who let the wolfsbane out

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Briar was surprised how much she was enjoying her job at the ministry. it was enjoyable though she missed the physical activity. she tried to be the run too for the office. today was one of her usual runs. to st mungos to pick up the months supply of wolfsbane. not only was it for herself and for dederick but she also sent it off to other werewolves who were unable to brew it themselves either because they were too busy, too young, or muggle born. whatever it was she had the afternoon to get it sent off. she had run all the way to st mungos. hr fitness was seriously dropping she actually had a stitch she couldn't remember ever having a stitch before she had always been too fit.
now she had left the hospital her hands full of vials of the potion she was jogging along the street this time she knew to keep an eye out for pick pockets, though she knew Horus wouldn't pick on her again. or anyone in his gang if he had one. jogging with bags full of one of the most complex potions known wasn't really a smart plan but briar was sued to jogging carrying things. however she wasn't used to doing it with her shoelace undone. about half way along the main road she tripped and fell managing to save herself however unfortunately bumping into someone as she went. "Sorry" she said managing to get back on her feet.
Amy had just left an interview at the ministry with Celestyn as was still laughing to herself. Her charms had once again being flawless and gotten her exactly where she wanted to be with the press. Reminiscing over his clumsy glass knocking over and stuttering of questions, the young veela walked through the town. She was still in the magical area and was aware of the stares that were coming her way. Flicking her hair as she walked, Amy wiggled her hips, pleased in her decision to wear skinny jeans and a tight-fitting top. Her brown locks hung down her back, flicking at the ends and emphasizing the curls in the cascade. Her beauty was exceptional but Amy still knew that she was lacking friends. Her ability to flirt with many men and have them falling at their knees seemed to be the cause of her lonely life. People assumed that the veela had her life sorted out, the quidditch position, the beauty, the boys, but really, the Beauxbatons alumini wished for friends. Pushing the pressing thought from her mind, Amy found herself being knocked into. The person was a girl who Amy quickly assumed was around her age, but being careful not to judge, she knelt down to help pick up the dropped vials. They seemed to hold a potion that Amelia guessed was similar to wolfsbane. Potions had been a favourite subject of hers at school and she had enjoyed being challenged to identify different potions agilely. Smiling at the girl, she held out the vials. "It's not a problem, I'm fine. Are you ok? Here are your bottles." Her accent was strongly French, the 'r's in the sentence strongly trilled as her reflex conversation took over. Her beauty smile played on her lips, but as she looked closer, she squinted. "Briar Rowan? The quidditch player?" Hoping her recognition was accurate, Amy waited for a confirmation, at the same time as preparing herself to leave swiftly. She had been a huge fan of the quidditch player, who had done her team proud, a character that Amy had aspired to follow. What an honour it would be to meet her here in Obsidian Harbour.
Briar stopped when some of the bottles went spilling out. thankfully none broke or someone would be having a rough month. she would make sure she got the one that had fallen just in case it got damaged. "thanks" she said as the lady handed her the bottles. "guess i should make sure my shoes are ties before i start jogging" she said.
she was just about to introduce herself. when the girl said her name. "that's right, though i don't play any more" she said. she had been in the prophet a fair amount when she had played as she had never been quiet about being a werewolf since she had been a sixth year. she looked at the girl, if she knew who she was she was probably a fan or another player. a moment later it clicked. " Johnson, um, amelia, from the quafflepunchers. that goal in the last game was amazing, I didn't think you would get it in, not with the bludger" she said. even though she was no longer playing in the big league, just the local league to where she lived for the wagga wagga werewolves (named after a rogue werewolf who ravaged the town on about thirty years previous).
Amelia smiled at Briar, nodding at her suggestion to tie her shoelaces. She was pleased that she had made the recognition of the person correctly. Her veela smiled graced her lips again as she nodded, humbled slightly that Briar recognised her. "Yes, but please, call me Amy." The line was a common one for the quidditch player - she had found that many people that liked the idea of being her friend, and it made them feel like they were on a closer acquaintance. Differently though, Amelia found that she would actually value a friendship with Briar Rowan, for the quidditch discussions and the friend quality she could bring. Becoming a charming, friendly person took a blink of an eye and she smiled at Briar. "Well, it was an average goal, and I was so disappointed that we missed a goal earlier in the game." She smiled again, and tilted her head on her side. Looking around, she noticed a small magical coffee shop nearby and nodded her head in that direction. "I understand if you don't have time, but would you like to have a coffee? It's such an honour to meet you!" Her head dipped a little, a modest blush arising slightly, hoping that the effect looked humble and desperate to learn. Amy was bad at making friends, she knew that and wanted to improve, so she just hoped that this one could work out. That would be nice, to have a friend, to have someone watching her back, and to have someone like Briar... wow! That would be a privilege!
"sure Amy it is" she said it felt good to be talking about quidditch again. Dederick listened to her but she could tell the sport want what interested him and she dint want to bore him at least not too much. " I know right, that keeper just came out of nowhere." she said. she felt like the person she had been at school. quidditch fanatic before reality had caught up on her and she had a job and a house and put the dreams of her time at school aside so she could follow her dreams of now.
when Amy gestured towards a coffee shop she shrugged. "I have time. I will just make up the tame i miss this evening" she said. she was up hours anyway. working evertime often when needed. not just for werewolf support but any devision of the department of dangerous creatures. the girl seemed so in awe to meet her. "i'm nothing that special. just another person like yourself. but it is great to meet another quidditch player too" she said. she really didnt let the small amount of fame or popularity she had gotten when she had been in the press get to her head. she knew out there there would be just as man haters as fans. people who thought werewolves were scum of the earth. and people who thought she was annoying, or people who thought she had taken something from them. whatever, she just ignored them for the most part. she headed over to the cafe. "how are you. I mean other than being bumped into by some person joffing up the street with their shoe laces undone. no she knew they were undone she would be careful not to trip. she would retie them when she sat down.
Amelia nodded and smiled, leading the way into the cafe. Sitting down at one of the small wooden tables, she flipped her hair back and pulled her purse out of her handbag. It was all very muggle, but seeing as they were the areas that had the best houses for the veela at the current time, she didn't mind. "What would you like Briar? My treat." Money was another gift that Amy had been blessed with, her parents having been rich from owning a large chain of muggle hotels. The thought made Amy snicker to herself. The muggles had always been so dazed and impressed at the quality of the rooms and the service, unaware that magic was at work so close. Amy hadn't been close to her family, partly because of this reason of them being so busy with the hotel, but she had definitely been bribed with a fair share in the profits. Pulling out a handful of galleons and sickles, she waited for Briar's drink choice. Smiling at the question posed about her well-being, Amy laughed softly at the self-insult. "I'm doing well thank you, and no harm done! How are you doing? I heard somewhere that you're high up in the Ministry now! You give hope to us measly quidditch players that we can rise." A trickle of laughter followed, like melted gold spilling onto the table. Amelia was aware of her veela blood, in some ways more than other part-veelas were. Her grandmother had taught her how to use it well, and Amy had learnt quickly. Men fell easily, and many girls wanted a beautiful friend, so so far, she hadn't done badly. Now she just hoped that Briar could also value and desire her friendship.
Briar took a seat at a small table opposite Amy. put down her bags and tied her lace. "Don't talk nonsense. I should pay, at least for myself." she said. she had a good job and little outgoing expenses other than the mortgage on the land and a small weekly food shop, but not much "what do you wan't I'll order, I'm nearest" she said starting to get up. "what do you want. I fancy an apple juice." she said. once the man she waited for the ladies order. she went over to the counter and orffered when she got back the conversation continued. she had to stop herself laughing. high in the ministry, no way. werewolf support services was considered by some below magical maintenance. though she was trying her best to revamp peopled views of it. "in the ministry, yes. high up. not really. I work in werewolf support services." she said. she enjoyed her job and was good at it. "and quidditch players aren't measly, at school that was all I ever wanted to do. well until i was bitten" she said. she really wasn't one to shy around topics. she had to do enough of that with her clients. she noticed something about the girl then. something that wasn't quite normal, "you have veela blood don't you?" she asked though it was a bit of a question. she didn't have anything against part anythings, her sisters were a centaur and a part giant. and she saw a few veela passing her office over the course of a week. she just found it interesting to know.
Amelia nodded at Briar's insistence that she should pay for herself. "I'll have the same please." Apple juice seemed just right at that current moment, but the brunette was surprised at Briar's choice. She had expected, well, she wasn't sure, but something different. The drinks arrived and she sipped her juice whilst the other woman talked. "Well, I think that's an important job." Her knowledge was limited as to what it actually included, but that didn't matter in the scheme of things, it sounded important, and for werewolves it would be the most important thing ever. "That's the same as me. I always loved quidditch. Played and captained for the school team, and when I graduated, Quibberon Quafflepunchers offered me a position. It was a dream. In France, it's taken really seriously and everyone supports the team so for everyone to know who I am, well it's an honour and a dream." There weren't many other quidditch teams in France, as they weren't good at organizing matches, but Amy had been privileged to get an offer for the Quafflepunchers. Briar didn't seem shy in talking about the bite that had changed her life, and however much Amelia wanted to ask her more about it, she didn't want to be insensitive and pry into Briar's life. So, wondering and hoping that the conversation would reappear, she nodded at the question about her. "Yes. My grandmother on my father's side is a veela. The gene skipped a generation but it reached me." Trying to hide the pride was harder than Amy had thought, so she just sat there, sipping her juice and hoping that Briar didn't think her arrogant or rude. It was how she had been brought up. Dressed in fancy clothes, with pretty hair styles and whatever she wanted presented to her. Her grandparents had spoiled her - well who wouldn't spoil a beautiful child. Her dark brown locks brought in praise on their own and all she had had to do as a child was smile and make her eyes big and whatever she required was brought to her. She had been spoiled and had turned out spoilt, until her parents didn't have enough time anymore. So, Amy had turned her attention to boys, and look where it got her.
briar knew what it was like always wanting to play on a team. "that's impressive. i too played on my house team, though wasn't made captain as i apparently wasn't enough of a team player" she sad a chuckle in her voice. she knew she had been a ball hog but she was the most dedicated player and what was wrong with wanting to win? "I wanted to play for the thunderers but they didn't need a chaser when i graduated. but the macaws were a good team" she said. the local team in new zealand, though usually overpowered by the much larger and more notorious australian teams.
she could tell that amy was used to the veela charm, and she had had a good experience with it. her sister who was part giant wasn't as lucky, though last she had heard madlyn was dating a nice boy who was also part giant, though a little shy. she had seen him once at their graduation but not actually spoken to him.
the waitress came over with the drinks and Briar took a big mouthful of hers. she liked coffee and hot drinks, or a little alcohol every once in a while though she and dee didn't keep any at home as he was trying to get hang of his bipolar which tended to get much worse when he drank (or was it the other way round, either way when he drank too much e went to a bad place). but to be honest most times she would much rather have water or fruit juice, that was the outcome of living off the land. "that is really cool." she said. she never knew her parents, maybe she had a part veela ancestor, though she most likely didn't as her generally unruly hair, and total lack of care for appearance most of the time tended to suggest not that she particularly wanted to be one. seeing she already had enough variety in her family, her siblings being a part giant a centaur and an animagus in training. what brings you to obsidian today?" she asked to keep the conversation moving.
Amelia nodded at Briar, delighted to be having inside information on Briar's dreams as a quidditch player. The Macaws were a good team as she said, but Amy could tell she was being humble by not adding that she had made them a much better team. They suffered, having lost Briar, in Amelia's opinion, and that was that. Sipping more of her juice to fill the space, she smiled, hearing the latest question. "Well, as I'm new to this team, I had an interview with the Daily Prophet about joining and the rest. It was pretty amusing actually. I was dragged in for a photoshoot which I wasn't prepared for," here she paused, signalling down at her clothes which she hadn't chosen for a photoshoot, and continued "Celestyn Helkovaara was doing the interview, and well, he struggled to phrase some of the questions. I mean, it was a good interview, but I hope his writing style is better than his speaking." She laughed, trying not to come across as mean, but finding the situation funny and needing to share it with someone. "I guess you're here on work." She gestured to the bottles that Briar had been carrying and continued. "How is it all going in your department? Is it good pay? A nice job?" It still baffled Amy why someone would leave quidditch, a well-paid job that you enjoyed doing, otherwise you didn't do it. Maybe Briar could reveal the answer.

And... this is awful. Sorry!
Briar knew full well whe the girl meant about the daly prophet interviews and the terrible photoshoots. one of them she had started to get annoyed at the people doing it, and that wasn't a good plan. both she and dee were the same in that regard. then things started to annoy them it didn't take long until they snapped. this shoot she hadn't snapped but she had told the photographer exactly her thoughts both on the make up. ("no i don't want makeup covering my scar, it is part of me and what message does it show that i have to cover it for the prophet, i cant campaign for werewolf rights then hide a scratch when on public) and the concept (I am a quidditch player, not a model, i should be in something practical not a skimpy dress). needless to say that had been her last proper shoot. after that it was just snapshots of her which she much preferred. she was just a typical person not anyone spectacular. "oh, he was interviewing you. he is pretty good in writing" she said. she had read the sports section of the newspaper for years and his interviews were usually interesting, not just on the surface kinds. "yeah, I had an errand to run then had lunch break. I needed to pick up the wolfsbane from st mungoes" she said. "every month i do it and then send it out to anyone who needs it" she said. that would be that afternoons job. she was interrupted then with a lady tuning up at the table two drinks on a tray. briar smiled and thanked her. before continuing on. "yeah, i guess everything is going well in the support services. the pay isn't the best but who needs the money any way. at least i am able to do something useful for people like me who aren't as bold to stand up for themselves" she said. she had always been bold others unfortunately hadn't been so much.
Amy laughed hopefully at Briar's comment about Celestyn. She just hoped, wished, prayed that what Briar said was true. She nodded at Briar's job description. It sounded really good, like what she was doing was helping people - and that was very important. Personally, Amelia couldn't imagine working that hard for a job like that, but everyone had different preferences and she respected the ex-quidditch player for her decisions and choices. "That's very good of you. I guess you know what it's like more than most people in the Ministry." Amelia didn't know or care too much about the New Zealand ministry of magic, but she assumed that it was fairly similar to the French magical law and the people who kept the magical people in line. She didn't want to tie herself up in politics, but otherwise, it could have been a career choice she would have enjoyed following. And when Briar mentioned that the pat wasn't the best, Amy found herself pleased with her career choice. The money, the fame, the fun... it was perfect for her., "Yes, what you do is very useful, and good. I'm sure that if I was, well, a werewolf, I would appreciate that support very much. So what you do is brilliant. I guess our society has the tendency to subtly reject people who are seen as weaker, and so what you stand for is very admirable and excellent." She smiled, the words rolling off her tongue, and a true feeling behind them.
Briar shook her head lightly almost subconsciously when Amy seemed to think she needed pity. she hated being pitied for what she was, in her mind it was worse than being hated. at least being hated you could fight back, pity was something that you couldn't without coming across as a complete b!tch. "I have a fair idea what people are going through. and i think it helps both family members and employers too knowing that a werewolf can hold a good job at the ministry." she said. it was odd really. when she was younger she was really all living for exercise, and enjoyment, however the bite really had made her grow up. if someone had told her when she had first started the school, heck when she was sitting her owls she would be working for the ministry she would have thought they had fallen out of their tree but now she loved her job.
there it came again. the tone of pity, of slightly condescending. those who are seen as weaker my ass she thought. she had to hold herself back from saying anything rude. she knew amy didn't mean anything. "werewolves aren't weak" she said, a slight note making its way into her voice, they just have more demons to face. "Sociey just tends to reject people who are different or who it doesn't understand, I am sure you sometimes feel that too being part veela" she said managing to bring her voice back to normal level. "what i do isn't admirable, or noble or anything, it is just to stop people getting in the same problems I did with no one to help them, and to make things better for people like me. and trying to make a generation of werewolves who are not ashamed of who and what they are. quite selfish really" she said. taking another sip of her drink.
Amelia felt like rolling her eyes at Briar. The ministry worker was getting worked up about a misunderstanding. Muttering to herself in French, she tried to find the right way to translate it to English. "Non, non, non! Of course they aren't weak, the are just seen as weak by society, because they are different, like you say. Yes, I get that as well. Although people don't really reject us too much, because they fear the power and impact we can have." She paused, taking a breath before continuing. Her face was beginning to reflect the stunning anger that was recognised with the veela blood, as she angered about society, and society's rules that had no exceptions for anyone different. Whether they people were better off or worse off, society couldn't handle that. They always had to pick on someone, to downgrade someone, no matter how many rules or rights were put into place. Sighing at this prospect, she smiled at Briar, hearing her tone return to normal. "I can't believe that you can't hear what an awesome job you are doing! It's incredible!" She smiled, trying to work out why and how Briar was so humble about her job. It really was brilliant, and very inspiring. "I don't think part-veelas need a support service, as they seem to be doing ok for themselves, but if they did, I would love to be brave and committed enough to do what you do!" She smiled, and sipped her apple juice, coming to the end of it.
Briar heard the other lad mumble a few words in another language, french if she wasn't mistaken, she recognised it from when she had visited samuel as he now lived in france. she wondered how he was she would have to send him an owl some time maybe catch up with him for a drink or something. she could see the girl was getting annoyed. she hadn't meant to annoy her, she was just a little touchy, and not that good at explaining things or suppressing her emotions. it was interesting to watch when someone with veela blood got annoyed. as depending on the strength of the blood they sometimes changed slightly, not as extreme as full veela but a little. she could see this in amy's face now. she must be rather hight blooded or rather in touch with the blood. she thought as she listened to her explain herself. "I don't think they marginalise veela as much as they aren't seen as quite so vicious or physically dangerous, more socially dangerous" she said. he pretty face had by most veea hid the power they could wield. instead they were known more for their looks and seduction.
when Amy once again said that she was doing a great job she smiled. takng the compliment. "Thank you. it does mean a lot when people think that" she said. taking another sip of her apple juice. and thinking about what she said about the veela not needing an office. "it is the same for part giants and part goblins. I only think that werwolves got their on support service because they complained of mistreatment and having two offices in the beast devision and none in being even though they were human most of the time" she said. she quickly glanced at her watch, she was still only half way through lunch break and could always apporate if she ran out of time to jog.
feeling like the conversation was set more towards her than was natural she thought of something to ask amy about herself. couldn't think of what to say took another mouthful of drink before she came up with something. "what sort of things do you like doing? other than quidditch of course" she asked.

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