Winter Song

Joceline Richarde

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather.
While waiting for Wendy to come down from her class, Joceline sat at the Gryffindor table, humming a song while working on her next article for the Gossip section of Hogwarts Monthly, that to her disturbed shock, included Isabella Chaos (her tormentor) and Thomas Smith. It still disgusted her that her best friend would go so low as to kiss that disgusting girl, but it didn't matter, both would get what they deserved for cheating on their respective mates.

It was a perfect way to get back at Chaos. She had wrote about her and Joceline Richarde was nothing if she wasn't vengeful. Yes, it was another thing she had in common with her father and her brother and it was the only thing that she liked to have ties to. So the older Slytherin would get her just desserts, so to speak.

Joceline didn't even care if it hurt Thomas that she abandoned him, he did the same to her, didn't he? And of course, any way to embarrass Isabella would be perfect for her. Ivan would find much amusement in this, she thought, chewing down on her bottom lip as the song came to an end and as her blue eyes flickered up from her french writing and onto the Gryffindor students, who seemed eager to get out of school for their winter breaks.
Autumn ventured down for breakfast, nearly finished with exams. School would be out very, very soon and she had abrely seen Thomas the ENTIRE YEAR. Her feelings had all but disappeared, and yet she still felt a sort of....claim over him. He was still hers and she was his. Even if the feelings had been muted for awhile. She frowned, seeign Joceline sitting at the Gryffindor table before remembering that she had befriended Wendy Chaos. The Slytherin girl had pulled her claws out of Thomas not long after their confrontation last year, and they hadn't spoken much since Thomas's doppleganger had kissed her in Brightstone. She heard that Joce was still penning Ivan, Thomas's secret twin brother, and smiled, deciding that it would be a good time to finish the school year off with her and Joceline perhaps making amends.

She stood opposite of her, leaning down on the table. She was writing something, but it was in a loopy French script. Autumn wrinkled her nose, the ever curoious kitten side of her yearning to know what it was about. Her eyes widened as she saw a rendition of Thomas's name, pair with Isabella Chaos's in the article.

"Hey came over to apologize for my childish behaviour so long ago...but...your paper has caught my you mind tleling me what it's about...?" she gulped, wondering if she would even want to know how her boyfriend was linked with the school's resident gossip girl extraordinaire.

{{Fixed =D }}
Hearing her name, Joceline gasped and scrambled to hide what she was writing. She hugged it to her chest, before looking up and seeing Autumn Gwin. She gave her a fleeting smile, finding nothing but pity for the girl. "Oh. Hello Autumn," she said gracefully and musically, yet sadly at the information she was to share with the girl.

"Perhaps you should sit down," Joceline suggested, flickering her sapphire blue eyes down on the spot across from her own. The young Slytherin had long pushed away her dislike for the Ravenclaw, far too busy with her own life that no longer included Thomas Smith, well as much as it could when one of her best friends was his twin brother.

This thought caused Joce to smile with amusement at how she had persisted that they were the same person after she had kissed Ivan, before realizing that she was in fact incorrect, but continued kissing him all the same. Well until Aiden came in and wrecked her fun, then Thomas. Next thing she knew she was fuming mad at her half-brother for thinking so she was ignorant and pulling Ivan away from her. She had known that he was a player, but didn't care.

Of course now the Durmstrang boy was her constant owl companion, talking about anything that came to mind. Often ending with her apologizing for her rambling and he finding amusement in it. Without noticing it, Joceline's cheeks were tinged with a gentle pink hue. Not from any affection towards the boy, she enjoyed his company as a friend too much to go down that road again, but just out of embarrassment at her actions.

Remembering that she was sitting in front of a nervous Autumn Gwin, Joceline Richarde's head shook. "Sorry," she muttered under her breath, but not really meaning it. Autumn had bigger problems than Joce not knowing if she had spoken to her while she was lost in her own thoughts.
Autumn's heart fluttered as she sank sideways onto the hewn oak bench,"What is it Joceline?" she asked, cracking her knuckles beneath the table. She listened as Joceline muttered in a dream world about Thomas's twin brother. What the hell did this have to do with Thomas and Isabella?

She frowned, waiting,"Yes? Sorry for what? Wasting my time. God, Joceline what's going on? Why is Thomas in your gossip column...and linked with your skanky editor?" she hissed through clenched teeth,"He shouldn't be mentione din your monthly slander articles. Anything that you might say happened...didn't happen." she blurted, frantic now to know what was going on.

Her heart was racing as she waited nervously, he rknuckles white against the dark table as she clenched it.
Joceline craned her neck to the side with annoyance as Autumn mentioned her gossip column. She was quickly finding herself annoyed with the Ravenclaw. She was the one that was dating someone so unfaithful, not her. She really should be nicer to her, and Joceline knew it. The Slytherin's sapphire blue eyes darkened, glaring at Autumn, but staying silent, waiting for her to calm down. When she had, "Thomas and Isabella were wrapped in each others arms and I saw them, with my own eyes, making out." She gave the girl a sympathetic smile, before running her hair through her brown hair. "You can't tell anyone where you heard this from. If I'm found out people will hate me more than they already do," she said firmly.

"If you do.. Well lets say I have the power to write negative things about you," Joceline said in a sweet, innocent voice that was contrary to her words. "I even have a picture of them together if you want it!" Joce said eagerly, smiling brightly at her own luck for coming across such gold. Of course she wished that she was a more investigative reporter but of course she had been sick and had been unable to come to the first meeting and that was all that was left when she approached Isabella. But that didn't mean she couldn't be good at what she did, did it?
".....You b!tch!" Autumn screamed in the crowded Great Hall. All eyes turned to the seething normally quiet Ravenclaw. She knew she shouldn't have lashed out at Joceline, but she just seemed so happy to deliver these words to her. Autumn was usually proactive rather than reactive. This time, mind of matter simply didn't matter. She felt like throwing pumpkin juice in the other girl's face. She somehow thought better of it and instead stormed off, not hearing the part about the picture over the blood pounding in her ears. She stormed up to her dorm and flung herself onto her bed, crying until her eyes were dry and her chest was sore from the sobs.

She then sat up, wiping at her eyes and hugging her pillow. She held her hand up to the light, the color was a terrifying new color. One of fear, guilt. She tugged at it, furious as it bunched up at her swollen knuckle. Finally she tugged it off and threw it across the room, refusing to believe what had just happened.

Soon Kailey and Luna came in, ecstatic with being so lvoe. Autumn got sick to her stomach and told them what she had heard from Joceine. They didn't think much of it either but the looks on their faces told her they were worried too.

By the end of the night, they decided that she should arrange a meeting with Thomas at the Hog's Head to discuss things.

{{agh this was such a short thread XD But it got done what needed ot be done ;) }}
[ stfu we both knew that's what was going to happen
it was unofficially approved XD ]

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