Closed Wilderness

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk figured that with Kade moving in with him, now might be a time to get out of the house and think while the teenager unpacked and worked on getting a new job. He knew that his brother’s skills with the tattoo gun and piercing were pretty good. He had a few on his legs and forearms done by him last year. It would also give the boy some time to settle into the new climate, which he seemed to enjoy. Killian, on the other hand, not so much. Even now, while hiking through the mountains, he was wearing jeans. While not practical, it was just what he was more comfortable with. At least he wore the right boots for hiking into the mountains. One odd thing that he found about New Zealand were the amount of volcanoes on the tiny piece of land. Sure, Russia had a few themselves, but Russia was huge. New Zealand was not.

For this reason, he decided to avoid most of the active volcanoes, or dormant because who knew when they would decide to just explode, and knowing his luck, that could happen on the day he decided to hike. It was annoying that he had to avoid most trails since he didn’t know if magical or muggle people came out this way, and if they were muggle, seeing someone who was almost 12 feet tall would have been a scare. He paused to take a bit of a break, setting his bag down and taking a long drink of water. He heard some snapping of twigs, which caused him to put his hand on his wand holder, but didn’t take it out. Not yet anyway.
With the election wrapping up and with no studying to do willow actually was starting to have a few days off when she had energy and time to do some things that she enjoyed. it was late summer, the air was cooling slightly but the sun was bright with just the occasional cloud drifting by. It hadn't been a big decision to spend the day hiking. she had packed herself a few sandwiches and apperated to a fairly remote part of a national park. making her way along one of her favorite hidden trails. She had been walking for a couple of hours, alternating between listening to music and to the sounds of nature, not really trying to be quiet as she walked as usually when she came up here it was deserted. she was murmuring along to one of the songs practically dancing along when ended up accidently stepping on a branch that broke with a loud crack. not that she paid much attention to it. this choras was great. a minute or so later she stepped into a slightly clear patch of ground and realised he wasn't alone. a man was sitting on a bench that was almost comically too small for him. She pulled out her headphones a little surprised. "sorry i didn't expect to see anyone up here" she said. feeling foolish. what kind of auror was surprised to find someone sitting in a perfectly open place on a hiking trail, especially someone wo looked to be even taller than her uncle Chay.
Killian stayed on alert as he turned around to see someone else, listening to music. He looked her over and judging from her not-so-surprised demeanor, she would have to be magical. Otherwise, anyone else would have freaked out and ran. He took his hand from the wand holder as he took another drink of water. At least he did not have to erase anyone's memories today. He wasn't so talented with those spells. He shrugged his shoulders, "There wasn't an invitation sent out so how can you expect to see others up on these trails?" Killian put his canteen into his bag and threw it over his shoulder. Killian wasn't exactly the most friendly of people, and even his tone of voice, which was heavily laced with his deep, Russian accent, was a little harder than needed to be. It was just the way he was.

Before the part-giant started walking again, he glanced over his shoulder. "Are you going this way or no? I won't have an issue unless you start singing whatever it is you are listening to." As a club bouncer, he constantly listened to music that he hated, and needed a break. He'd have magical headphones as well, but not much came in his size without having to special order it. A little ridiculous so Killian just never bothered. There was a lot that he never bothered with. His kind was basically a dying breed.
Willow wasn’t sure what she had been expecting the man to say or do or even sound like but as he spoke she smiled at his joke. I guess not. But it is a public footpath so I should t be surprised that there is someone else on it. Just it’s usually empty” she said. Mentally adding “as I guess you know”
Seeing as she had stopped she reached for her water bottle and took a couple of swings. Glad that a cooking charm on it kept it cold without having the bulk of muggle insulated flasks to lug around. Mas the man stood up she looked up at him. He was definitely taller than her uncle. She shrugged as she put her headphones away. ”yeah I was heading that way. And don’t worry no singing. she said. She had been planning. On stopping a few kilometres down the track where there was a waterfall and a pool that was nice to rock dive and swim in. Freezing cold as it was mostly fed by glaciers but crystal clear it was probably a bit too cold to swim today. But to hell with being cold she probably still would and then regret it freeware’s. do you come up here often?” she asked as a way to make conversation. And to gauge how talkative the man was.
Raised an eyebrow as she smiled but whatever it was, he didn't think what he said was worth that. Women in general were weird to him. Especially the ones that he worked with, but there was only one that stood out and that was... Well, Amethyst, but he called her by many different names, even though he actually did know it. It just amusing when people had names like that. At least she was not going to sing, so he wouldn't need to find the nearest cliff and just yeet. So, for now, he didn't speak nor mind when she tagged along with him. At least any wildlife would be dealt with effectively. "Good. I don't tolerate bad music or those that cannot carry a tune. I hear that enough at work." Especially on karaoke night. During days like that, he wished a single stunning spell would work on him.

She spoke again, asking a question about whether or not he came up this way often. "No. I just moved here in November from Russia. So, I am exploring a bit; this is one of my hobbies." Probably better than his brother Kaelan's, who literally played retro video games and gambling. "I could run into a volcano and not be aware of it, since I don't know this area. I will just stop and set up camp when I find a lake." He adjusted the bag on his back, which indicated with the amount of stuff in it that he planned on staying out in the wilderness. Maybe a map would have helped. Or a phone, but then again, he'd crush it by mistake.
Willow raised her eyebrow as he said that he didn't tolerate bad music or out-of-tune singers. "So what classes as good and bad music to you." she asked. if she were to pick she would say he liked music on the slightly heavier side. it made her think back to when she used to play for the snitch. not just the shows but the jam sessions. when hey would spend hours just getting one bridge right.

"you picked a good walk to explore. this one has some great views. and while not a lake there is a big pool not too far ahead, deep and crystal water. on warm days it is a good spot for clifff diving. it is a bit late in the year now for most people" she said looking up at him a smirk playing on her face. she sure as hell was going to take the plunge.
That was a broad question, and not one that he expected anyone to ask. Not many would bother to get to know someone like him. Well, he knew a handful so perhaps he was wrong. Killian sighed and answered, "Anything heavy. Hard rock, metal, some rap but it varies. I mainly prefer music in my native tongue." It was easier to understand. English could be a real pain depending on the accent, and it was worse with some of the music. Especially rap. If it was too fast, he could not follow.

His green eyes gazed down at the woman as she spoke, mentioning a pool of water. Not exactly a lake, but it might do for him to relax. "Where I grew up, it was very cold. I doubt the water would faze me." However, it wasn't like he could just dive in. Not without judging the depths. Might be a little easier for a normal sized human, but for him? He might as well only consider the ocean as 'divable'. "Never went cliff diving. You might understand why." Killian didn't need to explain it.
Willow was a little confused that the man seemed to surprised that she asked about his music tastes. Surly that was the way the conversation was going. yeah rock is good. But I have never been a fan of rap. she said thoughtfully. Though she had maybe not given it much of a chance. "I prefer a more alt-rock." she said trying to remember what the specific genre that betrayed by the snitch used to play.
she nodded when the man said that he came from a cold place and it probably wouldn't faze him. "then you should be fine if you want a dip" she said winking slightly curious as to if he was was up for a swim. but she had noticed that it was the second time he had mentioned as home.not sure is
She smirked as he said she could work ou why he hadn't been cliff jumping. "don't tell me you're scared of heights?" she asked. smirking slightly at the guess, she doubted a part giant would be scared of heights. at least that was what she assumed he was seeing as he was taller than her uncle. and that really was saying something.
Not many would share in his music tastes, so Killian was a little impressed that someone he randomly met would have some similar interests. Well, alternative rock was not too bad. Now was not the time to even dwell on that though. The tattooed man gave the woman a confused look when she asked if he was afraid of heights. He almost stopped walking at the sheer thought of it. As the sun blared down, he reached into his pockets and covered his green eyes with his sunglasses to protect his eyes. "If I were afraid of heights, I'd never be able to stand up." Hell, he was almost as tall as some of the trees around them. Not to mention, they did not stand a chance against him.

Clearing his throat, he elaborated on what he meant before. "I don't go diving because I never know how deep the water is. Just like you smaller people shouldn't dive in a pool that is five or less feet deep. I rather not suffer from a head injury when no one knows where I am." He rather see how deep something is before he would go diving. That did mean that he would have to keep his shirt on because like hell he was going to be seen without it in front of another woman. "Once I know the depths, diving off of anything won't be an issue." He'd just leave the fact that he did hate flying on broomsticks out of any sort of talk.
Willow saw the man hault for a moment at he comment. and smirked when he replied. "I was joking, though that would be an odd concept, " she said thinking about it. Maybe heights would not be the same for someone that big. She would have to ask her aunt about it next time she saw her.
she shook her head slightly when he said little people shouldn’t Dave into water five feet or less so that they didn’t hit their head. ”true. But when I say diving I should have said jumping. I I don’t necessarily intend to go in head first she said. She paused for a second. She thought she had heard something moving in the bush but after a moment it stopped and she kept on walking. oh, I’m willow by the way she said realising that she hadn’t introduced herself and didn’t know the man’s name.[/B]
Killian shoved his hands into his pockets, since humor was still not something he was really familiar with - coming from the history he had. He rarely joked around, and if he did, it was either dry or mean, such as calling a girl by a name that was any stone or jewel just because her name was one. "I don't have much of a sense of humor. So, I tend to takes things seriously," Killian gave a mild shrug as he kept his eyes forward. At least the glasses helped conceal the rays.

"Ah, either way. Break my neck or ass, not doing it unless I know the depths of the waters." He noticed that she stopped for a moment, but didn't bring it up. He wasn't exactly worried, since he knew that no one would bother him, or her by association. At least, he assumed as much. The woman introduced herself as Willow, which made him stop. "As in, a weeping willow? What is up with people naming their kids after inanimate objects..." Of course, his mind had to go to Amethyst when he muttered that.
"Killian Borisyuk is my name."
Willow nodded when the man say that he didn’t have much a sense of humour noted” she said it wasn’t much further to the pool and she was looking forward to having a dip. It would be refreshing. There was nothing that woke you up or brought about a sense of clarity as much as diving into a pool of icy water.
mat his comment about her name she rolled her eyes feeling defensive of her tree yess willow as in weeping. And I don’t know what the thing is about inanimate objects which would be like being called chair or book. But a willow is a tree a living thing” she said. nice to meet you anyway killian. Okay this way she said as she deviated off the main path down a smaller one where they defiantly needed to walk in single file.
Killian started to wonder when he started to actually follow after this woman. This... Willow. But she knew where a body of water was, and that was where he was going to spend a couple of nights to forget about his job, work, and life in general. What she did after leading him there, he didn't care. She could probably handle herself. A subtle smirk spreads across his lips as she seemed a little defensive. "It is still a plant. This girl I work with is named Amethyst, and just to f**k with her, I call her every stone and gem I can think of. I think she believes I don't know her name."

Just thinking about that made him smile a little more, which was a rare sight seeing as it faded pretty quick once she led the two of them off the main path, so he walked behind Willow. "You are going in the right direction, right? If by some weird circumstance that you turn out to be a psycho murderer trying to find another victim, just a heads up, it takes a lot to take me down." Killian didn't think she would be the type, but who knew these days.
willow chuckled as the man said that there was a girl at work called amethyst who he called different stone names. "you could try Saphire, onyx, obsidian, topaz and if you want to be really mean granite" she said.
as they wandered down the smaller path she heard him talk almost a note ot trepidation in his voice. her a psycho murderer. well at least this guy didn't underestimate her with her slightly below average stature and shell pink hair. she smirked before she turned around to face him. "Oh, I know exactly where i am going. And don't worry, you are not the first part giant i have brought down this path. and i am not as easy to take down as i look either" she said adding the last few words as sweetly as she could before giving her best not-trustworthy grin. She turned back around before she had to break her acting or tripped and spoiled the whole effect. not sure if that would make him shing she was slightly more or slightly less of a pscho killer. she just hope that he got the humor of it
Sapphire was one that Killian had used before. Onyx, Obisidian, Topaz, and Granite were all ones he had not used yet. "Those are some interesting options. If she gets on my nerves, I'll call her granite then." That one was a really good one, so he would have to keep it in the back of his mind. He furrowed his eyebrows as she turned around to face him, and said that he was not the first part-giant she took down this path. So, there were more of his kind, but they were so rare. He looked her over once but shook his head. She was a lot smaller. Unless she was tricky and fast, he could take her out. Wait, he shouldn't be thinking of things like that. "No wonder you seem comfortable around me then. If you associate with those with similar blood statuses as me." He didn't know any others nor care, honestly. His brothers were enough for him. "Then looks are deceiving because, honestly, you look and act as threatening as a puffskein." Killian shrugged his shoulders. There was no way she was a psychopath. She certainly didn't seem the part.
Willow listened as the man said he liked her suggestions. sapphire and onyx had been a couple of kids in her year at school. She hadn’t heard from either of them since graduation and vaguely wondered where they were now. Maybe she would ask Jacob he may know as he had been dorm mates with onyx.
They continued in quiet for a few minutes before foncersation continued talking about blood statuses. ”associate with those of a similar blood status as you. What a mouthful to say I hang out with my family she said.
She let out a gawfaw of laughter as he said she was as threatening as a puffskin. well I am flattered I seem more threatening than a pygmy puff. I guess I could threateningly humm pop music she said forgetting the no humour rule. They turned a corner and she could hear the rumble of the waterfall and see a stream running not far past the side of the path.
Her family? Killian was about to question it when he remembered that he had two half siblings that were not part-giant like he was. Perhaps that is what she meant. "Considering your size, family isn't the first place my mind goes. Even though I do have 2 younger half-siblings that are average sized." Killian didn't really mind the size difference even though Kade often had issues with how his house was laid out. He didn't know how many times he had caught his brother from falling backward. Her laugh was a little odd but he could understand why. "To be fair, pygmy puffs are just smaller versions of puffskeins. You don't look fluffy enough for that. Or...bright. As in color." Killian didn't want to call someone he met on the mountain path dumb. Not when she had not done anything to earn that insult, but that threat of hers made him narrow his green eyes as he heard the sound of a waterfall. "You know, not the best thing to say to someone that can hurl you over the waterfall."
Willow wondered if that was a look of surprise or confusion on the mans face. while she knew it was unusual to have a part giant aunt and uncle it was something she was so used to that she didn't really think much of it. 'yeah we don't look like we are related" she said. ignoring the fact that the only way they were related was through marriage.
she rolled her eyes as he told her pigmy puffs were just smaller puffslins. "I was joking I know what pygmy puffs are. though I have been every colour from red to blue. this pale pink is a recent update." she said not sure what she was trying to defend herself for. but bright colours had always been her thing. she couldn't even stay just blonde for long before adding a little pink to the mix. she listened to his threat about humming "Yeah. except that is basically what I have come out here to do. and if you wanted to throw me off you would have to climb to the top first" she said as they rounded the final corner and before them was a clearing with a pool in the middle. "see isn't it pretty she said as she put her bag down took off her shoes and had a mouthful from her water bottle glad that she had thought ahead and put her swimming costume on under her clothes.
Killian worked it out in his head. Had to be either half-siblings, step-siblings, or marriage for that to occur but he did not dwell too much on it. After all, it was none of his business nor did he care. There was no point in getting to know someone that he would likely never see again - so he would assume. But at least she knew her magical creatures. Killian himself only knew as far as pets, but steered clear of them. Those puffskeins and pygmy puffs were just too small for him. A pet might crushed the little thing. "The girl I work with is also a bright, pink thing. Must be a fashion thing to dye hair different colors." Killian himself never did that. His hair was always the same unless he went swimming, then it would be obvious how long he kept the top.

At what seemed to be an eternity, she led them to a clearing with a pool. He blinked a few times from his behind his shades, but ultimately took them off and put them on top of his head to take in the view. "I used to climb mountains in Russia. This is nothing." He noticed that she took off her shoes, and thankfully, nothing else. He set his bag down to set the tent up later. He planned to spend a few days out here as a small vacation away from his job. "Not too bad. But I didn't have any expectations out here."
Wilow listened as he said that the girl he worked with had pink hair. she didn't know who this girl was. but she was hearing a fair amount about her. "Is this still the garnet girl?" she asked giving a half-interested shrug.
She took off her t-shirt and shorts leaving herself in a sporty bikini. she may be small but her years training in the auror gym as well as running and her naturally sporty frame had left her well toned and with a body she was proud of. she pulled her ponytail out and retired it as he spoke about mountains in russia. "that Sounds like fun. Is there anywhere you would recommend?" she asked Maybe one day i should go and properly climb a mountain somewhere, it would be fun. Maybe she could take lin with her sometime after he graduated. it was probably the sort of thing he would like.
Killian averted his eyes when Willow asked if that was still the garnet girl. He was talking an awful lot about her and he didn't understand why. She annoyed the hell out of him. He took out his wand and waved it to set his tent and such up as she got undressed. By the time he had finished that, he glanced back at Willow and immediately looked away. "Give a man a warning before you do that." Killian had about as much experience with women as an eleven year old. Mainly because he was busy with other things to bother caring.

Even though Killian had a lot of pride in the way he looked, he didn't bother taking off anything. He didn't feel it was appropriate. He sat down next to the water and thought over the mountains, trying to find the English words for them. "Altai mountain range is a good area. The other mountains I hiked up, well, most were active volcanoes. Besides, weren't you going to go jump or something?" Killian, even while sitting down, didn't have to look up at the brightly colored girl.
Willow hadnt even thought about how it would be stripping off to her bathers would make someone feel uncomfortable. after all it was her swimsuit and it wasn't a particularly revelling one at least not for a bikini as it was one designed more for actual sport and flimsy ones were a liability if cliff jumping. even the tattoo of a fox on her shoulder was half obscured by the straps. "Sorry, here is your slightly late warning. I have just stripped off to my bathers. It is just a swimsuit nothing exciting or embarrassing" she said. Making her way over to the cliff at the side of the pool.
she listened as he spoke about the mountains. "I will have to look them up" she said thinking it would be fun to climb up an active volcano. "Yes I am going to jump. but I need to get a little higher than water level first, because that would be boring she said grabbing a hand and foothold and making a start climbing up the side of the cliff.
Killian gave her a look before shaking his head at her comment. A subtle smile did actually appear since at least it was more decent than others he had seen before. Killian was still a bit uncomfortable around women in general. They were a totally different species to him. Perhaps he was still a stick in the mud. He still debated on changing himself, but if he did, it would be a bit... much. He kept his eye on her as she started heading toward the cliffs. "Well, if you hit your head or start to drown, I don't really know how to do CPR so don't hurt yourself." No, Killian would not be doing that. Not without knowing for sure. Plus, it would be easier if he were alone.

Somehow, he still had issues actually relaxing and having fun around others. So, until he was comfortable, he felt content sitting back and watching after this Willow tree girl. At least he was away from civilization so it was already bringing him some peace of mind.

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