Whispers in the Sunlight

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Cyzarine couldn’t wipe the smile off her face really, she was just so joyous over being back at school, she was so pleased and happy with it. It was such a perfect school and she enjoyed everything that she had to do in it. The place was just perfect. There was a wide smile on her features as she played around on the grounds. The sun was out, bright in the sky and it felt warm, like an almost summers day, and Cyzarine was always the sort of person to enjoy the outdoors whenever it was like this. She wasn’t doing too much really, she had a blanket on the grass, and some books and a few snacks scattered on top, but she was practice her cartwheels, doing them on the soft grass. She had just been a bit bored and the reading had only entertained her so much. She was just having her own little amount of fun. If she were in the muggle world she would’ve absolutely wanted to play some music along with this. The light and airy mood, the sun and the fact she was just very happy to be back, the music would perfect that all. She spotted a younger girl walking through the grounds and Cyzarine waved excitedly, wanting to make these younger students feel welcome in the school.
Her head was up in the clouds as she explored the school grounds. It was the kind of day where the sun was out but didn't feel hot or uncomfortable. A cheerily waving upperclassman caught her attention and Rioghan skipped over with a grin, always eager for making a new friend.

"Good morning! It's a nice day we're having today, don't you think?"
Cyzarine smiled as the girl whom she had waved at actually walked over to her. She was pleased that the girl did and quite keen to get to know her to. She flopped down on to the blanket and smiled, ”Morning!” she said brightly, ”It’s a beautiful day! Truly, beautiful.” she said in agreement, ”I’m Cyzarine, I’m a second year,” the girl could figure that she was only a little bit older than this girl and was more than happy to spend a little bit of time getting to know the younger student, especially this one, ”Can I just say, I love your hair! It’s such a beautiful colour,” Cyzarine complimented easily, the girl’s hair was a beautiful fiery red colour, one that was pretty amazing. Cyzarine liked her own hair a lot, she didn’t mind the colour of it and the feel of it, but this girl’s hair was so lovely, it needed to be complimented.
Rioghan gave a polite bow even as her face burned with a blush. She always got flustered by a compliment, but she still basked in them. She gave the upperclassman a shy smile as she sat beside her. "Ah, thank you, Cyzarine-senpai! I got it from my dad." She blurted before blushinh again. She made a weird joke again, nobody ever laughed at those, it was too awkward. Oh, if Grandmother ever found out about this, she'll be lectured on propriety all over again! But then, she's so far from here anyway, she thought. So why should I care?

Brushing off her inner awkwardness, Rioghan plastered a more confident grin on her face and decided to focus on getting to know the older girl better. "My name is Rioghan, but please call me Ree. Do you do this often?" Spotting the books on the side, Rioghan's face brightened even more. "Oh, do you like reading? I love reading books! Which books do you like?"
Cyzarine smiled at the girl when she took the compliment, she wondered what that colour of hair would look like on a dad, but she had to imagine it would be as nice as this girl’s hair. The girl introduced herself as Rioghan, or Ree and she nodded, ”Whenever the weather is nice enough to merit it really! The grounds are just so huge and gorgeous and it’s so lovely in the sunlight,” Cyzarine said with a little smile. At the books she nodded, ”Reading is great! I like reading adventure stories, you know where everything is very high paced,” she told her, ”I like stories really,” Cyzarine finished, ”What sorts of books do you like?” Cyzarine spoke with a smile clear on her face with a tone of interest. She liked getting to know new people, and that would definitely include girls in the year below her.

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