🌹 Rose Giving Wolf 424 A

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Yellow Rose for @Ten Layton-King

After she had managed to find the first person from her list, the second person was much easier. For one she knew who exactly the person was. She moved across to the gryffindor table, and spotted the girl. "Ten! I have a rose for you,"
Ten turned when she heard her name being called out by a younger student, and wondered how she knew who she was. Ten didn't think she'd make a good rose deliverer because she'd probably give up trying to hunt people down after an hour or so, simply because she wouldn't know where to start looking. "For me?" she repeated, glancing down to the yellow rose and wondering whether Ned would have the audacity not to send her a red one.
Callie gave a smile to her classmate and nodded. "Yeah!" she held out the yellow rose for the other girl, and then the note and gave a warm smile. "Here you go,"


Thank you for being so kind and always eager to help. I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day.

From Professor Carter

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