Closed Why Her?

Vegeta Arai

Aspired Healer / Changed for the Better
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Rigid Black Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
In all honesty, Vegeta Arai did not want to be in school. He wanted off that train the moment that he collapsed into his brother’s arms. Vegeta wanted to go home, anywhere that did not remind him of Elsie. But, it was damn near impossible. And the only one that knew about his feelings was Goku. No one else did. Vegeta did send Elsie a pink rose, and she sent him one. That had to mean that she liked him in some way. He would hold on to that dream, since it was all that he had. The Gryffindor walked up to the towers to get some time alone. He felt like he needed it after so long. He stopped at the north tower and saw that it was empty of people. Good. He walked to the window and looked up toward the sky. He liked to think that Elsie was up there, watching over the school. The car was what killed her, so now Vegeta hated everything that was in the muggle world. He only hoped that muggle-borns would never go back, for fear of dying. Vegeta was rocked from his thoughts when he heard someone enter the tower. Great. Now he needed somewhere else to go. Vegeta wiped the tears that gathered in his eyes. Crying. Always crying. Who would have thought that tear ducts just never dried out?
The North tower was not usually the sort of place that Euthalia frequented, but she had found that it was not occupied by many people at certain times of the day, especially when everyone had class and she did not. She had taken to coming up here to write her essays, since it was the only decent peace and quiet she could get from others. She missed being snuck into the Prefects lounge by her friends back in Scotland, since they'd all been prefects and even the headboy and girl there now were friends of hers, but, alas, she didn't have much choice now, and being in the library was absolutely not an option, it was filled with frenzied fifth years and frustrated first years, she didn't need that sort of negativity in her life at the moment. As she headed into the quieter section of the tower, the furthest point with the window, she stopped in her tracks when she saw the back of a boy standing at the very window she'd been intending to utilise. Well, that was unfortunate, and given the way he seemed to stiffen as she'd entered, she had to assume he was not a willing entertainer of company. Ah well, she judged him to be a Gryffindor given the colour of his robes, probably about the same age as she was, with his height and clearly upset about something, from the way he was standing and looking out the window to the sky. Perhaps he was in some kind of turmoil, she wasn't sure, but that was how it felt to her. She'd always even rather good at analysing people and situations and she was incredibly observant, she liked to think, she had to be, if she was going to pass judgement on others, she needed to judgement to be fair. "Shall I leave you?" She asked, noting how his arm moved, indicating he might have been wiping tears away, though it could have had another meaning too. "Are you alright?" She asked afterwards, wondering if she really should leave him alone at an open window. He could fall out if he was unbalanced. Her Russian accent didn't come out as much when she spoke English, but it was still fairly obvious, not to mention her English was a bit more formal than most.​
Vegeta looked up when he heard someone's voice. She asked if she should leave him, but Vegeta managed to stop crying so that she wouldn't ask too many questions. Then again, who knows. It was obvious that he was upset through his bloodshot eyes. "I will be," Vegeta answered, though he was trying to keep it together. He looked to the other Gryffindor and realized that she looked new. Couldn't be older, and if she was, not by much at all. Vegeta sighed and decided to just tell her. "I... Someone I love passed away in a car accident over the winter break. She was the first that listened to me, and helped me see what an ass I was. I never got to tell her how I felt either. So, it just sucks." Vegeta didn't want to spill it, but word vomit was a thing when he kept it inside for so long. Vegeta did not go into details about his childhood since he did not know her at all. He chuckled, "My manners are still in shambles. I am Vegeta Arai." The Gryffindor made sure that his hands were clean with a wipe, and extended his hand toward the new girl.

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