Wild Hearts Don't Break

Amzurah Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Amzurah Archer had returned to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to finish her NEWT year. She had left it the previous semester on a massive downer, unable to speak with Brian or Noah. Zura would have loved to be able to talk her situation out with some other female but her mother had been so busy all vacation long and had made no time for her whatsoever. The brief rushed meals they did have together were not conducive to the topic she wanted to raise.

Wishing she had made at least one female friend while she was here, Zura made her way to the Lakefront and glanced out over the shimmering water. It was cool and she was probably mad for wearing a ti-shirt but she did have a thermal vest beneath, charmed by her mother to regulate it's temperature to warm her daughter adequately. Bending down she picked up a stone and flung it into the water.

She had seen both boys at the sorting feast of course but could not bare to look at either of them for long. Noah's feelings for her confused her greatly, while Brians obvious 'using' of her as she saw it until Zuka returned had her feeling raw. She knew she liked him, had known it from the first time she had seen him but he was so wrapped up in Zuka that she didn't warrant even a fleeting glance from him. But in liking him how could she also feel as if she liked Noah? This was definitely a topic for serious girl-friend analysis but here she hadn't met any girls who had been even remotely willing to fill that role. Her friends from Durmstrang now thought of her as 'the enemy' of sorts and had even written to rub it in that the HNZ champion had lost out to theirs. Zura sighed again and caught another stone in her hand tossing it upwards in the air, with every intention to catch it and toss it out into the water again ... but the stone never returned to her hand.

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