🌹 Rose Giving Would You Expect Any Less?

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow for @June Davenport

Dahlia knew Slytherins hung out in the dungeons, and she tried to avoid them as much as she could. But she had a task to do, and she couldn't let her aversion to certain Slytherins stop her from doing it. After all, there were plenty of cool Slytherin girls. "Hey, I'm looking for a June Davenport?" she called out, seeing a few girls around her age milling around. "Got a rose for her, and a chance for a bonus prize if she guesses what colour it is!"
June knew Valentines was coming close and had send some roses herself. But she expected herself ofcourse too. And she just knew she would, because she was awesome. And deserved roses. As she made her way out of the common room ready to study for the second semester she heard her name. The question the girl asked was stupid. There was no bonus for sure. So it was stupid to say. '' I'm June.'' She than said as she moved around some other people and walked over to the girl and smiled. '' It better be yellow, not that I like the colour but I'm not really into the meaning of the pink or red.'' She than explained and gave an smile after it.
Even the younger Slytherins seemed to have a chip on their shoulder. Not that she could talk, she and her friends had been like that at her old school. Still, she was judging based on appearance, which wasn't helpful. Besides, it was an exciting day, and her mood was too good to bring it down by thinking catty thoughts. "Well, happy Valentine's, June, here's your yellow rose, and since you guessed correctly," she held out the box of heart shaped chocolates in her other hand, "take one as a prize!"

GIRL, you're the next generation of queen bee at this school. Don't let anyone forget how fabulous you are.
xoxox, Jenna
June watched the Gryffindor and she indeed had an rose for her and a yellow one. June smiled and was curious to it. And took the rose and note. And the girl than handed her over an box of chocolate. There was an prize for real it seemed. '' Thank you. What's your name?'' June asked the girl just making sure she knew who it was in case she would cross paths in the future. And could not contain her curiousity and opened the note. And her smile grew wider as she noticed it was from Jenna.She saw her potential and only for that June already liked the girl.
Dahlia was a little relieved to see this girl seemed pretty cool, actually, even for a first year. As though being a second year was so much more mature. Truthfully, she just worried most Slytherins were more like Cassius. Even Terror was pretty alright but kind of intimidating. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the reaction that June had to the note, obviously it was a nice message. It felt cliched to say making people smile was the best part of this day but it really was. "I'm Dahlia. Second year Gryffindor, but I'll probably see you in Heta Omega?" She thought she'd recognized her vaguely, and figured that was probably where she'd seen her.
June watched the Gryffindor and than tried to remember her name. And as the girl said she was in Heta Omega again the blonde figured a lot of girls were. Heta Omega was not something June enjoyed being in so far, but figured it was helpfull at the start. But being around Jenna was more usefull what already had happend. She figured a lot of girls would be jealous at her and hanging out with seventh years and older ones. '' Oh yeah for sure.'' June than replied trying to be nice. But the girl didn't seem special at all to her. But it was good to know who she was. '' See you around.'' June than said confident and walked away with her rose and read the note again.

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