Where Have You Been?

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate walked out of the bathroom into her dorm.Tara was asleep and Kate was moving around the room quietly.It was early in the morning.Kate was an early riser for a few days now.The sun was shinning and when Kate looked out the window,she saw one or two people outside.It looked like it was going to be a warm day.Kate dressed in light clothes.The insults had increased since the last magazine.Kate didn't take ant notice of it,she had absolutely no respect to anyone who teased her she was was going to remember every single one of them.She didn't take any of it personally because she didn't give two hoots about what they thought about her.She hoped everyone else felt the same way.It would suck if they took the magazines's insults to heart.Kate had never cared about what other people said about her.Why should she lesson to other people b!tching about her when she knew what they were saying was completely untrue.Sara was the total opposite,she hadn't had much self-confidence.She hoped she hadn't taken it to heart.

She was now making her way down to the Great Hall.She breathed in and clenched her fists when she heard people giggling behind her.How she wanted to to slap those grins off their faces.Some could do more then just tease.Some pretty nastu comments had been made but all she could do was ignore it and keep her cool.When she entered the Great Hall,she walked over to the Hulffepuff table and sat down.She got her oat cluster cereal and poured it into her bowl.She then poured milk in.She poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice.Fifteen minutes later she was finished breakfast and walking out of the hall.The sun was shinning hard now and Kate decided to go to the cliffs.She hadn't been there in ages and she needed some space at the moment.She walked out and put on her sunglasses,it was a really beautiful day and Kate was glad to be outside.She made her up to the cliff.She walked up right to the edge.There was a warm breeze blowing her hair behind her back.The view was quite spectacular and Kate truly felt at peace.If only life could have more moments like this she though sighing.
Jake couldn't comprehend how happy he was, he had a girlfriend, and a gorgeous girlfriend at that, and his confidence was at an all time high. The Slytherin's confidence was so high; he hardly even felt the sickening tingle of nerves in his gut as he walked through the school grounds any more, and this confidence pared with his choice of clothing that day, made Jake seemed invincible, his black aviators and lather jacket making him seem more though than usual. The anxious, malnourished first year he once was had dissolved away now, and now the fifth year was cheerful, and it seemed nothing could weigh him back down, except the problems with his family that is. Jake had gotten an owl from his step-grandmother as he liked to call her, saying his grandfather's condition was slowly getting better, and was on a climb upwards after months of being critical, and even though the news was something to celebrate, as things were finally looking up, the prefect couldn't help but feel impending doom looming above his aura. He managed to ignore it, and continue on to his destination, which was the great lawn. He arrived with a confident smile plastered on his features; however at the site of quite a few students occupying the great lawn, Jake decided to detour to the cliffs instead. Jake mainly wanted to just sit outside, and enjoy the sunny weather while he could before it became winter again. Of course he wanted to enjoy the weather alone, so with the amount of students at the great lawn that day, the cliffs seemed like a better option.

Somehow, whenever Jake was at the cliffs there was never anybody else, unless somebody approached him or vice versa, conversely that day, somebody was already at the cliffs. The familiar silhouette of Kate moon standing on the very edge of the cliff. A momentary flashback to one evening where he had done the same crossed the prefect's mind, before he blinked back into real life, and strolled over to Kate, standing a meter or two behind her. Kate was Sara's twin, he had known that since their birthday party in their first year, but he had never really registered the physical differences between the twin sisters until that moment. One of the twins was now his girlfriend, and the other a close friend of his, and luckily they were getting along, so he didn't have to juggle time between the two. "Hey branch." Jake spoke with his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight back and forward, letting his playful words sink in with a chuckle before he said anything more. "Long time no see." He said next, this time his words sounding warm, and more caring after his playful words before. He had not intended to hurt his friend by calling her branch; really he was trying to find the lighter side of the situation. This time around the Slytherin had actually managed to read the anonymous magazine, and had found it quite interesting, apart from the slander towards his precious girlfriend. Of course most of the things written about were untrue, but that was part of the fun of it, and Jake hoped Kate thought the same.
When Kate was younger,her hair had always bee really short.It had looked cute on her and it had suited her but as she got older the look didn't look as good.Still for some reason her parents cut her hair the usual way.She had grown up hating her hair because every other girl in her class had had long hair and Kate had wanted long hair like all the princesses but her parents didn't give her much of a choice.But once she had entered Hogwarts,she had finally won the battle and she had been allowed to grow her hair long.Her hair now went all the way down to her lower back.She loved her hair long now and she thought it suited her.It had natural waves in it also.She would sometimes cut it to just below her shoulders but it grew back fast.In second year and fourth year she had lost quite an amount of hair because of her lack of nutrients and it had also been quite dead and lifeless.Now it was all shiny and soft.Right now at the moment her hair was blowing back behind her back and she knew it would be a nightmare to brush when she went back to her dorm but she liked standing here feeling like she was on top of the world.She knew the minute she went back into school and she heard the insults that feeling would soon be deflated but she knew this would all be old news soon.Something else would happen or it would just grow old.Kate couldn't wait till that happened she was getting sick of being taunted and laughed at.

Even though the warm wind was quite strong she still heard someone come up and stand behind her.She didn't know who it was but once he spoke she recognized his voice.She smiled at what he said "Very funny"She said turning around and facing him.She had a grin on her face,she knew he wasn't being insulting when he said that,he meant it playfully not like some other people. "Isn't that usually my line?"She asked smiling,she seemed to remember her using that phrase the last few times she had met him.Last time they had met she had had a panic attack.Definitely wasn't one of her fond memories of the two of them. "What's this I hear you and someone called Milena?"She asked raising her eyebrows a playful smile on her face.She was only messing as she knew Jake would never do that sort of a thing.She found it quite amusing and she wondered what he had to say.

OOCOut of Character:
Can't believe I wrote a paragraph on hair xD
Jake would have awkwardly waited for Kate to turn around, happily standing in the sunshine while the wind blew by, but he didn't need to. Kate replied and turned around within a flash, or what seemed a flash, since Jake was probably in another world while daydreaming until Kate's words interrupted his thoughts. He momentarily grew nervous Kate would think the reason he called her by the horrible name given to her by the anonymous magazine was to hurt her, but this theory was proven invalid as when Kate turned around she had a gorgeous smile, one that lit up her features, and unless she had practiced being fake over the holidays, his teasing was taken as a joke. He had meant it playfully, of course, he had never had anything against Kate, and she obviously trusted him enough to know that fact. It was in these moments Jake appreciated his friendships even more, not because of the confidence his friends, and girlfriend gave him, but because they knew him well, not as well as they should but well enough to know when he truly meant something or not, they could sense his tone, and if there was a second meaning to his words. Some might think this a bad thing, to be read so easily, but Jake saw it as something to embrace, because it meant at times when he didn't know what to do, or how he was feeling, his friends would be able to answer that for him.

The prefect happily matched Kate's smile, leaning backwards with the hint of a chuckle to his aura. Over the holidays he had become stressed, obviously through the situation with his grandfather, and he had turned to exercise, and started his fifth year off with a new light on things, if he considered a new light on things to be that he wasn't as thin in his fifth year as opposed to his fourth year. Exercise enabled him to laugh, and be cheerful through the endorphins released and he found the days he bothered to exercise better than when he didn't do any activity. "Well I guess I might just be a funny guy after all." Jake said, remembering all the times he had tried to make jokes when talking to his friend Kate before, and failing in the process, but he had accepted he wasn't going to be the class clown years ago, and the Slytherin certainly wasn't going to try and change that now. Jake shrugged, that was usually Kate's line and he had unconsciously tried it on for size, it wasn't a big deal so he just shrugged, and thought nothing more of it. Although Kate's question about Milena changed Jake's train of thought completely. After the first magazine, Sara had asked him about Milena, and he had never heard the name ring in his ears before let alone talk to the girl, he was honest when he said that to Sara, and Kate must have thought the same too, he hoped. "Honestly I hadn't heard the name until Sara mentioned it last year." Jake said, his attention casually turning to the distance before returning back to Kate. "That reminds me, I need to tell you something about Sara." The prefect spoke, taking a step closer to his Hufflepuff friend.
Kate liked peace and quiet.It helped her think about various aspects of her life.One she thought of often was Stefan.She didn't know what was next on the agenda for them.She loved him which was a really stange thing for her to be saying at fifteen.Never before did she ever think she would feel that serious about someone.That always happened in books she never ever thought it would happen to her.But alas it had,she loved him and she hoped he felt like that too.they had gone to the Yule Ball together and he had given her that necklace but she just wasn't sure.Maybe it was a hormonal thing.She just hoped something happened soon because she loved and cared about him so much and she hated to see him unhappy.She just hoped things started going up for him because Kate felt he deserved it.Jake looked very happy to do which was a good thing.She couldn't remember him being this happy before, she wondered what had changed.What ever had happened she hoped it kept him happy because she hated seeing friends upset.

Her smile widened when his smile matched hers.It's not that he hadn't been happy before but there had always just been that edge and she had also been sick the last time they had meet.He just seemed better if that was the right word.He didn't look as thin either which was great.Kate hated being thin,you always felt so weak,sick and tired all the time.She didn't see why anyone wanted to be thin,you felt horrible and Kate was as sure as never gonna get as thin as she had been again.She didn't want to ever see any of her friends thin either.Kate raised her eyebrows "What do you mean by that,I seem to remember quite a lot of laughing the first time we met and when I have been sad and depressed you have always made me smile"She said meaning it.They had made a fool of themselves the first day they had met,the amount of laughing they had done must have been hillarious to anyone who had been in the courtyard that day.Truthfully Jake had always made her smile whether her knew it of not.Kate laughed "That doesn't surprise me,that magazine was full of rubbish anyways"She said grinning.Some of the stories had been quite amusing in their ri****ulousness.I mean some were so unbelievable.Kate was surprised by his next statement. "What is this all about"she thought her face full of curiousity. "I'm listening"She said curiously.

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