just failed in PE, it was that she hadn't ever really tried. She had never been one to want to put herself if a position of hurt or pain, whether mentally or physically. To Alice, she saw PE as a perfect opportunity to hurt herself, and her fears had been confirmed when her best friend, Sarah, had broken her arm doing a cartwheel. They had always laughed about the memory and the joke had always been on Alice, whom had fainted when it happened and had reacted worst than Sarah herself. But, this had secretly confirmed to Alice that she wouldn't do PE again or any sort of sport that could make her hurt. Watching as the girl landed close to the wall, she smiled but felt worried that Ariahna would hurt herself. Nodding at the suggestion that it should be continued outside, she smiled and just stood there, not trusting herself to speak.

(OOC: No, don't worry. :p Im sorry that most of my post is thoughts, rather than speech. )
Ariahna felt pretty excited as she finished. it was always how she felt after a stunt she'd just pulled. It was just how things were with Ariahna. She had to always be learning something new or practicing to feel like she was getting anywhere in the cheerleading world. Or just because she did actually enjoy the thing itself. She found as long as there was always something new to be doing, that she wouldn't have any problems being able to do anything. Ariahna knew that it was of course a small part of her life now. She had to focus on the magic, and learning so that eventually she would become a prefect. Ariahna wasn't bothered about being Head Girl, although she thought it would be nice. She wanted to just be prefect. It would nice to get to that point. Plus, no matter what happened, Ariahna knew what she wanted to do when she was going to leave school, so she was pretty already focusing on that more than her extra-curricular activity. Ariahna began to put the tables to how they had been. "I'm sure you could. Everyone has a cheerleader inside of them. It is somewhat dangerous, but, it's really worth it, when you can do back flips, and round offs, and stuff like that. Plus, despite what people think, Cheerleading, is a very good sport." Ariahna said, she was sure that any girl or boy would be good at Cheerleading if they were given the chance. It was weird, since Ariahna had seen some girls who'd clearly not really gotten the cheer-leading thing. But Ariahna still believed that anyone could do it. Apart from cheer-leading, Ariahna was not restrictive in the sports she liked. She played more than one and it was really something she drove for. Sports kept her fit and healthy. Ariahna smiled at Alice. "I completely agree about flying. The whole thing seems a bit nerve racking. I mean, I know it will be amazing, but it's a broom, and generally brooms don't take the weight of a person. Even growing up with magic there are somethings which make me wonder how any of it is possible."

Ariahna finished putting the tables put to where they had been, and proceed to take off the bobble. She ruffled her long blonde hair, and placed the different strands into place. Her large blue eyes stared at the wall intently as she did this. Not having a mirror meant Ariahna was pretty sure that her hair was a bit of a mess. The long strands didn't always sit right. "Does my hair look okay?" Ariahna asked her. "I'm not one of those girls who thinks only of appearance, but I'd really prefer not walking out of here, with strands everywhere." Ariahna said with a smile and a little laugh. "It would however be great if my hair did sit right each day, and I didn't have to bother spending time fixing it. It'd much prefer to be making friends, or reading. What do you like to read?" Ariahna asked, remembering that Alice was a Ravenclaw, and she knew that Ravenclaws enjoyed reading generally.
Alice listened politely as the girl talked. Looking at the hair in question, she tilted her head to the side slightly and thought for a moment. Holding up her hands in the air as if to correct a strand, she decided to ask. "Do you mind?" She asked, not wanting to be know as someone who went up to random people and started fiddling with their hair. Ever since she had been little, she had been obsessed with hairstyles and had originally wanted to be a hairdresser, before her dad decided that it wasn't the right job career for someone as clever as Alice. She had found that throughout her whole life, her dad had steered her in different directions to make her the 'perfect daughter', but ever since she had been accepted into Hogwarts, she had found that she could finally make her own way in life. Looking at Ariahna's hair, she thought for a moment at what she would to do it. Not to get Alice wrong, the hair looked fine, but she just had a little idea to change it. Wondering if Ariahna would think her obsessed if she just stood there, she smiled and lowered her hands, waiting for a reply.

"You say that everyone has a cheerleading part in them, i suppose mine would just have to be coming up with the lyrics or words." She said laughing at the idea of her attempting to cheerlead. She nodded as the girl talked about flying. "Did you grow up with a magic family?" She asked, suddenly intrigued. She didn't really know the differences between different families in the wizarding world and wondered what would be different. "Me, reading. Well, i love everything." She said happily. "But, my favourite is Shakespeare. Have you read any of his works?" She asked, truly wondering but not wanting to freak the girl out with her love and eagerness of books. "Have you read the school books?" She asked, curiously, wondering if any of the Gryffindor's had.

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