Closed winter gardens

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
it was the first weekend back at school and Selene was trying to work out what to do. She had spent a lot of the break inside other than the time when Thackery was over and she had shown him around the new zealand wizarding world. that had been fun. they had even kissed, a couple of times. but now she was back at school and he was back in america but the feelings hadn't gone away. in fact she felt the same way about her roommate nell. that which was why she was here in the gardens. she had wanted to find some space. when she was in the house she was starting to feel a little on edge always glancing around to see where nell was or what she was doing. unless of course, it was her nights. nights where she could wander in her thoughts and not let anyone else see them as they flashed across her face as twitches of her mouth or flickers in her odd grey and violet eyes. she had taken her blanket and a book that she was reading about a muggle girl and a magic world so different from theirs where colours ran wild she had wandered as she had decided where to go. somewhere out of the way. she had toyed with the idea of the north tower but as it was a nice day and she wasn't sure how long the dry spell would last she decided on the garden. she picked up a mug of hot chocolate and charmed it to stay warm on her way and found a seat on one of the benches to read all snuggled up with just her face out in the cold. around here the garden was just starting to wake up with snowdrops and bluebells and other early spring late winter flowers starting to show their heads and beauty to remind the world that flowers were not forgotten.

OOCOut of Character:
the book she is reading is called a corner of white
Lars was still a little startled by the fact that he was now a fourth year. It really didn't feel that long ago that he had fist started at Hogwarts, but time was going by fast. It wasn't too big a deal, but it would be strange to be without Fleur at Hogwarts soon. His oldest sister was graduating at the end of the year, and that was a little alarming to Lars. Soon, he would be the oldest of his siblings at school, and knew that Fleur would expect him to look after the twins. But for now, that was still far away. The year had only just started. Whenever Lars wanted some space or some time away from everyone at the castle, he tended to outside. The gardens were a great spot for a walk, especially if he wanted to paint later. The colors of nature always inspired Lars a lot, and he enjoyed walking through the beautiful Hogwarts gardens even though it was a little cold. Wrapped in a big scarf, Lars wandered through the gardens, admiring the early flowers and enjoying the cold, fresh air. He spotted a girl on a nearby bench and nearly walked past her, until he realized he knew who she was. Selene was a girl in his year, and one of Nell's friends. Lars faltered in his step and stopped near her, giving her a curious look. "Hi Selene..." He said softly, hoping she wouldn't mind him talking to her.
Willow was out for a jog she felt the crisp morning air fill her lungs as she passed the garden noting a couple of younger students talking.

OOCOut of Character:
sorry wrong account
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selene was reading an interesting chapter madeline was trying to explain to elliot how light and colours work and how it could be used to stop an incoming red when she heard someone else in the garden. she looked up and smiled sa she recognised the boy who was also walking through the garden. It was lars, one of the boys in her house and year. she knew lars from a distance. they sort of hovered around the outsides of the same group of friends but they had never really spent time together, other than in groups. she smiled at him "Hi Lars" she said as she slipped her bookmark between the pages of the book. "are tou also out enjoying the winter garden?" she asked. she was going to say finding peace in the winter garden but she didn't want to make it sound like she wanted to be alone. lars had always been one of those people who she wanted to get to know a bit better but despite the same year and class their schedules mainly her seird sleep-wake cycle, meant that she just never had the chance.
Lars worried immediately that he was maybe interrupting Selene, maybe she didn't want to talk right now. She was reading a book, which people usually did on their own... but when she responded to Lars, she didn't seem angry. He smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah. They're lovely..." He said, looking around. "It's inspiring... I like the winter flowers a lot." He said softly. "Are you reading something interesting?" He asked her softly, glancing at her book.
Selene watched as lars looked at the surrounding garden. she knew that in some ways there were seeing very different things in the garden but other ways they were there for the same reason. "I like the snowdrops and bluebells they are the first things that hint the spring is coming." she said.
when he asked her what she was reading she showed him the book. "It is called a corner of white, its about a girl in the world and a boy in a different world where colours and seasons wander freely. and there are small portals between the kingdom just big enough for the two to send notes between them." she said. "I suppose it sounds weird when you explain it. but it is good" she said.
Lars nodded in agreement when Selene explained which flowers she liked. "I like those too... I think I'll paint them." He mused. He always liked painting nature, and had lately skewed a lot towards painting flowers. He felt like maybe that had something to do with Elliot. Lars looked at the book Selene showed him, slowly nodding at her explanation. "That sounds interesting, but strange." He murmured. "How does... color wander freely?" He frowned, trying to imagine it.
Selene nodded in agreement. "you must love paining." she said. she often saw him painting. or rather often when she saw him he was painting. "that is pretty much it. i have read a couple ofo ther books by the authur and they are strange to get into but once you get going you dont want to put them down." she said. "it moves kind of like weather. but instead of clouds they are colours. and different ones have different effects. the seasons also dont go in cycles they come and go as they please" she said. "It is hard to explain but you can borrow the book once i have finsihed if you want to" she said. it was just getting to the stage where she didnt want to put it down and she had a feeling it wouldnt last her much longer. besides lars had always been someone who had interested her, and it would be great to finally have him as a friend. especially as he and nell were also friends. he also was, according to nell, dating eliot. so maybe she would get some hints what it was like to date someone who was the same gender as you. though she pushed that thought awahy as quickly as it had arrived. she didnt want to date nell, she didnt want to date nell part of her was thinking like a mantra but the other parrt the less rational part really did.
Lars blushed at Selene's words and nodded. "I do. Do you think that's weird?" He asked cautiously. He'd been made fun of for it, so he had started to think of it as a little strange, even if his friends and boyfriend seemed to like it when he gave them paintings as gifts. Lars listened as Selene explained about the book, and he thought the idea of seasons that came and went randomly pretty interesting. He wondered if that was something he could capture in a painting too. "Uh, if you want." He said shyly. "I would like that." He added quietly. "I haven't read many books recently." He added, wondering if that made him a bad Ravenclaw. "Do you read a lot?" He asked her, not sure what Selene liked to do in her free time. He had always liked her, but they had never been that close.
Selene chuckled slightly as lars asked if she thought liking paining was weird. "no, well maybe a little but in a good way. it is just part of who you are. isn't everyone just a little bit weird some of the things that make me who I am would be seen as weird too." she said. thinking about her sleep-wake cycle, her odd eyes and attraction to divination. she had heard it said before in some olf book that Ravenclaws often were a little eccentric. the book smarts that was often seen as a Ravenclaw trait was actually more something seen in hardworking Hufflepuff. Ravenclaws wisdom was often seen in more unique and creative ways.
When lars said that he would like to borrow it she nodded. "I will let you know when it is done." she listened as he said he didn't read much "once i have finished it i won't be reading it again at least not for a while so you don't need to rush" she said. shrugging. "I read quite a bit. I dint sleep well at night so i often spend the time in the common room, reading or doing homework" she said. reading was a good break from homework. and there wasn't much else to do for hours in the common room. the nights when she and Keira both couldn't sleep were the best as they would chat or even play a game. but many nights it was just her and her books.
Lars blushed when Selene said it was maybe a little weird, but then looked relieved when she said it was in a good way. He wasn't sure if you could be weird in a good way, but Selene seemed to think so. She said could be seen as weird as well, and he supposed he could see that. He scratched his neck nervously. "Uh, thanks." He said, knowing she had meant it in a nice way. "Thanks." He said again when she said she would let him know when she was done. "It sounds interesting." He added softly, running a hand through his hair. He listened when Selene said she read a lot, partly because she didn't sleep well at night. He frowned a little. "So... you are up a lot at night?" He asked her quietly. "That sounds like it would be difficult." He added a little nervously. "Have you tried... potions?" He suggested timidly.
Selene watched las's reaction to her comments and was just about to open her mouth to clarify what she hadsaid as she hadnt meant to offend him when he thanked her even if he did sound a little confused and a little unsure on how to react to the comment. "I meant it in a good way, It is better to be weird than boring" she said.
as lars asked if she was up a lot at night she nodded. then shrugged as he asked if it was difficult. "I am used to it. It has always been the way. I have tried potions, and teas, and making myself very tired so i have to sleep. the best way to work it is to sleep more in the day" she said. "besides the common room is really peaceful at three am when everyone else is asleep you should try it someday" she said. as mich as she complained about her sleep patterns she did like the solitude and calm the night brought. between two and four am were some of her favorite times to be in the common room those hours just held a sort of calmness which with the airiness of the Ravenclaw house made everything feel like magic.
Lars blinked at Selene's confident words, he'd never thought about it like that. "I guess it is." He said softly, thinking it over for a bit. "But I don't know if everyone who isn't weird is boring." He added with a small shrug. Lars didn't think Elliot was weird, nor Lily. But neither of them were boring either. Lars frowned a little as she said she slept more in the day. "But... doesn't that clash with lessons?" He asked her cautiously. It sounded exhausting, and he was glad he didn't have such problems. "When I can't sleep I usually just stay in my dormitory and draw, it's pretty quiet too." He shrugged. "But it's not that often." He added with a small shrug. "Next time I'll take a look in the common room to see if you're there." He added quietly.
Selene thought about lars' statement some people were less weird than others but most people had something weird about them. even just something small. she thought about what to say. "weird doesn't have to be a big thing." she said. "Helia is a lot more normal than me. but she has a set of life rules and doesn't like pumpkin" she said. which living at Hogwarts where pumpkin juice was served with breakfast and pumpkin pie was there at most feasts made her a little weird. she felt herself shiver under the blanket. it sitting still outside in winter got to you after a while.
"I go to sleep between the end of classes and dinner. or if there is something on I go straight after dinner. it takes a bit or of organising but generally doesn't clash." she said. "Some nights I stay in the dorm but most of the time I go to the common room as i don't want to wake the other girls up. if you want company when you can't sleep most nights either me or Keira will be there" she said referring to her sixth-year friend who also struggled to sleep. she felt herself shiver even with a blanket it was cold out here. "Did you want to head back inside and try and find a hot chocolate?" she asked.
Lars shrugged a little. "Everyone has a food they don't like." He murmured, not sure why Selene thought that made her sister a little weird. But she guessed it was a little annoying not to like pumpkin when it was so commonly eaten in the wizarding world. He nodded when she explained she slept between classes and dinner, but knew that was only a few hours. He wondered if Selene wasn't tired all the time, but he didn't want to ask. "Oh... okay." He said softly. She invited him inside to get hot chocolate, which surprised him, but he nodded after a moment. "Uh, okay." He said again with another nod. "That sounds nice."

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