Why are you here?

Erica Cade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair
Erica was happier than ever, it seemed like everything was perfect. She was away from her parents and of course the best friend of her parents and she was sorted to a house that she adored. "Yeesss!!" The young girl smiled as she jumped and skipped around the corridor, wearing her uniform proudly. The first year made her way to the lakefront and stopped in front of the huge lake and walked toward it, bending over and dipped a finger to the lake and felt the cold water. Erica had never been able to get out of the manor of hers, she was always locked up in the house and she had never got the chance to enjoy the nature. That's why, getting out of the golden cage was a relive for her.

The first year Gryffindor stood up and walked away from the lake and ran toward the huge tree as she saw insects on it. Gently she touched the little creature and placed it on her arms. "Eeeww Gross" She heard from other girls who saw her touching the little creature. A smirk appeared on her face as she walk toward the young girls and chase them, quickly the girls ran away to the corridor and left Erica alone. She started to laugh and walked back to the tree, placing the little insect back to the place where she found it before. "Annyeong (Good bye)" She said in Korean. Erica continued walking toward the other way and bumped on someone in accident and fell down. The girl was clumsy, she never really pay attention to where she was heading. "Jwesonghamnida (sorry)" She said in Korean not realizing that she wasn't using English.
Although it was nothing life-changing, it was a peculiar day that was certainly worth remembering.​
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Liam Nightray was definitely not amused. Unlike the other first years that had just attended the school just like him, he wasn't interested and awestruck at all with his surroundings, nor was he fascinated by all the magical works that had been done in the school. He wasn't having fun or socializing either. No, all of these things are just far off of his mind at the moment. He wasn't there to have fun, he wasn't there to make friends, and he wasn't there to waste his time. He attended Hogwarts to learn. To learn and become stronger, stronger so as to make those persons that had betrayed the Nightray family to suffer the same pain that he did. Despite being a mere 11 year old kid, there is nothing left in him except for hatred, hatred for those who had betrayed them, hatred for those who had killed his parents. So, instead of playing with those brainless kids as he called them, he preferred to take a walk along the grounds. Now, one would say that this is wasting his time either, but not for him. He needed the air, being locked in his room all day would just make his head spin and make those memories come back. Staying in the library is not an option either.

The sun was smiling brightly at him, it's rays bathing him with warm sunlight and the wind blowing gently against him, making his hair dance along with it. His face remained impassive, stoic even more. He was very well aware of his surroundings, so when someone had bumped into him, he knew that he was not the one at fault. He let out a sigh of annoyance, looking down at the said person, only to see that she was the least person that he would want to see there. The person who would remind him of his life, of his past. "You're being clumsy." He said calmly. He's been raised in a strict environment, and it's not like him to yell at someone. No, he had been taught to control his temper. It would be too improper for a boy who had been born with a golden spoon to just let out his frustration on someone. "Stand up." The statement come out as an order, just as he was used to.
It turned out to be Liam Nightray who Erica bumped on, never in her life she wished to see that face, at least not this day. She was having so much time and everything turned outside down. The young girl stood up according to what Liam said, she was afraid of him, he was the boy who her parents adore. Erica hated this boy with her whole heart and she wished to see him no more someday. Liam knew so many secrets of Erica that her parents weren't suppose to know one of the examples was her skipping her classes that she was suppose to attend. Unlike Liam and Cybele who concentrate on their studies, Erica wanted to have fun. She founded what they were doing was boring. She wanted to be able to dance in the rain or meet up with some friends and got home late but she could never do that.

The smile on Erica's face quickly disappeared as she eyed the boy in front of her. "Being clumsy or not is none of your business" She said calmly as she faced her worst enemy. She hated the plan of what her parents made for both Erica's and Liam's future. She could never imagine ending up with him. He was the contrast of Erica, they were never the same. Although Erica pretended to act calm and a little arrogant when her parents were around, her heart was far from that. "Good bye" She said and faced the other way, ready to leave him alone. She wanted to be far from him but the girl knew that he would continue making her life miserable.
A sigh had escaped Liam once more as he continued to eye the girl in front of him. Believe it or not, they had been betrothed for as long as he could remember, and despite of him not liking the idea at all, he could not refuse. The young girl was just a total opposite of him. Maybe not before, but it was the case now. Every time that he would see Erica, the name that she carries, he would be reminded of those memories that he didn't want to resurface once more. He had once been a happy kid just like her, full of life, enjoying very minute of his life that he spent together with his family. But all of those had changed on his 8th birthday, when their whole manor was burned down and his parents died. Since then, his aunt took the initiative to look after him. He had been the sole heir to their company despite his young age too, so, despite the childish features and the androgynous face that he had, his personality is already that of an adult. That's why he had been called not cute by his aunt for a handful of times. He didn't care anyways. it's not like cuteness would help him get his revenge. His aunt had tried to talk him out of it, but it was his will to regain the pride of his family, the pride that he had lost when those persons had betrayed them. He may not know who they really are for now, but surely, he'll discover their identities soon.

"That's not the proper way to talk for a lady, is it Erica? You're mother would surely be disappointed once she learned of your attitude now." It's not like he did not care about her anymore, but he fears that he'll be attached to her just like he had been before. He feared to have any connection with any living human, for he is already prepared to just throw his life just to get his goals, and being attached with someone would just be a weakness. A weakness that he does not need.
Erica Bellerose hated everything that came out of Liam Nightray's mouth. It broke her heart that he grew up into a person that she could never imagine. Her eyes turned blue as she felt gloom invading her heart, the brunette faced Liam once more and walked toward him. "Why Liam? Why do you care?" One of the reasons of her hating seeing Liam's face was that he reminded her of every sorrows that he had been through. Deep inside she wanted to show him that he wasn't alone but she couldn't stand him, Erica was too positive, she knew how to be happy instead of torturing herself emotionally. "We have seven years to stay away from each other" Since her parents weren't there nor was Liam's family, they could avoid each other. Seven years was a relatively long time and Erica wasn't going to waste the time. "Use the time wisely" She said hoping that he would agree with her. "Now that we're free, away from our family let's just...." She shook her head and looked at the ground not being able to say what she wanted to say. Liam should know what she wanted to tell him even though deep inside she missed little Liam but she knew that he wasn't going to be back. Liam had changed and he wont be like used to be, or would he?
Liam had deemed it to unnecessary to answer the girl's question. She was right after all, he wasn't supposed to care. The arrangement that their families had made was not supposed to concern them. It was not their will after all. It was not like they want that too. If there would be a chance, Liam would happily break off the said arrangement. But the time isn't now, he still have a lot of things in his mind to even care about such a trivial thing. They were still young after all. And his parents, who is part of the said arrangement, weren't there already. They wouldn't know. "I would say that to you, use that time to live on your own." He knew just how much she wanted to be free. They had seen each other grow after all. Just like him, she was also trapped in the golden cage that their families had made for them. That's how they had lived, and it still was the case for her it seemed, but for Liam, everything had already changed. He wasn't like the Liam that she once knew, and he know that she had realized it already. Those smiles of his would never return again, not when he have not achieved his goals yet. He needed to do it, no matter how many times his aunt had objected. "Just stay away from me." He finished her sentence. He wanted her to be as far from him as possible. He was well aware of the pain that he was causing her, well aware that when he had already changed, the girl was still the same. The same positive child that he used to play with before. He missed those times, he surely did, but then, there was no space for such fun. He needed to get stronger, much more stronger to be able to regain everything that he had lost.​
Cybele Choi had been spending her day working out since the morning. Jogging was her hobby and she was good at it. After taking a long hot shower the Slytherin first year dried herself and rolled her eyes as she saw how pathetic the robe was. It was boring and it was old fashioned, at least that was what she thought. But liked it or not she had to put it in and wear it for the next seven years. The young girl took a black plain hairband and placed it on her head as she saw the reflection of hers in the mirror, twirling trying to spot if she had a flaw on her or not. A smirk appeared on her face as she viewed herself as perfect. Cybele was egoistic she didn't care about what was going around her, what she wanted was getting attention from other people, and what she cared was her pride. Right after admiring herself, Cybele walked down to the common room and ignored other students who was sitting on the couch or who greeted her. She could smell the fragrance of a rose that she put on her, she loved smelling, looking nice. She loved it so much that she would never ever placed a finger on those who's bellow her expectation, as in the style. Even after work out Cybele jumped straight to the shower hating the sweats that rolled down her face.

The two brown eyes spotted on a black haired friend of hers and a brunette on the Lakefront. Cybele knew who they were and Cybele was only interested in one of them. Both Liam and Cybele had similarities and this was the reason why she wanted to be friends with him. "Liam" She said calmly as she walked toward them. "What are you doing here?" She glared at Erica hating every angle of hers. Not that Erica was ugly but Cybele was jealous of her and she wanted her to stay away from Liam and stop bothering him, not that Cybele liked Liam in a romantic way but she found it silly that Liam had to waste his time with the girl that Cybele disliked and beside they had nothing in common so why bother? "Go back to where you belong" Young Cybele said as she walked toward Erica and walk toward the brunette, locking her eyes on her. Cybele was tall, she was taller than Erica and secondly she was twice stronger than the little brunette.
Liam Nightray continued to look at the young girl in front of him. She was indeed still the same, even up to now, despite all the years, she's still the little Erica that he knew, and look at him. Nothing remains of the small, cheerful and energetic little kid that he was before, all the he is right now is an empty shell whose only purpose is to achieve his goals and make everyone who'll ever get in his way to never ever mess with him again. Despite of the young age, Liam's goal in life is already set, and there is nothing will ever affect or change that goal of his. He lives for that, it was his purpose for staying alive and breathing. He has no time for any other matter. "I don't want to see you again." He muttered once more, eyes cold as he continued to just watch the girl. He was rude, and he knew it, but it's the only way to make her distance herself away from him. He didn't want her to ever get entangled with his life, he doesn't want to ever let her be involved. No. She doesn't need to know anything.

His attention was then stolen by a voice that had just called out to him. He knew who the owner of it was, he'll recognize it no matter where he is, after all, even until now, him and the said person was still together, they're even sorted to the same house. "Don't waste your time with her.." His voice came as flat as he watched the girl, who goes by the name of Cybele, approached his so called childhood friend. Cybele is the only one who could really talk to him, and though he didn't really trust her nor he really care for her at all, she's quite useful. He wouldn't really consider her as a friend as he didn't need one, but as a comrade, for now, yes maybe. The girl is strong, and he can benefit from that. She's quite smart as well anyways.
Deep inside Erica was hurt that Liam sent her away that he cared nothing about her. She missed him dearly but there was not much choice. Liam was never going to be the same no matter how hard she tried he had changed. It was the ideas of hers anyway, being away from each other for the rest of the next seven years and it seemed to be the best decision to make for both of them. After the seven years had ended they both had no choice but to be together so why not enjoy life? "Good bye Liam" A smile appeared on her face, her eyes couldn't lie, it reflected the sadness of her heart. She wasn't sure if Liam could see it in her eyes that she was actually hurt but again why should he care? He had changed.

Right before Erica was about to leave, the second worst nightmare of hers came. "Cybele" She greeted her remaining calm as she looked at the annoyed girl in the eye. She was mean to Erica and she hated Cybele whenever she stabbed Erica with her words. "Please stop" She said as she looked up to Cybele's brown eyes not wanting her to touch Erica. She knew what Cybele was about to do after this if Erica stayed there with both of the monsters. "I'll go" She said as she took the wand of hers that fell on the ground and took a few steps backward and bowed down to them showing the manner of hers and left them.
It was obvious that his words had indeed hurt Erica. Though she was still smiling, it was evident in her eyes that the way that he was pushing her away was just giving her more pain. Of all the years that Liam had known the girl, he is proud to say that he can read her emotions like an open book already. And right now, she was hurt, but he wasn't supposed to care as well. It's better this way, better for her to hate him and stay away from him than to cling and stay close to his side. It's better that she doesn't intrude much further in his life. Yes, this is definitely the best for both of them. He didn't bother to respond to her saying her goodbyes. It would hurt, for despite his heart being as cold as ice already, deep inside, no matter how many times he tried to cover it up with all those arrogance and sneers, he's still just an eleven year old kid, an eleven year old kid who has a mantle of responsibilities, an eleven year old kid whose only real friend had left him. Left him already yet he wasn't doing anything. He'll just let her go, and she'd be fine. She's an endearing young girl with an innocent heart, she's bound to find someone who deserves her more than he does.

He watched her back as she left, unwanted memories slowly seeping in his mind. It's no good, no good at all, cause out of all things, it is to remember that is he hated the most. He didn't want to remember, not at all. Clearing his head of the thoughts, he turned his attention at the other girl with him. "So, what are you doing here?" He asked flatly, voice lacking enthusiam. He has no motivation to talk or have any proper conversation right now, but he figures that this girl wouldn't let him to just leave at all. He'll be bound to accompany her all the days just like he usually does. It's not because he want to, but because he needed to. He can use her, and it would be a waste to just throw away such an asset that he might be able to put into use in the future.

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