Who knows how long?

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Arianna Tipley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Hey guys! ^_^
Lately, my laptop cord has been pretty dodgy, switching to battery mode even when it's plugged in. Today it gave out, which means I can't charge my laptop. I'm using my Mum's laptop now. So, until my cord is fixed or replaced (Which could be a while, since I'm a procrastinator :p ) I won't be RPing. I'll sneak on at school, and onto this computer, but only to check in.
That means Arianna Tipley, Caitlyn Scott, Luciano Rossi and Tyson Huntly won't be around for a bit :(
Sorry for the RPs this is mucking up :erm:

So yeah, at the most I won't be around for a month, but it could be sooner if I get my act together :p
Bye till then :cry:
That sucks, Lizzy. Hope you get the cord repaired or replaced soon. :D

Tata for now,
Ok, I've found a new way! :woot:
All I need to do, is hold my cord in a certain place, and it charges. This is slightly annoying, but it doesthe trick :)

So yes, I'm semi-back ^_^
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