Worse than Friday

Sage Ottavi

Gossip Columnist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Anyone Alive
Curly 9 1/2" Flexible Yew Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Settling herself at the Slytherin table, the young brunette felt she was getting adjusted to the idea of school. It was different from her last. The people were pretty much the same. She didn't understand them. They acted all friendly with each other. There was little structure. She knew therefore that it would be easy for her to assert herself. She just hadn't quite found out, how to do that. She was working on it. It was truly a work in progress. To begin, she'd run into that silly little Ravenclaw. A girl he really couldn't believe had the audacity to try and be smart with her. It had ended fairly quickly. Since Sage wasn't the kind of girl to back down too lightly. She fought back with all of her might. She was stronger than most. Fighting with an anger most didn't expect with a girl her age or size, but she was the kind of girl who was out for herself, and didn't take anything from anyone. She knew that to be the best she had to stand out. She had to stand out a lot. She had to be the single ray of sunshine during a dark damp day. She could manage it too. She was just the kind of girl who could. It didn't take her long to do such things. She was strong. She was all for herself. And she was going to prove that if it took her all seven years of school. Though she was really hopeful that it wouldn't take her that long. She was hoping for perhaps just the year She had to find the weak spots. She would. It was just not going to be on that day.

On that day, the young Slytherin was eating her breakfast in peace. Well, peace as much as could be possible in a Great Hall filled with other students. She was however sitting alone, there was a charms book in front of her. Mostly just because she liked charms. She was munching on a bit of toast. It was a good morning. She didn't have much to do that day. She had gotten dressed in her nice uniform. And by nice, it was just less formal than others. Better and nicer. She had improved it. She had made it better than before. It was less bulky, less stiff. Less like they were living in the 1990s. She had made it 21st century material. Which was an achievement and a half. She was proud of it. It looked better. It made her look better. And it was really the only one of it's kind. She would only switch if she was asked to, or force-ably made to change. Which she knew wouldn't happen, considering everything else, that and if they had a problem with it, they would've asked already. She was just content with everything so far. It was nice, Hogwarts was proving nicer than she had first thought it would. All in all, this might not be a horrible Friday.

So, this is god awful. I'm so sorry
Eugene's first week at Hogwarts had passed smoothly and all his lessons had gone very well.So far he had resisted going into the Forbidden Forest that called to the curious part of him.Eugene wanted to know what creatures were in there and maybe even meet a centaur but he restrained himself because he didn't want to get into trouble.Just not this soon.And he also wanted his house to win and loosing house points would be a great shame.So he had sworn not to go looking for trouble like he usually did.

It was the last weekday and today they were going to have their first flying lesson.Eugene knew that he would only get bored at these lessons because he already knew how to fly on a broom.But he hoped that watching the other students trying to master the "UP!" command would be a good source of entertainment.He snickered at that thought and took a seat at the Hufflepuff house table.He didn't see any first years yet so he sat by himself and started taking a bit of everything on his plate.

Eugene loved cooking and ever since he had come to Hogwarts he had tried many new dishes all of which were totally delicious.He wanted to know how the house elves prepared these dishes but so far he didn't know where the kitchens were.He had heard they were in the lower levels but he was slighly scared of running into Slytherin bullies while he searched.So he had not ventured to look for them yet.

He took another pancake onto his plate when he had finished the first one but then he realized that the syrup was over.But he really wanted to eat another pancake so he stood up and looked at the other house tables to see if he could spot pancake syrup.Luckily he did spot it,but it was on the Slytherin house table and Eugene didn't want a Slytherin bully to spoil his day.But he had to have another pancake so he walked over to the Slytherin house table and spotted a first year girl who looked like she could do him least harm.He walked up to her and tapped her lightly on the shoulder,"Umm...can I please have the pancake syrup if you don't need it." he asked putting on a smile and a brave face.

It's not that bad and I probably wouldn't realize if it were xD

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