Would you be my...

Pearl Firn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Pearl bounced excitedly over to Joan's office. In the months since Joan had come to work at Hogwarts she had learned allot, and her and Pearl had become very close friends. The smile on Pearl's face was huge. She was happy to finally have a friend, and Joan was her first so of course Pearl would ask her this very important question. She figured now would be the best time with the wedding coming up so fast. Pearl knocked a few times on the door and stood there waiting.

Joan was in her room after Derrik had left. A lot had been said between them. She was surprised that she handled everything. A knock came at the door.
"It's open1" she yelled.
Pearl opened the door and walked into the room. She took a seat beside Joan at her desk and smiled at her, "Hey, are you okay?" she asked noticing she looked a little confused. Pearl really wanted to ask her question but it would have to wait, if something was up with Joan she needed to be there for her friend.

Joan heard Peal ask if everything was okay. "I'm not too sure Pearl. I just talked to my son a while ago...I found out some information. And I'm worried about him now." Never would she think that she'd have to worry about Derrik. Joan felt so helpless.
"Oh, whats got you so worried?" Pearl asked. She knew exactly how Joan felt, worrying about a child can take allot out of you. She hoped everything was okay with Derrik, Arisa never mentioned anything bad happening with him.

"Well...I don't know if your daughter has been talking to Derrik but...plain and simple. He's been through rough times with boys and I think its going to get worse." She still couldn't' believe everything that Derrik told her. It didn't bother her as much but its still hurt to hear it. Joan thought that maybe she had done something wrong.
"Ohh, boy trouble, yeah, Arisa mentioned something along those lines" Pearl said think back to a conversation a few months ago. "I'm sure he'll be fine, from what I hear Derrik's a tough kid," she added. Pearl owed Derrik, he had helped Arisa when some dirt bag had hit her.

"But Pearl I don't think you get it....my son it gay..." the words stung a bit. "I don't have a problem with it at all...its just I don't know how the wizardry world takes on these kind of things." Joan didn't know how to handle this. She knew her boy was growing up and changing but this was one things that she didn't see coming at all.
"Oh" Pearl said simply, "Well thats no big deal, I'm guessing its the same as the muggle world, most people don't care" Pearl said with a shrug of her shoulders. Pearl flicked her hair behind her shoulders, "I think you honestly don't have anything to worry about" she added.

"I beg to differ Pearl. Some people hate them just because of who they are. The last thing I need to see is my son's name in the daily prophet." Joan sighed.
"Its not that I don't trust you but I do hope you're right. And getting off topic that Tala boy does seem like a nice kid."
that was perfectly Joan. She'll talk about one thing and then go off with another that has little to no relation of the topic.
Pearl almost laughed at worked up Joan was getting, "Well, thats good" Pearl said in reply that the boy was Nice. Finally seeing her chance Pearl's smile grew wider as she looked at Joan, "Joan, you know how I'm getting married this summer?" Pearl asked, not even bother waiting for her answer Pearl continued, "Would you be my maid of honour?" she asked her best friend.

"Shut up! You know I'd totally love to be that!" Joan got up to hug Pearl. This would be a little weird going to a wedding but she'll manage.
"If you need any help I'll always be around. Plus I'll make Derrik help out. He's probably got a good eye for things...plus I've never seen him in a tux so that should be picture worthy." Joan smiled and just laughed.
Pearl squealed and hugged Joan back, "Thank-you so much!" she said letting go. "You have no idea how much this means to me!" she added.

"So when do we start working then? I want all the details." Joan was happy about this. She hadn't really done much with her life and most of her friends went their own ways. This would be the perfect time to make new ones.
"Well me and Remus are getting married early in the summer, outside, my dress is white with a ruffled skirt and a black ribbon around the waist, I love it. Anyways, the brides maids dresses are black with a white ribbon, basically all the clothes are black and white" Pearl rambled on. "You and Arisa are going to be the brides maids... I have yet to find a flower girl, anyways the wedding is going to be small, mainly family" she added.

"Hm..sounds like you've got your hands full. Shouldn't you be relaxing and have someone else do this? And the whole outside idea is just wonderful." Joan loved everything she heard. This would be a really awesome wedding. She'd get to meet Pearl's family and this Remus of hers. Plus she figured that Derrik would be better off tagging along.

"No, I didn't get to plan my first wedding so I wanted to make this one mine" Pearl replied. Pearl was getting more and more nervous, the wedding was just a short month away. "I'm worried though, what if something goes wrong, or Remus decides hes not ready to get married or or" Pearl began to hyperventilate a little, she had never thought about the things that could go wrong until today.

Joan could see that Pearl was stressed.
"Pearl honey, you have nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine." Joan could understand what Pearl was going through. Joan's marriage was good until the day before. She went insane. Almost everything she could think of, she thought it would go wrong. But to her surprise, everything was fine.
"What if it isn't fine though?!" Pearl asked knowing she was freaking out over nothing. She put her head in her hands and tired to calm herself down. "Maybe getting married isn't the best thing, maybe we should wait" she added.

"Hey now. If you want to get married then do it. I'm sure you're both commit ed enough so there shouldn't be any problems. All you have is just the jitters. Everyone gets those." Joan was trying her best to calm Pearl down.
Pearl calmed down a little, Joan was right, she was just nervous. Remus was her first relationship after Edward, she loved him, everything would work out. "Thanks Joan, your right" Pearl said giving her friend a hug.

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