why hello

Jethro Gibbson

Active Member
OOC First Name
Jethro was taking a run round the grounds like he usually did when he was bored. he knew he should be doing home work but he just didn't have the motivation to do it today. this was a very rare event for Jethro that he didn't want to do this . as he was usaly a motivated person when it came to school work. as he slowed down to take a swig out of his bottle he noticed some one sat underneath the tree that he normally sat under. it didn't bother him that they were there he was just being curios as to why they were there. "Excuse are me you ok?" he asked as he walked nearer.
Hezekiah needed a break. He'd just finished a butt load of homework and his brain was absolutely pooped. He was roaming the Durmstrang grounds so he could clear his head. He decided to sit under a tree. As he sat under the tree he looked at all the boys and girls walking around. They looked so comfortable and relaxed as they chatted with friends and read books. Hezekiah closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to see people look and feel better then he did. A few seconds later he heard a voice asking him if her was okay. Hezekiah opened his eyes and turned to the guy who asked the question. I'm fine. Why? Hezekiah snapped at him.
"no reason apart from you're sat in my favourite spot there." he snapped back. he approached the boy with no care as this guy looked like a first year. Jethro was determining whether to use a spell or just simply use his fist's to get rid of the guy. he decided to give him a choice. "Now you can walk away from here and never return with you dignity intact or i can embarrass you in front of all these people. your choice." he told the boy
Hezekiah watched the boy as he gave Hezekiah his options. Hezekiah thought for a minute. This guy looked much more skilled than him and could easily embarass him. Hezekiah didn't want to say anything smart either. He should just walk away from this so his headache wouldn't get any worst. "Okay, I will move," Hezekiah said in a dull tone. He got up and faced the guy who was giving him a choice between dignity or embarassment. "There was a totally better way to ask me to move." he told the boy and moved around so he could relax elsewhere.
Jethro was about to sit down when he heard what the boy said. "Did you just back chat me boy?" he asked the boy. as the boy walked away Jethro shouted "STUPIDFY!" as the boy hit the floor Jethro walked up and punched the guy in the face with enough force that he broke his nose. "You come near hear again and we will have a serious problem understand." he said to the kid. Jethro walked away with out waiting for a response.

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