why hello there

Stefan Glass

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
stefan was sat on a bench in the park thinking of what had happened over the past couple of weeks. he had been adopted by his best friends brother and he had finished school it had been a busy few weeks as hed moved into michaels old house so he didnt have to live with laura. his life was finally turn ing around and he couldnt wait to see kate again as he hadnt seen her and her family in years
Amelia was completely bored. She had been travelling for a while now and still hadn't found anything or anyone that had made her want to stay in one place for long enough to appreciate it. Walking with her head down, she was completely unaware of where she was going.

Suddenly, she found herself lying on the floor, looking at the sky. Sitting up quickly and brushing herself off she stared around. She was in a park and she had tripped over a guys foot. "Oh, désolé, monsieur. Excusez-moi." She rambled. Taking time to properly take in the boy she smiled faintly. Seeing her wand on the ground, she elegantly stretched her hand behind her and snatched it up swiftly. Standing up, she smiled more confidently, sitting down on the bench, next to him.

OOCOut of Character:
Hey :)

Just wondering, who is Kate?

And also, is there any way that you could please maybe post in another colour, because i can't read it very well.

French = Oh, sorry sir. Excuse me.

Stefan broke from his day dream to see a beautiful girl looking at him "bonjour ma chère ne vous inquiétez pas. il était de ma faute probally." he said to her with the french hed picked up from his father.When the girl sat next to him he found him self unable to take his eyes of he. "my names stefan what would yours be beautiful?" he aske her as he didnt know much french.
OOCOut of Character:
kate is a family friend whom hes attracted to even though shes eleven. :wub:
french=hello my dear don't worry about it. it's was probally my fault
sorry about the coulor experimenting a little :r
Amelia blushed at his comment. "Bonjour Stefan, je suis Amelia." She said quickly. Her heart skipped a beat as he called her beautiful. She heard it regularly and most people would be use to it now, but not her. She sunk into the compliments and smiled stunningly.

Slipping her wand into her pocket, she flipped her hair behind her back and smiled shyly. She had never been shy and this hadn't changed, she just knew it gave most people more confidence when she acted 'shy.' "Where are you from?" She asked in her broken English. It was slowly improving but still needed quite a bit of work before it would be perfect.

OOCOut of Character:

Oh, ok that sounds cool :DD

French (though quite obvious): I am Amelia.

Don't worry about it, i was just panicking that they would all be like that :p
"hello amelia." he said to her. "this is where i was here in sunny newzeland. i guess from your broken english and your non shynish that your french." he said he was good at picking things up people didnt want him to. but today he was showing of a little bit more than usual. he was hoping that this girl wouldnt mind.
Amelia raised her eyebrows at this latest comment. "You guess correctly sir." She stated, quickly, laughing gently. Normally, this comment would have annoyed her and made her want to stand up for the French, but today, well today she just let it float over her. There was a quick silence, Amy waiting for another comment to be made. "Please, call me Amy. My friends do." She stated slowly, checking that she had got the English correct.


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