Why, hello again.

Taylor Rosetti

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey it's Melissa.
Taylor Rosetti had just gotten off work. Since his graduation he had taken a job doing part-time waitressing earning some money to go towards renting a house in New Zealand. He had moved out of home permanetly and was loving the freedom that it entailed. He could come and go as he pleased and he didn't have to tell anyone where he was going or who he was going out with. He had made a few friends through flat mates and they ocassionly went out to have a good time though usually they spent the time on the couch watching movies and eating popcorn. Not that it wasn't fun. Releasing his hair from the constraints of the hair tie he had to wear he shook it out and ran his hands trough it untangling the knots. Pulling out his wallet he checked the money and decided to treat himself to some new earrings, he had, had his eye on some for quite a while but he had to save up before he could afford them. Slipping into a shop he bought them without hesitation, though he watched with a little bit of guilt as he watched his money disappeared. Stomach grumbling he mentally kicked himself for not picking up something at the cafe where he worked.

Taking the bag containing the earrings Taylor slipped the bag over his wrist and walked out of the shop. He still had enough money for an ice cream and he headed out in that direction. His eyes sweeping looking for someone he knew. He was always up for a chat with anyone, and it would distract him from buying a rather unnecessary ice cream. He was almost at the ice cream palor when out of the corner of his eye he spotted a seemingly familiar mop of black hair and startling blue eyes. Doing a double take he confirmed his suspicions, it was none other than Elliott, the rather cute guy that Taylor had found himself flirting with after just meeting him. Grinning the blond decided to sneak up on the other guy. Coming up behind him, Taylor placed his hands over Elliott's eyes and leant towards his ear, "Guess who." he whispered trying to disguise his feminine voice as much as possible. He was hoping Elliott still remembered him, it would be awkward if he didn't.
Elliott Stryad was tired. Living on his own was hard work. He had moved out in Februrary, not long after meeting that rather attractive, but elusive girl. His parents still didn't know about him or the fact he was gay. It wasn't mostly because he was no longer sure. Things had happened that were making him question, though he was beginning to think that maybe Taylor didn't actually exist, which was kind of sad, considering. He had recently gotten a job at a hospital as what they called "kiddie entertainment". Basically he dressed up as various super heros and pretended to be them. He had just finished a three hour shift as Spider man. Which was good because he didn't have to use make up to cover his lip piercings. He really hated that. He got a pretty good wage for it though, which was really the only reason he even took the job. Acting was not really his thing anyway. All of his room mates did the same job. It was how you got three spidermans at once. Though they had to be careful not to alow the kids to see them in the same place. That would have been rather awkward he ws sure.

Coming along the path, Ellie saw a familar bench. He hadn't been here in a while, though he did in the first few months, hoping to get a glimpse of Taylor, to prove to himself that she actually did exist. Smiling he took a seat on the bench and once again pulled his hood over his head, it was pretty cold at the moment, so he wanted it there, though it didn't take long for the wind to blow it off and he rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets and sliding down into the bench. He made himself comfortable because he wasn[t sure how long he was going to wait. As long as it took to convince himself that she wasn't here likely. He sighed, too bad. He could really have gotten to like her too. Suddenly he felt hands over his eyes and someone whispering in his ear. At first he was confused, however, it didn't take him long to figure it out. It was Taylor. She was actually here! He couldn't believe his luck.

"Well, look who it is, Taylor Rosetti. What a coincidence, eh Tay?" He asked laughing slightly as he pulled her around to sit beside him. He could not actually believe that she was here. He thought she was gone for good. He couldn't believe he had not gotten any details to contact her with. He was going to have to remember this time. "So what have you been up to eh? Being good? Have you graduated yet?" He had so many questions, but he didn't want to overload her, not yet.
Taylor inwardly sighed relief that Elliott remembered him, it had been a while since they had seen each other and seeing as it had been a one off it would have made sense if he had of been greeted by a blank face. But the fact that Elliott remembered him brought an easy smile to his face, a rather large genuine smile that he saved for such occasions as this and he laughed along with his friend as he took a seat next to him. He had been almost flat out since graduation getting his life together and unfortunately hadn't had the chance to get back to Obsidian to meet up with Elliott since the last time and he regretted a lot. He was so easy to talk to and the always had a laugh together. Something he did get with his flat mates but not to the same level, weird considering he barely knew the guy. "Elliott Stryad. Long time no see." he answered cheerfully in Italian. That was another thing, the both spoke Italian, something his mates didn't so whenever he had a rant in Italian about something they never understood what was going on, unlike Elliott. Taylor suddenly realised that he was categorizing all of Elliotts good points and instantly blushed. He always seemed to end up flirting with him.

Crossing his legs in front of him Taylor leant back in his seat and pondered the other guys questions, "Not too much really, I graduated from Durmy, moved out of home and got a part-time job at a really nice cafe." he chuckled, "So not that much really." he concluded a with a hint of sarcasm. Turning to him he grinned, showing that he was in fact just joking around. "What about you ocean eyes? What have you been up to then?" he asked cocking his head to the side. They had a bit of catching up to do and Taylor was eager to start.
Elliott smiled when Taylor joined him and slid along the bench, closer to her. Her blonde hair was just like he remembered, if not longer. It made him feel better that she hadn't changed much. She was still the same beautiful Taylor Rosetti that he knew from before. He notice her blush and laughed lightly. He couldn't remember if she had blushed before, but it was certainly a good feeling. He sat watching for a few moments, taking in her appearance. She somehow looked older, perhaps it was from just being a girl? Didn't men tend to age slower than women? He shook his head and laughed. His nineteenth birthday was today. Funny about that. He wondered if he should make mention. Would he get something out of it? Maybe she would let him take her to lunch, or dinner. Even though it was his birthday and not hers. He shrugged and looked at her, turning his body towards her. "It's my birthday today you know. Want to go somewhere and celebrate?" He wondered if she would say yes. He hoped so. He had a pocket full of cash and now just needed somewhere to use it. "We can go to the same place we went before if you like." From memory he was sure she had liked the place. If not they could always go to another place he knew, though it was a farther distance from where they presently were.

He listened to Taylor explain what she was doing, nodding along and laughing where appropriate. So she had gotten a part time job had she? Well that was good. And she had moved out of home. He hoped she wasn't having to pay a lot for the place she was living. He wouldn't like to think about that. Then he laughed louder when she called him ocean eyes. Were they really that blue? He'd never noticed. He couldn't remember anyone ever calling him ocean eyes. It was kind of cute actually. "Well, I moved out of home in February, not long after I met you. Then I kind of drifted for a while until I was able to rent an apartment not far from here. About two months ago. Or actually one month ago I got a job at a Hospital as, well... uh... its kind of embarrassing." He laughed as he shook his head, indicating that he did not want to tell her. It was silly. She would laugh. He could tell.

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