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- OOC First Name
- Louise
- Wand
- Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
It was another year and Sam's birthday arrived once more. Fourteen. He couldn't really wrap his head around it. Sam lay in his bed in the early morning wondering what to do with the day. He usually didn't like his birthdays much but this year he figured that he may aswell make something out of it and hang out with his friends, he hadn't seen them in so long and it saddened him. Sam got out from his bad lazily and began to write small notes to all of his friends. He really hoped they could all make it, they hadn't all been together in so long, in fact a lot of them (including himself) split into separate groups, Sam had Toni so he hung out with her most of the time, Scorpius and Taylor both kept together, Hoshi had her Slytherin 'goth people' and Jenna kept to herself quite a bit. Sam also wrote an invite to Leia, he was becoming closer to her lately and now considered her a good friend of his. Sam knew that by his friends separating into separate groups it was nothing personal, it was just how things were. But he had always remembered that day in the The Three Broomsticks with Scorpius and Toni and he remembered thinking that he would be friends with these people throughout his school education and even after Hogwarts. But by the looks of things Sam was slowly yet surely, separating from his friends.
Once Sam had sent off the invites he returned to his dorm and got dressed into one of his signature outfits; a check shirt over a casual t-shirt with a pair of jeans and his Vans. Sam relaxed in the quiet Common Room for a while, waiting for people to wake and head down to the Great Hall. Sam was very much looking forward to today. So when the time came Sam made his way down to the Great Hall, grabbed some breakfast and then snuck into the kitchens. He mooched around for a bit before deciding on taking a few bottles of butterbeer, it never failed to please Sam and his friends. Sam left the Castle and walked slowly down to the lawn. The sun was shining brightly, and there was a cool spring breeze in the air. It was the perfect weather for just 'chilling' with his friends. Sam spotted the great oak tree that he told his friends to meet him at. He sat down against it and waited for them all to arrive.
Once Sam had sent off the invites he returned to his dorm and got dressed into one of his signature outfits; a check shirt over a casual t-shirt with a pair of jeans and his Vans. Sam relaxed in the quiet Common Room for a while, waiting for people to wake and head down to the Great Hall. Sam was very much looking forward to today. So when the time came Sam made his way down to the Great Hall, grabbed some breakfast and then snuck into the kitchens. He mooched around for a bit before deciding on taking a few bottles of butterbeer, it never failed to please Sam and his friends. Sam left the Castle and walked slowly down to the lawn. The sun was shining brightly, and there was a cool spring breeze in the air. It was the perfect weather for just 'chilling' with his friends. Sam spotted the great oak tree that he told his friends to meet him at. He sat down against it and waited for them all to arrive.