Wilheim the Immolator

OOC First Name
Elm 18', essence of dragon flame
Full Name:
Wilhelm Aloysius Docherty

Wilhelm: Resolute Helmet
Aloysius: Famous Warrior
Docherty: Obstruction

Date of Birth:
March 17th, 1985

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Wilhelm is a massive man, 6"11', broad shouldered, and very well built. His features are not overly pleasant, as he has several burn scars on his face, yellowed eyes and a crooked, broken nose. He's bald, his hair burned off so many times there seemed little point to growing it back again. He most always covers his face with a gasmask that encompasses his entire head.

He wears a long trenchcoat over a button down shirt and tie, with kahki pants over heavy brown boots. He wears fingerless gloves, his fingers blackened from so much exposure to fire.


Wilheim is someone who does not seem entirely sane. He never seems to take life seriously, always complaining about how little fun he has now that the 'real badasses' have gone underground. He takes great pleasure in igniting things, particularly his opponents. He tends not to care too much about property damage, though he tends to be just careful enough to avoid civilian casualties. He's happiest when he's either fighting or drinking; "I'm scottish, what d'ye think I do fer fun?". He has few actual friends, but those he does have he makes sure stay out of the fire. Behind his tough, crazed exterior lies a sharp wit and a keen eye, always watching everything unfold about him, and always ready to set it all on fire if need be.

Mother- Annika Freitag: A german muggle who gave Wilheim his first name. She lives in England with her husband.
Father- Jonathon Docherty: A scottish wizard, who tries to avoid his son now. He serves on the ministry as a minor official. He doesn't talk about Wilheim.

A ferret... Once. It now lives in an urn.

Area of Residence:
Glasgow, though he's rarely home.

Blood Status:
Mixed blood. Father was pureblooded, mother was muggle.


Special Abilities:
[Information Currently Unavailable]

Interests or Hobbies:
Fire, fireworks, firecrackers, explosives, and crocheting (his mother taught him)

Additional Skills:
- Can cast fire spells without a wand.
- Very skilled brawler, even more-so when innebriated.

- Is extremely durable, with a high tolerance for pain.
- Expert at fire spells
- A powerful ally... For the right price.

- His mercenary status does not make him popular with the ministry.

Describe your character in three words:
Half Crazed

Favourite place to be:
In a pub

Lex Skyweave: An old drinking buddy, Wilheim hangs around with Lex when he's off the job.

Hogwarts House:

Best school subjects:
Charms- He had a knack for that, though he always thought it a little feminine
Defense Against the Dark Arts- Knowing how to fight was something Wilheim took great pride in.

Worst school subjects:
Potions: He was never patient enough to mix potions correctly.

Extracurricular Activities:
Quiddich, he was a beater with a habit of hitting bludgers into other players.

2009, Lex had unremarkable test scores.

Current Job:
Mercenary: Typically working for the Ministry, and rarely working for the Death Eaters, Wilheim fights for who pays him.

Plans for your future: Do what he's been doing, working and burning.

Your Patronus:
A small dragon.

Your Patronus memory:
His first time seeing a dragon use it's flame.

Your Boggart:
The charred corpse of a child.

Mirror of Erised:
Himself, surrounded by fire, unscarred.

A page from your diary:
Journal Jan 6 2025
Just finished a job, exploded a Death Eater safehouse. Had a drink with Lex afterwords. Got into fight. Typical day.

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