Open Will you by mine?

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Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
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Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
11 (08/2050)
Ivy loved any excuse to dress up and have some fun. halloween, valentines, yule, birthdays or just a typical Wednesday. She had a cutecute blue dress with slight flowers on it was cute fairly simple and did give a valentines feel.
she entered the great hall and smiled at the pinks and pastels. it was such a vibe. she was glad she went with the pastel and not the black dress she had been thinking about as she felt like she fit in with the theme well. she wandered in looking at the older students who were obviously enjoying the evening with their boyfriends and girlfriends. and she wondered if this time next year she would be bringing someone to the dance as a date. third year, that seemed like a good year to start dating. unure what to do she wandered around until she reached the dance floor. unfased by her lack of partner she made her way onto the floor and started dancing glad that it was one of her favorite songs playing.
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Lottie hummed along to the music as she moved a bit on the dance floor. She had come with a few other Hufflepuffs, not sure what to expect. She was way too young to consider the idea of a date at a dance, but the Valentine's Day dance seemed like it was expected. But they said anyone could come and it wasn't just for older students so Lottie figured there'd at least be snacks and maybe fun things to do. So far, it just seemed there was music. She didn't mind dancing, but she also liked being busy with her hands. She grabbed onto the bottom of her dress, moving the ruffles around as she accidentally moved away from some of her friends before realizing she had knocked into something or somebody and fell on the floor. "Oooops!" she called, landing on the floor.
Ivy was having fun. Dancing the song ended and another one began. Not paying attention to the couples dancing in each others arms She may have been getting a bit carried away she spun and missing her footing in her heels she staggered tried to hide it with a little two step but managed to bump into someone knocking them over. oh no. I’m sorry she said reaching a hand out to help them up. ”I like your dress. The skirt looks so fun she said.
Lottie looked around and noticed a few students move out of her way but not offer to help her up or check if she was okay. However, one did, and the Hufflepuff took her hand, adjusting her dress as she landed on her feet. "Oh, thanks! And thanks! This dance feels twirly," she said, rotating her hips so the ruffles moved. "I like your dress, too. It looks like you're wearing a painting."
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