Words Across The Sea

Victoria Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
[placeholder for tommy & victoria]​

The quill in her grasp did not halt for one whole minute. It tired her hands but persistently, Victoria wrote. It just ran across the piece of parchment, telling various kinds of stories to the person she was writing to. It was about a lot of things; things that she preferred to keep private between herself and her friend who resided far from this land. She was glad her older brother was not so nosy, or else she knew she'd teased ofttimes about cheerily writing letters to someone. Victoria kept writing, her eyebrows furrowed as she was serious about finishing this letter. She wanted to send it before dinner was served. Pausing, Victoria flexed her hand muscles before picking up the quill once more. She knew it was time to end the letter, hence the swiftly written name on the bottom left of the parchment. She packed up the quill and ink bottle and stashed the items in her bag.

The entrance to the Owlery was welcoming, with the winds and the owl droppings. Victoria wrinkled her nose at the scent and proceeded to a friendly looking owl. It slanted its head as it looked at her, its questioning eyes looking right through hers. She smiled reluctantly to show a sign of friendliness. Calmly, she got a treat from her bag and tossed it to the animal. It caught it and Vicky thought that now was the good time to attach her letter. It did not resist, so Victoria proceeded and entrusted specific instructions to deliver it to her friend, who lived in a place miles away from where she was living now. "Off you go. And don't nip him," murmured Vicky in a quiet fashion. As soon as she heard the distant flap of the owl's wings, she left to get herself some dinner.

Tommy Mr Quiet,

It's Victoria. Don't tell me that you forgot about me - I've only left for Hogwarts a few months ago! Surely you can't have amnesia right now!

Anyway, how are things there? Your dad's doing well, I hope?

Before you ask - I'm okay here in school. It's weird that I get to live in a really huge and old castle that teaches magic but at the same time, fascinating. If only you could visit here sometime! I'm still getting a hang of the whole place and really, I am trying my best not to get lost. There are even rumours about secret rooms that show themselves to certain people! Okay now, who would say that's uncool?

Did you know that I was sorted in Gryffindor? You know that particular House right? House of the brave and bold, they say. I felt disappointed that I was not placed with Benjamin. You remember him right? Anyway, now that I have spent time with several other Gryffindors I conclude that it is not so bad with their crowd after all. Benjamin used to whine about them but hey, now he cannot because I am one of them! What house do you think you'll be placed in if you ever decide to study here in Hogwarts New Zealand? In Gryffindor with me, maybe?

So I am writing this now and it is almost dinner time. I'm really hungry so I'll have to end this. By the way, you could use a friend over there! Or fly on a broomstick to keep boredom away!

Write back?

- Victoria Chase
To say that Tommy was bored would be an understatement. The young boy felt that he had absolutely nothing to do. Nathanial and Emily were not here, nor were Oliver and Wynter. Austiin was out doing what he does best, taking photos, which meant that Tommy was stuck with... Cameron. He sighed. Cameron was just so annoying. Tommy could barely stand to be in the same room as him. In fact, Tommy would rather stay home alone than be stuck with him, making small talk. Cameron had just spent the better part of two hours trying to get Tommy to decide on what they were going to have for dinner tonight. Like he actually cared. Tommy would just eat what was on the plate, he wasn't going to actually cook anything. However, even though he was incredibly bored and could go for some communication, Tommy was still glad to be an 'only' child. It was better to be alone than to be surrounded. Tommy sat up curiously when he heard Cameron yelling something in French. Why did he have to speak French all the time?! The blonde boy groaned and went down stairs. Cameron knew he hated that ridiculous language. Every sentence sounded like a declaration of love. Heck, even 'I hate you' sounded like a proposal. That didn't stop him from speaking it.

Tommy frowned at Cameron and accepted the letter begrudgingly. After all Tommy did for that man, he still had to be annoying. The blond growled. He should have just convince his father to lock the front door, rather than leaving it open. Unsightly types were beginning to take root here. For the first time, Tommy actually examined the letter, and stopped mid step.Victoria?! Tommy peered back into the kitchen. Upon seeing Cameron smirking cheekily, he glared and raced to his room. Such a nosy man was Cameron Freedman. Tommy sat down at his desk and sat on his hands to control himself. He was acting like an idiot. It was just a letter. Letter's were quite normal, for most people. In all honesty, Tommy never really got letters from people. This had to be his third one this year, but it was going to be the only one he would reply to. The blonde actually liked Victoria Chase. She was nice and a lot of fun, though he doubted he had ever told her such things. A small smile crept onto his face as he read. This deserved a speedy reply. Tommy got a quill and began to write on another piece of parchment. He'd have to borrow Cameron's owl. That was going to go down well.
Dear Victoria,

I haven't forgotten about you, honest! I can't believe you've gone to Hogwarts New Zealand already though, it's really weird. I want to go, but it's not possible right now. It's just not fair. Anyway, my dad's doing fine. He's thinking about dragging me to France so I can go to school there, but don't worry! I won't let him do something as silly as that. I promise, you can't get rid of me that easily!

How old is the castle? Does it have super massive vines all over it? Are there ghosts? I haven't seen a ghost before. If you see one, be sure to write to me about it. Hey, maybe we could go ghost hunting when I get there? That'd be fun. Maybe you could get a really long piece of string and tie it around your waist and use that to navigate? The again, I guess you could accidentally trip people, huh? But yes, it is cool.

I sort of know of the houses. I have some relatives that work there, and they talk about the houses sometimes. I don't really get it, but I guess they need some sort of system to make the school different from others, huh? So Gryffindors are supposed to be brave and bold? Then why are you there? (just kidding!) I don't know how to spell the other three(?) houses, so I'll just say I hope I get into Gryffindor with you. I will make sure I go to Hogwarts New Zealand. I promise.

If you write to me regularly, then I won't have to live in boredom, will I? I
was currently falling apart from boredom, but I feel better now!

For the second time, Victoria found herself walking up the stony staircase that led to the castle's only owlery. The sweet, fresh scented air carried the foul smell of the owl droppings that Victoria clearly despised. It wafted freely and as it reached her already wrinkled nose, she resisted the urge to gag. Hurriedly, she continued ascending the tower and when she reached the top, she couldn't help but relax a little. She breathed through her mouth in small gasps as she made her way to an unknown owl. Traditionally, its head tilted to the side as its eyes questioningly pierced her own. Victoria smiled weakly and fed it a treat. It ate it swiftly, leaving Victoria with only a folded parchment in her hand and a wand in her inner robe pocket. Without wasting any more of her time, she attached the newly made letter unto the creature's leg and gave it the exact instructions she provided to the previous owl she used. Wishing it a safe trip, she witnessed it soar into the skies, away from old, massive castle.


I'm glad to hear that Austiin is doing good but please, don't go to France! That is so far away from where I am now! What school is he planning to put you in? Beauxbatons? I hear stories/rumours about the students there and so far, I'm not liking it one bit!

Yep, the castle here is really old! I have no idea what its exact age is nor do I want to know anyway. It's a bit creepy when the evening comes, especially if you're alone in the hallways. The darkness can just be suffocating you know? Oh and ghosts you say? Maybe my eyes were just deceiving me that time but I really thought I SAW one! Call me crazy, but I swear I thought I saw one enter the abandoned classroom. Merlin, ghosts never fail to give me the chills. Their transparency is totally creepy! So with that, no way will I go ghost hunting. Absolutely no way.

Awwh, aren't I courageous enough? Up to now, I still am wondering why I was placed in Gryffindor. However, the "Lions" are not so bad. Certainly, I can get used to them. There are three other houses by the way; Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw! I think you'll be with the Slytherins - big and bad... I kid, of course! It will be really lovely if you'd be sorted in Gryffindor! That means, we'll have more time to spend with each other! Say, a trip to the dungeons in the evening once a week? You game?

Oh but, I have schoolwork to attend to. It sucks big time but, I cannot do anything about it. So whilst I am away, try flying on a broomstick. It will suck the boredom away, I tell you!

I'm glad that I made you feel better. There will be more future letters from me so watch out.

- VC

P.S. Did the owl nip you?
Tommy's day had been considerably brightened by the arrival of a new letter. The boy did love writing, and having a friend to write to was far better than writing to his brother or any other relative. He could pick his friends, his relatives were people he was stuck with. He picked up a present that Abby had gotten for him. Apparently, it was a pen. She had told him how to use it, but he was not really listening at the time. The sleek, metallic contraption caught his eye and that was that. He ran it across the parchment, and found that it did not work. Why was it not working? Did it need to be dipped in something or what? He tapped the pen on the table, willing it to work. Eventually, he realised that there was a clicky bit on the end. What was that for? Tentatively, Tommy brought the pen closer to his face and pressed down on the pen, jumping slightly when it made a loud 'click' and a hidden point was revealed. That is so awesome. He ran the pen on the parchment and squealed with delight. This is so cool! Did Victoria know about pens? He'd have to tell her of this!
Dear Victoria,
I promise I won't. There are too many frog-eaters in France! He likes the school because he went there. But I told him I did not want to go. I want to go to school with you, it'd be lots of fun, I think. France is too far away and I don't like the language.

I bet it's really, really old, maybe older than us even. I'll be sure to ask someone someday. I don't know about the darkness though, a little silence and that is good for you, I think. Crowds are overwhelming, that must happen a lot though in such a big castle, lots of people would go there, right? Ghosts would probably be a little creepy, but curiosity Vicky! CURIOSITY!

Well, considering you don't wish to go ghost hunting with me... maybe that's saying something about your courage? Nah, I think you're pretty brave, don't worry. Big and bad? Me? Ha, I don't think so. I would love to be in Gryffindor, it sounds fun. What are the other houses like? Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw? Does Ravenclaw have something to do with birds? And a trip to the dungeons? You're on! We'll see who cracks first, but you've got an advantage on that one. Don't go down there without me.

I will try that. Have fun, try keeping up with the work!

~ Tommy.
P.S no it did not, though it did try!
P.P.S I'm writing with a pen today! It looks so weird!​
Victoria walked the staircase to the Owlery, a reply letter gently held by her right hand. She rubbed her thumb and forefinger along the surface of the semi-crumpled parchment, recalling how she first reacted when she saw the ink that Tommy Hayes used to write down the words he wished to tell her. The ink appeared to be something that dried up almost immediately when applied to any sheet of paper. She learned that it was referred to as a "pen" - something that she has never heard of. Tommy spoke of it very briefly in his letter, not spilling on any details except for the fact that it was a writing instrument. Victoria thought that perhaps the device was of the muggle origin. Being brought up in a pureblood elite family meant that she was closed to the ways and works of the muggle society. Anything muggle was quite the fascinating thing for her - especially their fashion industry and trends. Vicky hoped that one day, she and her younger friend would be allowed to go and browse through the various high end fashion stores the muggle world could offer. That would be a long time from now however, that was certain.

She approached another owl whose eyes were less harsh than what she saw in the rest. Last time she checked, she had about twenty minutes to make it back to the common room before curfew struck the clock. Fastening the letter securely unto the owl's leg she generously handed it two treats and even stroked it before sending it off with the usual instructions. Vicky then ran down the staircase with the tip of her wand luminously on, hopeful that she would make it to the common room in a snap.


I'm sorry this took a whilst. The lessons are already a pain in the butt so it might take me some time to get back to your letters. I promise though, it would not be more than two weeks before I send you one! And, what in Merlin's pants is a pen?!

Literally, frogs are downright disgusting! And Austiin went there?! So that's why I always thought he never graduated at Hogwarts... He does know how to speak straight French yeah? That is pretty awesome. I tried imitating their accent but no, it was a straight fail. I'll really wait for you to attend Hogwarts! There are so much things to explore!

Well, you're pretty quiet so crowds could be overwhelming. But I suppose you'll get used to it especially during the meal times. Everybody just floods the Great Hall (that's the place where we eat). And it is so huge! Plus the ceiling is enchanted when there is a special event - the most beautiful I think is when it is enchanted to have snow falling down but really, it's just an illusion. I should ask my mom to do that to my room back at home.

About ghosts - I JUST SAW ONE A WHILST AGO! Before sending this letter (it's currently nighttime here by the way) there was one that just floated from the dungeons, ascending the staircase to go God-knows-where. The older students just walked past by like it was transparent air. Total coolness but it's freaky. And I've been to the dungeons since I have Potions class there. But I've never explored the deeper darkness (especially towards the Slytherin common room because that's where their dorm is found). Whatever, but you're definitely on for a trip to the dungeons when you get here!

Thanks for the confidence boost Tommy. The hat will decide for you when you get here! There will be this ceremony and it'll put you where you belong. I don't really mind which house you are in - I just wish you'd be in Gryffindor! And about Ravenclaw, I dunno if they are associated with birds in traits but they're pretty smart plus their house crest as a bird in it. As for Hufflepuff, they have a badger on their crest and I don't really know what their common trait is as housemates. They're okay though, majority is not too nasty.

And how was the broom ride? Had fun? Or you finally decided you're scared of heights huh?

- VC

p.s. This is a real long letter

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