Whipping up a Frenzy of The Willow

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Charlie Willow

Well-Known Member
<COLOR color="#650335">Heyya!

This is Charlie Jay Willow. She's quite dark on the outside but is really nice in the heart.

She needs a social life!!!

best friends

Charlie gets along with boys very well as she is quite Tom boy. Preferably a boy and a girl best friend.

current boyfriend

Charlie is quite romantic, loyal and dedicated. Maybe her boyfriend could be dark and mysterious and only show his true colors to her and only her? Cute PB required


Yeah...no brief needed...Charlie can be a b!tch at times


Not as close as BFFs but still close

Please reply!! X
Domino, you don't need to bump your topics all the time :p People'll still go through them just the same I know when I get bored I actually start on the last page and work forward so those people aren't left out so usually I dont even get to the first page on those days, anyways I can offer Adalyn as a....mate, they have similar style a bit so Adalyn wouldn't find her as one of those preppy girls so much. :)
I can offer Hikari as an enemy or a friend if you like, she's a werewolf

She's generally tomboyish in nature, so, yeah, either she'll get along with Willow, or they'll fight. :r

I also have Ansel Blanchard here, a part-veela and is 14 years old, he's quite uncomfortable around girls but I guess that he can be a friend as well.. :r

I have someone who could be a friend/boyfriend.
This guy here. Grae Kanu. 5th year Durmstrang

he's a really great guy, who's kind of got no one.
He's very sporty and closed off, he doesn't really talk to people.
But, he's incredibly caring once opened up and would be kind of

Charlie and Grae could be a friend. She currently has a short boyfriend.

Okay, sounds good. Might take a little while for them to be friends though.
Would you like to start something or shall I?
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