Closed Where the Children Roam

Heemi Blenheim

New Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
It was a freshfaced Saturday, with all the markings of a unusually bright winter's day. Hēmi had decided to go along with his mum to Brightstone Village, mostly for a change of pace. He liked being at home but he got a little restless if things stayed the same for too long. He'd decided his mum's business was actually kind of boring and instead elected to visit the playground in the park. Hēmi liked the swings the best, seating himself down and starting to swing somewhat lackadasically. His thoughts were on the future. It was break soon, so Aroha would be coming home and he'd get to hear about her escapades at Hogwarts. Hēmi lamented not being there already himself but his parents reminded him it was less than a year. Which still felt like forever, in Hēmi's opinion. Even a month stretched on for ages and ages. Hēmi kept on swinging on the swing, enjoying the slight rush, though he continued to swing at a rather low energy.
Even though Logan had spent a lot of time at the park lately, he had begged his parents to let him go again. He just needed to be outside and do stuff. What did his parents want him to do, to hang out inside and read a book? That was so boring. He had just started kicking around his ball inside and it didn't take long at all until his parents had sent him out with a lot of sighing. Logan ran out into the park and headed over to the playground, climbing up the monkey bars and climbing around a bit before dropping down. He saw a boy sitting on the swing and ran over there, jumping on the other swing with his feet and grabbing the handles. "Hey." He said, looking down at the boy as he started swinging back and forth while standing on the seat. "You should try this, it's fun."
Hēmi looked up at the boy who had run up and gotten onto the swing beside him. "Are we allowed to do that?" he asked cautiously, looking around for a moment as though there might be a sign that indicated what they could and could not do on the swings. He'd been told off enough times by his kuia* to want to make sure he wasn't doing something he shouldn't be.


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