who is your new friend

Jade Clifton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Therewas a slight breeze that ran through Brightstone. The tree's swayed gentley, daning in the wind. Leaves flew gracefully in the air as they went with the wind. The Grass was still wet from last nights rain. Everything was damp now. Water dropletts dripped fromm the railings and from the branches that stuck out like arms.

Jade walked through Brightstone, past the wet trees and railings. She had plans to meet her new friend Jason. Jade very much liked Jason and hoped to be a bit more than friends with him one day, but for now she was just getting to know him better. Her step came to a hault as she reached where they were supposed to be meeting. She wanted to lean agaist the wall but it wet ans she did not want to get her clothes dirty or wet. Jade watched out for her friend and smiled when she saw him. Her heart started to beat faster than usual.
James was walking through the village with his mate, Jay. They had no intention of meeting each other, they had just bumped into each other on the way. Jay was meeting with a girl that he had met recently, so James had decided that he would tag along, now that he was here. As the pair of them approached the girl, James thought that it would be best if he introduced himself, "Hey there, I'm James...Jay's mate, it's nice to meet you." James then smiled at the girl and held out his hand to her, he liked to make good first impressions.
Jade smiled as the new boy held his hand out. She took it softly with her own and smiled. " Well then James its nice to meet you. I think that Jason has mentioned you. Arent you the guy who got smashed and tried to hit on a girl but rejected you before you even made it to her table?" She laughed at that. Jade knew that she sould have done that if a guy came over to her drunk. Her and Jason had got kind of close recently and she knew abit about the fun things that have happend in his life recently, as he knew hers aswell. She let go of his hands and looked at Jason. " So then how are you, you look abit tired from here are you feeling ok?" Jason looked abit under the weather to her.... But still amazingly fit.
James laughed in embarrassment as he tried to remember that drunken night. Jay had been telling stories about him to Jade already. "Look, I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing...off my head..." He paused. "Besides...I'm taken." James said as he thought about Luna and wondered what she was up to, he hadn't seen her in a while.
Jason laughed as jade embarrased James. He shook his head and went over to her and gave her a hug. " Hello Jadey, how are you doing." When he finished speaking he releaseed her and gave her a smile before making a face about James to her. It hadden't been too much of a long time since they last met but Jason had still missed her a lot.

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