Why can't we be friends? Oh, because I hate you.

Anne Houser

Well-Known Member
Anne walked throught the enterance hall, her gutair in her hands. She wondered is she should be doing homework, but she simply couldn't be bothered. She just wanted to play her guitar alone, without all those stupid Slytherins. Honestly! All they cared about was how they looked, nothing else. Anne was different from those pathatic bimbos, she actually had a brain in her head. How she used it was her decision. And right now, school wasn't of any importance to her. Music was all that mattered, and this school had taken away her iPod, so there was no way in the universe that her gutair was going to be taken away. She frowned as she was about to climb the stairs, why couldn't there be an esculator or something, so she wouldn't have to carry her most prized possesion up all those stairs?

Something crashed into her from behind, and she fell over, her guitar flying out of her hands. "Hey! Watch it, jerk!" she yelled at the person who had dared to run into her.
Jennifer peered out from behind the huge pile of books she was carrying. The coast was clear for now. Her bag had split, and she had no money for a new one. Her family certainly weren't coming through with the money, they still hated Jen for going to 'that freak school'. It wasn't her fault that she was a witch, she didn't ask for this! Her frizzy red hair exploded like... and explosion from her head. Nothing would tame it, and the elasic hairtie had snapped. She had attempted to keep it out of her face with a headband, and so far it was working, sort of.

Jenny had just been out to the gardens, a place where she was left alone by people, to study and write in her journal. Her journal was the only thing that wasn't a hand-me-down from her millions of siblings, and half-/step-siblings. Jen turned a corner, and crashed into a girl, who fall over. The tiny girl fell over too, her books flying everywhere. Her journal slid across the polished floor, coming to rest near the other girl's foot, a few pages flying out and music sheets scattered around the floor. She let out a little cry, before trying in vain to catch all the papers. "I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry!" she said to the other girl, hoping madly she wouldn't look at Jenny's journal. The shy girl winced at being yelled at, though she was used to it by now.
Papers went everywhere, but Anne didn't care about this stupid girl's stuff. She hoped her guitar hadn't been scratched, she would murder that red-head. She gasped as she saw her instrument. The head had completely broken off, and there were several long cracks along the body. "You. Broke. My. Guitar." Anne said, her voice dangerously low. "YOU BROKE MY GUTAIR!!!" she screamed at the girl, jumping up and down in anger, her face red with fury. Her gutair was the only thing important to her, apart from her friends. And since she only had a few friends, and most of them muggles, her gutair was the only thing that mattered.

And now, it was broken. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" she screamed. She looked rather demented, her white-blonde hair flying around her face. She looked a little like a banshee.
Jennifer dropped the books she had just picked up, and screamed. "I-I'm s-sorry!" she stuttered, backing away from the demented girl. "M-M-Maybe it c-ould be f-f-fixed?" Jen hadn't learnt the reparing charm yet, but it would probably be only a few weeks before she would learn it. A professor would probably fix it for the girl. Jennifer knew she would get the blame for breaking it, and she wasn't used to getting in trouble. She wished she had been watching where she was going, so none of this would have happened.
Coming in with the permission from Anne.

Aleyha had finished humming yet another song that was sung to her in her dreams, and began on another one. One that her father taught her. It was a violent tune, with harsh and cruel words involved in Bulgarian. Aleyha finally whispered the last words of one phrase, "And all mudbloods shall perish from the earth for they are nothing but scum." Aleyha continued to hum the rest, until she heard a familiar voice yell. It sounded like Anne, and boy, she wasn't happy. Wearing a white jacket with neon paint stains on it, and bright neon aqua skinny jeans along with slip-ons, Aleyha rushed to the area where the sound was coming from.

Aleyha had emerged from the other side of Anne, facing her directly and behind the Ravenclaw. Aleyha's gaze landed on the ground, seeing the broken pieces of Anne's guitar. Oh, this girl is toast. Aleyha smirked wickedly. Her voice, sweet yet sinister, rang out through the halls, "You dare stutter in front of an enraged Slytherin? I demand you to shape up and stop acting like a pathetic mudblood and pick up the pieces." Aleyha folded her arms across her chest, and her white blond hair flowed over her shoulders and chest beautifully. Her face was statue-like and icy as well. No one dared messed with Aleyha's friends. Who was this girl anyway? She just stuttered instead of simply cleaning up her mess. Even Fenrir, her green snake around her neck, shook his head in shame.
Oh, no! Poor Jennie!

Jennifer was terrified of this new girl, she seemed to be friends with the girl with the broken guitar. Oh, no. She thought, hoping that the two girls wouldn't hurt her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she whimpered, rushing around to pick up the bits of guitar. She scowled when one of the girls called her a mudblood. She didn't know what it meant, but she knew it was very bad. Just then, she noticed the girl who had called her a mudblood had a snake. She gulped: her very worst fear was snakes. This girl's snake scared Jennifer more than the two girls put together. She picked up the last of the pieces of guitar, and handed it to the girl who owned the guitar, keeping her head down and her eyes to the floor.

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