Star had dressed very unlike her usual style today.Even though it wasn't even tht warm she had decided to in her mind dress up a bit.She was trying to be more outgoing and this was her way of achieving that goal.Some people might dress the way she was doing everyday but for Star it was a first and she was trying not to be self-conscience about it.Which was hard for a girl like her who thought everyone who looked at her judged her.She had borrowed the hat off her sister Kate,she had to say she quite liked what she was wearing.When she was finished getting ready she walked out of the castle and down to the Great Hall.She hated the way the ravenclaw tower was so high up.It was a pain in the butt trying to get anywhere.As she got closer to the Hall she noticed people whispering and she became worried when she saw another Rumor Has It magazine in their hands.She quickled made her way down to the Hall and went inside the hall.
When she walked out half an hour later for the first time in ages Star was actually angry.She was so annoyed at that stupid RHI magazine that kept writing bad things about her sister and Sammy and all those other poor people.They were so cruel and unfair.Star clenched her fists but quickly the anger left her.She had never been that angry in a long time.Usually it took a lot of effort to make her angry.Star sighed and walked down to the kitchens.She felt like making something.Her mother loved baking and it had kinda passed on to the rest of the Moon family.She walked down into the cool dungeons and found the kitchen.She walked in and found an apron.She decided to make Pizza.She didn't know why,it just popped into her head.So with the help of the elves she began getting everything ready.
When she walked out half an hour later for the first time in ages Star was actually angry.She was so annoyed at that stupid RHI magazine that kept writing bad things about her sister and Sammy and all those other poor people.They were so cruel and unfair.Star clenched her fists but quickly the anger left her.She had never been that angry in a long time.Usually it took a lot of effort to make her angry.Star sighed and walked down to the kitchens.She felt like making something.Her mother loved baking and it had kinda passed on to the rest of the Moon family.She walked down into the cool dungeons and found the kitchen.She walked in and found an apron.She decided to make Pizza.She didn't know why,it just popped into her head.So with the help of the elves she began getting everything ready.
Out of Character:
- Sorry for the delay and crapiness of this post