Who wants to behave?

Alianne Finch

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14 inches Hawthorn with a core of Chimaera Scale
Alianne Cooper was walking through a little wizarding villiage dressed in a tank top and shorts. This town was all new to the blonde even though she had arrived almost a month and a half ago. She had finally finished her unpacking and decided to explore asomething other than the Harbour. She was living with her twin brother, Alex. Aly didn't have a job herself but Alex did. He had been accepted as an Auror down in New Zealand and was moving there. As a spur of the moment decision, Aly had followed Alex, becoming his new roommate. The twins were as thick as thieves with each other so Alex hadn't minded when she tagged along. Their parents provided them each with a trust fund that had been building for years and now, they finally had access to it. Aly liked to think of it as a grand new adventure with a whole country just waiting to be discovered!

Alianne ran her hand through her long, straight blonde hair. Even with flat shoes on, she was five foot seven. She was considered to be a beauty though her most interesting feature was her eyes. They were a striking amethyst color which was rare, even in the magical community. The eye color, as well as the likelihood of twins, was known to run in the family every few generations. Aly had been the lucky one who got the purple eyes while her brother's were a shade of blue. Her parents had masked her eye color whenever she went out in public with muggles as a child. They attracted too much attention to the already pretty girl. It was still something she chose to hide when associating with muggles. It was better to hide them than to be noticed for the wrong reason.

Aly wasn't really concerned with what she was going to do in New Zealand. She was a bright girl but it was hard to keep her attention. She didn't focus well or seem to have discovered her purpose in life. Aly was content with just having fun for the time being. She twirled a blonde strand of hair in her fingers as she strolled lackadaisically through the cobblestone streets. It was a warm, summer day here halfway across the world from her hometown. She spotted a fun looking tree at the end of the path.

Alianne made a beeline for it. As a child, she had a bad habit of climbing up in tree tops. It used to be her hiding place were she would observe the world around her. She had been known to be a trouble maker, tossing nuts down and hitting passerbys on the head. Aly surveyed this tree with her lips pursed before reaching up to the nearest branch. She swung herself upwards landing on the first branch. There she sat, taking in the world around her once more.
Yakov had no work that day. He hated his days off because, of course, it meant spending the time alone in his grubby little apartment, three floors up, excluded from the rest of the world. It had been the only place he could get- and he had done his best with it, yes, but there was only so much you could do with a run-down apartment and a pocket full loneliness. It was only natural that Yakov was lonely, and though he had visited his brothers, once or twice, he had only felt heartache in remembering that he had to return home to that empty place with mold for company. It was around this point that Yakov decided he was going to go shopping in Brightstone: The village was always so full of life, laughter, and the people there seemed so wonderfully nice. In the past, these people would have made Yakov feel sick, but then, he had little choice, now. And, with a crack, he disappeared.

Yakov walked through the streets, observing the world around him. It was buzzing with life. He felt like the grey in a rainbow- so out of place, so odd.. But then, there was a woman who looked about his age, sitting on the branch of a tree, watching the world go by. No-one else seemed to have noticed this woman, and she didn't look like she was forced up there. That unfamiliar emotion, the one Yakov longed to feel, was pasted across her face for all to see. He observed her for a moment, taking in her appearance. Though he was a good distance from her, there was once detail which caught his attention and kept him fixed there, blocking the path of other people. One old witch, gave him a shove with her elbow, and Yakov stumbled aside. He had looked away, only momentarily, but he felt that this break in eye contact, was his cue to move and introduce himself. He may have been isolated from society for some time, but he new opportunity, and, as a man down on his luck, he could do with a friend or two..

He approached the woman, standing at the foot of the tree and leant back against the trunk. He didn't look at her at first, not as he spoke. "I've got to admire your confidence," he began, glancing over at the pub, "sitting up in a tree when you're about the same age as me. Most people would be in a pub, right now." He inclined his head, so as to see her eyes, to smile at the colour. "But then, it's quite obvious that you are not most people." Yakov had not spoken with another person in a long time, and didn't know what to expect. Still, he decided that it was probably best to give her his name. "Yakov Olaf." He smiled gently, raising a hand and offering it to the woman.
Alianne was a very observent girl. Nothing escaped her attention and especially since she had the perfect advantage point. In the distance, she noticed a man, staring at her. It was fairly common with the odd color of her eyes. They often drew people to her, like she had hypnotized them or something. It seemed that it was doing just that to this man as he came closer and closer to Aly, focusing on her violet hues. She smirked slightly as an older witch knocked him over. She surpressed her laughter though a smile crept onto her feet. He still continued to make his way to her.

Out of the corner of her eyes Aly took in this man's facial features. He was really good looking, she had to admit. He had finally reached her tree but she made it a point of not looking at him. She pretended she didn't even notice him. After a moment, he spoke to her. She looked at him, a coy smile on her lips. "Well I hate to break it to you but I'm not a normal girl." Aly admitted, her southern accent thick in her voice. It was true though and this man only needed a few seconds of observing her to find that out. "Not that I mind pubs but I don't like to go there alone. I'm still pretty new around here." she said in a friendly voice. Aly's amethyst eyes glowed with the prospect of a new friend. Though with how cute he was, she wouldn't mind if he was more. "Its nice to meet you Yakov." she said pleasantly. "I'm Alianne Cooper but you can call me Aly." she said, grinning at him. "Would you like to join me up here?" she asked him outright.
Yakov was pleased that Alianne had introduced herself. She even had a lovely name. Maybe she was part-veela? She had to be, luring him in like that with those strangely awesome eyes and that smile. He had to admit to himself that Aphrodite- Aaliyah, even, had nothing to this girl. She was something new, something fascinating. Yakov's blue eyes seemed to light up. He hardly noticed that he was staring. Fortunately, it seemed to go unnoticed by Alianne as she asked him to join her in the tree. Would Yakov really do that? Would he climb up a tree in broad daylight to talk with a complete, beautiful, stranger?

The answer, as it turned out, was yes. Yakov hardly had to fumble as he managed to grip a branch and hoist himself up. He had always been an active teenager, running about the grounds of Durmstrang, scaling the back of the castle, attempt to climb up to the windows. Of course it was dangerous, but Aaliyah had been waiting in the window. She'd told him that if he succeeded in climbing up to the window she was at, she would give him a kiss. It had all started as a joke between them, but they had soon both realised how serious it all was. Things had moved quickly and their relationship had been magical, exciting.. But then, they didn't see each other, often. The school year had ended and Yakov had gone to New Zealand to join his brother. One day, Aaliyah had turned up, out of the blue, had told him that she was pregnant, and then.. Yakov didn't notice he had turned pale, that he was perched in the tree, looking unwell. But his first child had been lost. Lest he think of that lost, and more of that he had. Athena, his daughter, was alive and well, happy and gorgeous.

"You climb trees a lot, then?" He said, continuing the conversation as best as he could, trying to teach himself not to get hung up on his past. This was a chance at a fresh start, a chance at a beautiful friendship, that could blossom into more. He would not allow himself to dream further than was likely, because, though he already liked Alianne, things could still go bad. Really bad.
Alianne grinned, very pleased as Yakov began to climb up into the tree beside her. It seemed that her differences were treated as unique here in New Zealand rather than a reason to dislike her. Izaak and now Yakov seemed to appreciate her uniqueness that just was Aly. She watched him curiously as he clammored into the tree. She frowned slightly as she noticed his face turn a chalky color as he slide into a sitting position on the tree limb. Was he afraid of heights? What else would make his face turn that ghostly color? Alianne's violet eyes studied him with concern.

Aly was about to ask him if he was alright when he lost that far away look and asked her a question. Her face changed from concern to laughter. She shook her head. "Not recently." she admitted with an amused tone. "I was a bit of a troublesome child and I liked to climb up in trees and pelt unaware passerbys with things." she said, a wicked smile appeared on her pink lips. Aly liked Yakov. He appeared to be a nice guy and she saw the potential for a good friend.
Yakov couldn't help the smile which formed on his face, twisting the corners of his mouth, a short way, making his eyes shine, showing that this was genuine. She sounded like a fun sort of person, the exact person that Yakov could really do with having in his life. Perhaps they would start going for days out? Perhaps they would go on hlliday? Perhaps they could go to the beach and play in the sea, like everything was still alright? And maybe, just maybe, they would end up in a candle-lit restaurant at the end of the day, having a meal and simply watching one-another's eyes for that flicker that Yakov could almost see. That he wanted to see.

He had planned never to allow himself to believe in any sort of future that was not fixed in stone. He pretended that this was fine with him, but really, Yakov longed for the thrill of not knowing. The only thing holding him back, which he would never admit, was the fear of getting his heart broken, again. He couldn't think of every girl in this way. He hadn't. He hadn't felt like this about Aphrodite or Aaliyah, not really. And now, his fears shifted; he seemed to be changing more into his older brother, everyday. "Your parents must have loved you." He said with sarcasm, not thinking to dance around the topic, unknowing of whether her parents were alive, dead or her worst nightmare.
Alianne couldn't help but smile back at him as a genuine smile spread across Yakov's face. It stretched all the way to his eyes, making them bright in an appealing way. Aly laughed outloud at his reply, hearing the sarcasming behind his words. Normal girls might have been offended by the way Yakov spoke to her. They might have taken his words as a sign that he did not care for this conversation. Not Alianne Cooper. She simply laughed, finding humor in his words. She considered it to be his sense of humor showing through, a sense of humor much like her own. "I think some days they loved me more than others." Aly admitted with an amused look on her face. "Mostly I just frustrate them."she said, her southern accent thick in her voice. It was true that she had gotten into quite a bit of trouble in her childhood. All the same, Aly loved her family more than anything and they loved her back.

Aly stood on the branch, taking another branch into her hands. She swung gracefully across, landing on a branch oppisite Yakov. She sat back down, liking this seat better. Now, she could properly see the man as she spoke to him. Her violet eyes crinkled with silent laughter. "My twin, Alex, and I were always into different things. Creating havoc and what not. He was...is my best friend. I moved here with him because he got a job at the auror's office." the blonde admitted truthfully. Alex was the one person she knew she would always be able to turn to, not matter what. She knew that he felt the same about her. "I don't know why though. He was the cause of several of my broken bones." she said, laughing. It was then she realized that she had been doing all of the talking. Alianne wondered if she should ask this beautiful stranger a few questions of her own. She couldn't be the only one talking.
Yakov listened to Alianne's reply, making a mental note that she did have a sense of humor. That ticked one of the boxes in his mind as to his ideal girl. In fact, she'd already ticked several. He wanted to bring himself back down from the clouds, dreaming of a future with this complete stranger, but he couldn't any more than he could control the rate at which his hear beat. Would he have called it love, looking back on it? Yakov's mind could not extend much further than the present- which was why she had had such an affect on him, causing him to imagine a future. She could make him think. Well, sort of. None of the Olaf boys really had intellect, as such. Dominicus was one of the smartest, academically, but socially, he could only score a D.

Yakov's eyes widened as he realised that Alianne was standing up. He watched as she swung across to land opposite him. Yakov, himself, had no intention of standing up in the tree. Although, rose-coloured spectacles could probably change his mind. And, currently, his were violet. Yakov continued listening to Alianne. So, her brother was an auror? He began to wonder how it would go down if she found out about him having once dated a Death Eater.. He was all ready to confess, when the conversation changed, slightly, and Alianne mentioned broken bones. Yakov gave a slight, nervous laugh along with her. There were a lot of things he needed to tell this woman. This stranger he was sat in a tree with, losing his mind to.

"I have six brothers and a sister.. Well, half sister, actually. It can get a bit hectic at times." He smiled. The smiled faded. "Well, it used to." There was such sadness deep within his eyes, and he hid it so well. Unlike Dom. Dom was terrible at hiding his feelings and their father had thought him pathetic for it. It wasn't just emotions that Yakov was good at hiding, but also, his accent. Like his brother, he had been given a thick, Bulgarian accent. The two boys had both tried to blend in. Yakov was better at pretending he wasn't the son of a man who had once taught the dark arts with a great passion. Although, their family was pretty messed up with Kristo loving the dark arts, yet, being married to a muggle-born woman. Not that he made this public. It had been an accidental and frowned upon, romance, one that had torn them from the other Olafs.

Should he tell her about something that really tugged at his hair? It was only right that she should know, this complete stranger whom had invited him to sit in a tree with. She was amazing, wonderful, full of life.. He was lacking confidence, down on his luck and giving up. If there was one thing that Yakov did know, it was that this girl was his only chance at happiness. He needed her light in his life. But he would have to tell her the truth at some point. Better to drive her away now than later, right? With a heavy heart, Yakov opened his mouth and began to speak. "I.." He shouldn't be ashamed. After all, he loved his little girl. It was a strange feeling, but he knew that he would lay down for this child, regardless of how little involvement he had in her life. "I have a daughter." He managed to say, "she's only little." He felt guilty for not remembering how old she was. "Very little." He brought his hands forward, gesturing the rough length of a baby-going-on-toddler. "And.. And she has these tiny little toes." His eyes seemed to drift for a moment, thought he continued to watch Alianne's eyes. A loving smile was on his face. It was obvious that unplanned fatherhood had taken some positive effect.
Alianne was exceptionally observant. It was just a character trait that she had always posessed. Her amythest eyes noted the way Yakov often seemed to be far away, as if he was lost in his own thoughts. Curiousity burned in Aly to ask questions about what he was thinking. She always wanted to know as much about a person as she could and it seemed this man had plenty of secrets he was keeping hidden in his thoughts. Alianne's head cocked to the side, studying Yakov. He was handsome, alarmingly so. Aly was always drawn in by men's good looks and charm only to find out a few weeks later than the man was a dud, not able to keep her fast mind entertained. But Yakov didn't look like that type. He fasinated her with his silence. What unspoken thoughts was he keeping? It was nearly killing her to know.

Aly's eyes widened as he said that he had seven siblings. "Holy cow!" she exclaimed. "I bet you never got lonely, or a moments peace for that matter." she said shaking her head. Alex was all of the siblings she needed. She didn't think she could handle five or six more like him. She would go insane. Aly noted the change in his face and tone as he changed to past tense. The beautiful girl frowned. More secrets that she was dying to question him about, only she didn't want to over do it. They had just met after all. "What happened?" she asked, not able to stop her lips from speaking. Curiousity was burning inside her, trying its hardest to get out.

Alianne never had normal reactions about anything. Normal girls would have immediately been turned off by the fact that Yakov had a child, but did that also mean that this attractive stanger was married. Aly glanced down at his left hand and found no ring. Therefore, she could only assume that the child had been out of wedlock. A smiled spread across the young woman's pink lips. "I take it she's very young then, less than a year?" she said, seeing the obvious love Yakov had for his little daughter. "What's her name?" she asked, not the least bit of change in her voice. Nothing about her reflected the idea that she minded that he had a child because she didn't mind. "And the mother?" she asked, needing to know if this man was taken so that she did not offend her new friend if she were to flirt with him, or go out to dinner. Alianne's tummy was starting to grumble.
Yakov kept a cool head, deciding that he needn't say more of his past life. He decided to leave the topic of his brothers, for later. After all, he considered them marginally less important. "Something like that." He replied, hating himself for not remembering his daughter's birthdate. "She's called Athena. Her mother was going to give her my surname.." Yakov didn't allow himself to drift, this time, and remained focus on the importance of this conversation. "Aphrodite and I.." He started, trying to think of the words before he phrased it wrongly, "we were brief. I mean, things didn't work out.. She's older by quite a few years and her interests are different. I was very childish when we first met." He decided not go on about the woman, after all, didn't the guide to witch charming say that 'one should refrain from speaking of past girlfriends'?

The tree was beginning to get uncomfortable and Yakov knew that if he didn't move soon, his legs would drop off. He allowed the light of Alianne to shine back into his eyes, to raise his spirits. She was still there, wasn't she? And she knew about his daughter, now. To Yakov, this was a sign. A sign that it could- And would work if he only made the right moves. He should take her for a drink or a meal, or something.. Or was that too intimate? Perhaps they could just go to Madam Puddifoot's for a nice cup of something? Although, doing that was as good as climbing to the top of the tree, standing up and shouting out his thoughts. But he need to be more spontaneous, to just do, not think.

Yakov stood up. His balance wasn't so great, at first, but he managed with the aid of the branches around him to stay still. "Would it be too sudden for me to ask.. to.." His stomach began to knot and Yakov felt like that fifteen year old, asking out Aaliyah for the first time. "I believe there is a little cafe just around the corner.." Oh no, was he seriously going to do this? "Called 'Madam Puddifoot's'," he was. "And.. Well," he reached a hand up to stoke at the back of his neck, nervously. The book said to be confident. It was the very same book that his father had used when asking his mother out on their first date. Yakov looked like he was desperately trying to be confident, but his skills were so rusty. Maybe he should just go home? It was probably all too soon, anyway. He lowered his hand. If he was going to leave, he would have to jump, whip out his wand and disapparate. The same nerves which told him to run, kept him fixed in place. And, it was then, that Yakov felt the bolt of adrenaline, shooting through his body. His mouth opened and he blurted out his words, not getting a moment to thing.

Alianne listened to his explaination as to how his baby's mother was not his girlfriend or wife. However she had been at one point. That said that it was not just a one nightstand for Yakov. Aly smiled slightly pleased that this was in fact he was indeed single. His secrets that she could hear in all of sentences and expressions were captivating her and engrossing her into Yakov. He hadn't answered her first question and that had not gone unnoticed by the violet eyed blonde. She wanted to unlock his secrets and really know him. Maybe he would eventually bore her as all men did but maybe not. Who knew at this point? Alianne would have to try and be patient to find out what would happen between herself and Yakov.

"Athena is a pretty name." Alianne complimented sincerely. "I would like to meet her sometime." she said. Aly already considered Yakov a friend, her second friend here in New Zealand. She was making progress quickly if she did say so herself. Her amythest eyes watched Yakov with curiousity as he stood up on the branch. He looked extremely nervous and Aly had no idea what it could be about. The blonde smiled slightly as he formed a few incoherent sentences, thinking that he looked very adorable stuttering over his words. Yakov was saying something about a cafe around the corner but Aly really didn't know what he meant. Finally, he blurted out a complete sentence asking her on what seemed to be a date.

Alianne laughed outloud. How nervous New Zealand boys got around her! She grinned at Yakov, pleased with his invitation. She nodded her head in acceptence to his invitation. "You know, now that you mention it, I am feeling starved, famished even." she said, a coy smile creeping up on to her face. "I would love to go to this Madam Puddifoots with you." Aly said, her face bright.
Alianne seemed to get what Yakov had meant. He was grinning like an idiot at her reply. Finally, it seemed as though he had found his courage. It was only a small amount of courage, but better than nothing. His head was all over the place, and he hardly knew which emotion to feel first. Nerves were still present, but then, so was this feeling of happiness. Cautiously, he clambered down from the tree, dropping to the ground, feet-first. He stood there, heart racing.. And not because of this sudden movement.

Yakov waited for Alianne to join him, and he held up his arms, hands ready to catch her, should she need him to. Of course, she was way more experienced in climbing than he was and Yakov highly doubted that she would need his help, even for a second. He still sort of hoped she'd need him, though, just so he would have an excuse to be close to her. He had never been like this around a girl before, not really. Aaliyah had been something, but she had never made him gain those rose-coloured spectacles that he did with Alianne. Maybe it was best that way?

What would Athena think when she grew up? These thoughts began to plague Yakov. He hoped, so badly, that she would not be upset at having her dad only occasionally being around. And, what would she think if he was re-married? What if he had other children? But he needed to be selfish, to care for himself, a little bit. Of course, he'd do his best to be there for her.. Yakov decided to remain in the present, to not think of anything more than the fact that Alianne was going to join him for a bite to eat at one of the most couple-filled places, around.

((Sorry I haven't posted in days. Do you want to cut to them being at Madam Puddifoot's?))
((Sure! Sorry its taken me so long to reply!))

Alianne watched as Yakov dropped down from the tree. She grinned at him as he held his arms out for her. Her purple eyes danced as she narrowed her eyes at him. She laughed as she launched herself out of the tree, aiming for Yakov. Her slender frame landed lightly in his awaiting arms as she caught him around the shoulders. Aly was still laughing as she looked up at him. His arms were stong and safe feeling. His face still kept his secrets that were driving her insane. Though he did look like he was very surprised that she had simply jumped into his arms. Yakov put her down after a moment though the blonde couldn't tell what he was thinking. Even though he put her down, she took his hand at a spur of the moment. It felt nice and comfortable.

Aly and Yakov walked down the lane as he lead her to the eating place he was taking her. They talked casually as Aly tried to learn a bit about this mysterious stranger. She was beginning to like him more and more as she felt like she had known him for sometime. Finally they reached their destination. Alianne walked in first, taking a look around. It was clearly filled with couples as a romantic sort of restuarant. It seemed that everything was in purple, pink, and red, almost like it was Valentines day. This only told Aly that he did mean this as a date, an idea she didn't mind.

Her violet eyes scanned the room looking for a place to sit until they landed on a private looking booth in the back of the shop. Aly grinned at Yakov as the pair walked to the booth. The blonde woman slid into one side as she picked up the menu. It seemed to be pink as well. The booth matched Aly's violet eyes. She turned those eyes on Yakov. "So what's good here?" she asked curiously
Yakov slid into the booth, opposite Alianne. He couldn't take his eyes from hers, so powerful in colour, so striking. Their surroundings seemed to colour-coordinate with her, perfectly. He was no fashionista- though, he had recently joined a modeling group, hoping to do a show in New York- but even he could see how beautiful the setting was, she was. Yakov managed not to jump at Alianne's words as he was brought back to the bustling reality. So many people were in the building, but only one had his attention.. Well, two, when the waitress- a woman in her early twenties with shocking pink hair and a gleaming smile. Yakov smiled back, but not in the same way as he did when he looked at Alianne, the beautiful stranger.

The waitress poised her quill, waiting. Yakov was looking back at Alianne, thinking what would be good to eat. Seemingly out of nowhere, the waitress handed Yakov a second menu and he took it, thanking her before his eyes scanned the page. A strawberry shake seemed somewhat appropriate in that it would match the colour Yakov's eyes were framing Alianne with. "I think I'll have a strawberry shake." He muttered more to himself than the waitress, before his eyes flitted back to Aly. He didn't want to order for her incase he made the wrong decision. So nervous, Yakov was in dating this girl. He had hoped it would all come naturally, but his stomach was knotted with butterflies.

His emotions were almost too much, but he didn't blush. Yakov wouldn't let himself. Instead, something much more embarrassing happened; pink petals began to melt from an invisible source above him, landing on the table and upon Yakov's head. He brushed them away, eager for them to go unseen. Of course, his erratic movements to remove the petals were hardly hidden. It happened to the best wizards who felt this way. It was normal. But he couldn't hide the blush forced onto his face, and Yakov avoided Aly's eyes for a moment or two, hoping she wouldn't realise it was he who had accidentally caused these petals to appear.
Alianne grinned at the pretty waitress who walked up to the table. She was surprised that Yakov didn't take any attention to her. Aly had once went on a date with a boy who had completely ignored her in favor of the waitress they had been seated with. That definitely hadn't lasted long. He had been exceptionally boring and dull, unable to hold her attention through the first course. It had been their first and final date. It didn't seem like that would be Yakov's fate. He was much more fascinating.

Aly turned her violet eyes up at the waitress after hearing Yakov order. A small gleam formed in her eyes. She loved his choice and decided to make it hers as well. "I think I will have the same." she said brightly, placing the menu back down on the table. Her face turned back to the man across from her, taking in his handsome face. Then, something completely odd happened. Beautiful pink petals began to fall down like rain on their table, especially on his head. Alianne stared curiously at her date as he appeared to be really embarrassed. It took her a minute to realize that he was causing them to appear. Could that be a good sign?

Alianne laughed, snatching a few petals out of the sky, pressing them to her face. They smelled wonderful and they were soft on her face. Aly was the picture of happiness and difference sitting there, pressing flower petals against her face. She looked back at Yakov, her amythest eyes sparkling with delight. "So what do you do for a living?" she asked curiously.

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