Why don't they fix it?

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley waited at the bottom of the stairs for Cyndi. The teenager rested his 5' 9" frame against the wall. It was Cyndi's birthday and it was now his turn to take her out to somewhere amazing and give her a great birthday like she had done to him with his birthday. He was taking her to the all amazing Italy today. Take her to the leaning tower of Pisa and then for dinner. Of course he would do hat ever she waned to do there too. He wasnt a lover of Italy but today was nothing to do with him. He would be happy if she was. He just wanted to match her perfect present that she to for him and h thought that because Cyndi like ancient ruins and things that the tower may be just what she liked. He didn't know how old it was but he classed it as ancient enough

He sighed as he waited. Leaning down as his new cat Whiskers came over to him. He fused her and smiled as the cat led on its back. The reason he had got this cat was to keep Midnight company while he and Cyndi were at work so she didn't get lonely on her own all the time. Riley stood back up strait and looked up the stairs. "Hurry up Cyndiloo what are you doing up there?" He shouted up the stairs
As she heard his voice drift up the steps, Cyndi brushed back her hair one more time and then left her room. "I was doing my hair" she said as she went down the steps and stopped in front of her roommate. She looked at what he was wearing and was glad that she wasn't over or underdressed. He hadn't told her where he was taking her, so she didn't really know how she should dress. "I'm surprised you're already ready" she said with a chuckle. Most of the time, she ended up having to wait for him.

Looking up at him, she smiled sweetly. "So...are you going to tell me where you're taking me now?" she asked, hoping that he would. She knew that it was for her birthday that they were going somewhere but she had no clue where it was going to be. Bending down, she rubbed Whiskers belly and when Midnight strolled over, Cyndi turned her attention on the all black cat.
Riley rolled his eye at her as she aid that she was doing her hair. he wasn't surprised. Girls seemed to obsess about their hair all the time. "No surprise there then." He said with a grin. "Hey I think you missed a bit." He joked. It was true though she did end up waiting for him but he had the upper hand now, he knew where they were going and new just what to dress like. "Yeah true but unlike you I know where we are going." He said with a laugh a he watched her fuss the cats

Grinning the young Professor shook his head. It was his turn to keep her guessing. She ad done the same to him so it was payback time. "In your dreams little lady. This is payback for keeping me guessing on my birthday so im going to keep you guessing." He said as he held out his hand. "Anyway lets not hang around, I want to see your face when I take you to where ever it is im taking you." Riley said to his room mate, making sure he didn't let anything slip
"I did not" she responded because she'd checked her hair a few times before she'd left the room and there hadn't been a hair out of place. Not wanting to take chances, she passed her hand around her ponytail feeling for any stray hairs and it was fine, perfect in fact. Cyndi stuck her tongue out and stood up. The cats trotted off to the kitchen for a snack most likely and the professor shook her head at her roomie. She realized there wasn't much she could say or do because she had kept him in the dark literally about his own birthday present. It was only fair, but it still stunk. "Fine..." she grumbled and then brightened.

"Are we going now?" she said hopefully as she took his hand. When he mentioned wanting to see the expression on her face, Cyndi began to really wonder where he was taking her. If he thought she'd be excited, it had to be somewhere really, really awesome. She listened carefully, but Riley was good. He didn't let a thing slip.
Riley laughed as Cyndi stuck her tongue out at him. He knew she would do that. "If you say so." He said looking up innocently as he did so. He knew that her hair was perfect but still he liked to joke about those sorts of things. He grinned as she grumbled at him. She did make him laugh when she didn't get what she wanted. "Hey you now know how I felt. But oh no wait im forgetting something." He said reaching in to his back pocket and taking out a black piece of cloth. He grinned widely. "Time to trust my navigation this time girly." He said standing behind her and putting the cloth over her eye so that she couldn't see where he was taking her.

"Ok now we are going." He said smiling as he took his hand in hers again. Once he had a good grip on her hand, Riley apperated the pair of them to Italy. As s feet landed on solid ground again and the tugging stopped he looked around. Riley had apperated the pair of them in a quiet little back alley that was ear the tower. He looked at the blind folded girl by his side. "You ok?" He asked making sure he had apperated successfully
When Riley said that he was forgetting something, Cyndi hoped it wasn't a blindfold that he was talking about. Unfortunately, it was and she groaned when she saw it. She knew she had to play along. Riley had after all, and she did trust him, so she was only pretending to be upset about it. "Don't get me lost, Ril" she demanded with a smile on her face. As she felt his hand cover her again, she was excited.

Hearing the familiar crack of apparation, Cyndi opened her eyes and saw nothing. Then, she remembered she still had the blindfold on. It was pretty quiet so she still had no idea where they were. When Riley asked whether she was ok, she nodded her head. She used to feel really nauseous whenever she apparated, but lately that feeling had gone away. She figured she was finally getting used to the form of travel. "I'm fine. It's kind of quiet here" she said, hoping to get a hint from him.
Riley rolled his eyes at her. He knew his way around well enough to get by and take her to where he intended. "Don't worry i wont get us lost. Have a little faith" He said with a smile as he began to walk out of the alley. He pulled her gently by the arm so that he don't hurt her or make her rush because that wouldn't end well.

As hey reached the end of the ally and got out on to the main street he looked around at the many people. "Well its not any more that's for sure." He said walking slowly again for her. The sun was warm on them and Riley was glad he had worn shorts. "Ok well not much farther to go so you can take that thing off soon if you want to."He said walking towards the tower and stopping in front of it. "Ready?" He asked again
Cyndi chuckled a she listened to Riley speak. She had plenty of faith in him and knew that he wouldn't let any harm come to her. As he pulled her along, Cyndi tried her best to keep up. She was still walking a little slow because she didn't want to trip over anything or bang into anyone. As she heard the noise increase, she nodded her head to what Riley said. She wondered again where they were and tried to pay more attention to what her other senses were telling her. Her skin felt hot, so she knew that they were somewhere warm and that it was daytime. She could smell a lot of good foods in the air, especially bread that was baking all around her it seemed.

As she continued following Riley's lead, Cyndi stepped closer to him when he said it wasn't much father. She nodded enthusiastically, her hand already going to the blindfold to take it off. Next year, she'd be sure to not blindfold Riley if she took him out for a birthday gift. She didn't really like it all that much. "Sure am" she smiled, "Can I take it off?" They were stopped now and she could hear people around them talking in another language. It sounded fairly familiar, almost like...
Riley took a deep breath. He had never been here before and he ad never expected it to smell so good. He took Cyndi in his arms and stood behind her and face the her towards the tower and grinned. "Yup you can have your sight back now." He he biting down on his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing out loud. He was excited now, like a child in a sweet shop with extra money. Exept here he as with his room mate waiting for her to see where she was and what she would be looking at. Not hs usual kind of sweet shop but still, he was happy about it

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it isn't very good
When Riley turned her, Cyndi wondered what she was now facing. As soon as he gave the word, she began to pull the blindfold off, her patience was wearing out and she was pretty sure that she had identified the language being spoken by the people around her. When it was over her eyes, Cyndi stopped. She was staring at the very tower she'd been joking with Riley about after seeing it in a magazine.

There, in front of the two, not more than a couple hundred yards away stood the famed Leaning Tower of Pisa. Its lean was even more pronounced than it had been in the picture but more than that, the tower was even more beautiful in person. Cyndi turned to Riley, an astonished look on her face. "Riley...this is the tower! I didn't even think you were listening to me when I told you about it." She pulled her roommate into a hug. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" The blindfold fell loosely around her eyes again and she reached a hand up to rip it off. "Are we going in?" she asked, hoping the answer was a yes.
Riley smiled as he watched Cyndi take of the blindfold and look at the tower. The look on her face was priceless to him. He had heard her bring it up in conversation one time and he thought it would be a laugh for her to see it in real life. "Hey I always listen to you. Just sometimes I don't look like I do." He said with a grin Riley had been told in the past that he was a great listener and he liked that about himself.

The smile stayed on his face as she hugged him. Riley returned her hug a and laughed slightly as the blindfold slipped over her eyes again. "Yeah yeah." He said passively as she thanked him. He wasn't one for thanks usually. "Of course we are going in." He said grinning as he took he hand loosely in his and walked towards the tower. "
"I'll never doubt you again" she said with a laugh. Cyndi was thrilled when he told her that they were going. She wondered whether they would feel as if they were leaning as they went up or if the staircase was straight. Swinging her hand, Cyndi followed the other tourists to the line that was leading towards the entrance of the tower. A lot of tourists were using cameras to take pictures of the place and Cyndi was a bit sad that she hadn't brought her magical camera. Of course she didn't know ahead of time that they would be coming, but still.

Leaning closer to Riley, Cyndi whispered so that the muggles wouldn't overhear. "I wonder why the muggles just leave it like that. I bet a good charm could fix the place right up" she nodded her head as she spoke. She smiled at another woman who was standing with a man in front of them. The woman looked as excited as she did to enter. As they stepped closer to the front, Cyndi saw the sign saying that they had to pay to enter. "Do you have enough?" she asked. She didn't know anything about muggle money. She had used it once during a trip to Australia, but she knew the money was different in Italy
Riley smiled at Cyndi as she commented on him. "Yeah yeah. Until next time I blind fold you and take you to some country." He said cheekily with a grin on his face. "Only teasing. I wont blind old you next time if you don't do it with me." He said nudging her side slightly. He liked joking with her, mainly because her reactions sometimes were priceless to him

As Cyndi leant in closer to him, he copied. A smile stretching across his lips as he listened to that she said. "That may be so Cyndiloo but if that were so then it would not be as famous as it is now wuold it?" Riley said before leaning out again. He reached into his pocket and took out a few fifty pound notes. He got the basics of muggle money but he didn't fully understand. "Well I would think so." He said handing a note to her. "That should be enough." He said biting his lip. "Ok well lets go find out." Riley said grinning.
Cyndi laughed out loud at Riley's response to her. He knew her so well. "Fine, fine. No more blindfolds" she shrugged her shoulders and then added, "I have other tricks up my sleeves anyway." It was fun teasing Riley, mostly because he was so good-natured about it. He rarely got angry at what she said and he was good with comebacks.

She listened as he continued, considering what he had just said and then nodding. "I guess that makes sense" she said as she took some money from him. She'd seen this money before when she'd been in England. Turning it over in her hand, she saw a number fifty on it and began to walk up to pay to enter. She handed the money to the Italian man standing there and watched as he counted change out. She took it from him and smiled when he told her to have a nice time in his heavy Italian accent. It was a wonderful accent, but nowhere near as charming as Cameron's southern accent was. The two just didn't compare. When Riley had finished paying, Cyndi excitedly turned to the doors. From this close, the place looked even more beautiful even though it was old. "Bet I can beat you up the steps" she said, a mischievous grin on her face as they walked toward the steps to head up the tower.

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