william morte

William Morte

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Japaneses Maple with Veela hair, 8 1/2 inches
Full Name:
- William Loki Morte

Date of Birth:
- 02/13/1998

Current Age:
- 27

Basic Appearance:

- sweet on the outside but evil on the inside. slightly perverted

Known Family:
- adoptive mother is Dympna Cleopatra Bella-Donna.

- Fenir (ice wolf) and Kitsune (fox spirit)

Area of Residence:
- New Zealand

Blood Status:
- mixed blood


Interests or Hobbies:
- Anicent runes and artifacts

Additional Skills:
- siren singing voice

- super brain and abnormal langage abilities

- men

Describe your character in three words:
- sick, twisted, and smart

Favourite place to be:
- bottom of the sea

- Dympna Cleopatra Bella-Donna

[Best school subjects:
- Anicent runes, DADA, and Care of magical creatures

Worst school subjects:
- Flying

Current Job:
- Saleman

Plans for your future:
- to join magic goverment

Your Patronus:
- fox

Your Patronus memory:
- the first kiss with drusilla

Your Boggart:
- desert
Hi William,

a few questions if you don't mind...

Can you list 3 words that your closest friend or relative might best use to describe you?
Have you lived in New Zealand all your life?
When you say you have a siren's singing voice, can you elaborate on this some more please?
By other veela's do you mean that you are a veela? (if so has this been approved?)
Why do you like the bottom of the sea so much?
What school do you teach at?
What subject do you teach?
What department at the ministry would you be interested in?
Have you any idea why your patronus would be a fox?
Why would the desert be your boggart?
Can you list 3 words that your closest friend or relative might best use to describe you?
fast tempered, smart, twisted

Have you lived in New Zealand all your life?
i am not sure

When you say you have a siren's singing voice, can you elaborate on this some more please?
he was used by dympna as a trap for kid, so his voice would intrans them alittle.

By other veela's do you mean that you are a veela? (if so has this been approved?)
has not been approved

Why do you like the bottom of the sea so much?
peace, quiet, and safe

What school do you teach at?
none anymore left school to be with wife, Dursilla Dragonrose, he used to teach at salm witch's insatute

What subject do you teach?
i did teach magic runes and History of magic

What department at the ministry would you be interested in?
department of mysteries

Have you any idea why your patronus would be a fox?
i have shown alot of cleverness in my life to keep me alive. so the fox is a sign of cleverness

Why would the desert be your boggart?
the heat drains me to a point will not function, my life is about keep going.

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