Why do I have to be here?

Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Lilith did not want to be here, but she did not really have much of a choice. Eden was making her and ever since Eden had gotten her new status in the family no one really back talked her and if they tried it was all bad for them. So here Lilith was waiting for Eden to hurry up and get to the beach. The only thing Lilith wanted to do was hide in her bedroom and pray to not run into Alex. It was really easy seeing as they where in different years and Lilith hung out with Eden's friends the cheerleaders.
Eden walked down to the beach. She saw her little sister there and smiled. It was good to see her outside in the sun not hiding away in the house. "Sister it is good of you to make it out here." Eden knew that Lilith did not have a choice in the manner but Eden could always pretend that she had given Lilith the choice.

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