Won't you care for a little tea, sir?

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Leslie Madden

West | Motherly | Helicopter Mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

_ _ _Here is the test to find whether your mission
on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't.---

She's going out from the dark side and as she goes out
on being a mean, attention seeker, and flirty first year
Slytherin; she wants to reconnect to her past enemies
and start new ...

Leslie will be needing a true friend that will always be
there for her no matter what and will not say false
stories about others. An enemy that will hate the new
her but of course, she will add her mean personality
when it some to the point of that. A final, this guy will
appear when she turned twelve and in second year
because she wanted to know more about her final and
whether they will work out (Of course they will :p ).

That's the things I wanted for her and I won't explain who
she was because you already know her when Joyce made
her and have been rp'ed a lot. To the former characters
who knows her, you are free to PM me for any rp you want
to settle with her.

Diana :wub:
I can offer Arielle as the friend, she is a
first year Slytherin. I think that they were
supposed to have an RP earlier or something.
Would you like to start from there or whatever?

Arielle Lemaire
Arielle is judgemental of people's looks
and wealth. If she meets somebody
that tolerates how rude she can be,
she respects them. When Arielle is
friends with somebody, she is really
loyal and will do almostanything to
keep them happy. Arielle is originally
from France and she had a French
accent which is really obvious in most
social situations.
--- "Domino;"
[ul][li]I talked to him now and just waiting for the reply but if he didn't agree then I'm willing to find another one[/li][/ul]
--- "Anna;"
[ul][li]It can work but she's worst than ever, she's not rich but she can buy expensive stuffs. We could start again[/li][/ul]
Start again? Alright. Where should we start? I'm kind of in a blah at the moment. Any ideas? I would suggest the basic and let them meet in the common room after dinner or something. But that's just me.
Hi there! I'm the one who had taken up NIck Feanor..
anyways, I do have some characters to offer here as well.. :D
All of them had RP'ed with Leslie before they had all
entered Hogwarts..

Fayt Aurelious
~ First year Slytherin. He's a parselmouth and is rather arrogant and such. He's actually viewed as someone who is rather mean and cold but once you get to know him, he can be quite nice too.

Ryuuji Tsukino
~ First year Ravenclaw. Ryuuji's a metamorphmagus. He is almost always seen with a calm and content expression on his face. He has this strong desire to succeed and he would do anything necessary to achieve his goals, so long as he's not hurting anyone else. He's also into sports. He is commonly thought to be sadistic because of his unusual sense
of humor, but he's kind and very protective of his loved ones.

Maria Leingod
~First year Slytherin. She's a part-veela by the way.Maria is an enigmatic girl.She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to. Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating.She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someonerespects her back.
--- "Anna"
[ul][li]Can you do it anywhere? I'm just very busy. TY[/li][/ul]
--- "Rui"
[ul][li]I will take Maria, she seems fitted for being a friend and I can see that Leslie is the talker and Maria is the quiet one :D Let's try them together. If you don't mind, can you start a topic? TY[/li][/ul]
Hey Diana :hug:

Happy Birthday :)

^^Sorry, random i know :p But i only just noticed this :p

I can offer Isobel Hills.

She has done a lot of roleplaying with leslie so far and the plan was for them to become best friends, but obviously that didn't pass on with the change of owner :p Im happy to forget that if you wanted to leave that out, but otherwise, i think the idea of them getting on would be good.

Isobel Hills
Isobel is a sporty girl who is slightly sadistic. She will happily bully someone just because they are there and looks down at people who don't impress her. These people are generally people outside of Slytherin, no matter what their age is. She is slowly turning darker and darker and is becoming evil as the Dark Elites encourage her. She has a CD that isn't very well developed, but all i can say is that her and Leslie got on well together.

So tell me what you think :)

Leslie West said:
--- "Anna"
[ul][li]Can you do it anywhere? I'm just very busy. TY[/li][/ul]
--- "Rui"
[ul][li]I will take Maria, she seems fitted for being a friend and I can see that Leslie is the talker and Maria is the quiet one :D Let's try them together. If you don't mind, can you start a topic? TY[/li][/ul]

Anyways.. sure, I'll start the topic for them . .:)
Should we start a topic for her and Nick as well???
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