where did all these people come from?

Brendon Hawkins

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Brendon was walking through a crowd in Brightstone Village, he just wanted to get out. He had been walking through the empty streets when all of a sudden they were filled with students. Brendon just wanted to melt into the ground, he hated being around people, they made him nervous, very nervous. "Someone help me please" he managed to squeak to himself, he was on the verge of tears. Why do I have to have Enochlophobia? he thought looking around.
Katheryn was walking along the streets. She had wanted to get away from the castle and into the fresh air. She was walking through a crowd of people when she saw a younger boy look like he was upset. She heard him ask for help. Katheryn was a kind, goodnatured person. She stopped and smiled at the younger boy. "Are you alright? What do you need help with?" she asked him in her musical voice.
Brendon looked up at the older girl with tears falling out of his green eyes, "please help me get out of here" he said in a quiet voice. For some reason he felt like he could trust this girl, maybe it was the vibe she gave off?
Katheryn nodded her head as she looked at the boy. He had tears coming out of his eyes and Kat assumed he was afraid of crowds. She gave him a kind smile before taking his hand. She darted in and out of the crowd until she came to a deserted alley. Katheryn was very familiar with the streets so it hadn't been hard for her to find this place. Katheryn smiled charmingly back at the boy as she released his hand. "I'm Katheryn but you can call me Kat." she told him, still smiling. "Is this better?" she asked him.
Brendon took a few deep breathes and wiped the tears out of his eyes before answering her, "Thank-you Kat, this is much better, I'm Brendon by they way, and I'm sorry you had to see that" he replied beginning to blush. He hated it when people saw him freak out like that, it was so embarrassing. Brendon started running his fingers through his hair awkwardly.
Katheryn smiled kindly. "It's nice to meet you Brendon." she said honestly. "Its no problem really. But what was going on?" she asked curiously. She had been happy to help him she just wanted to know the cause of his freak out.
Brendon gave her a crooked smile, "I'm enochlophobic, which means I'm scared of crowds" he replied. Brendon's green eyes looked down at the ground as he stuck his hands in his jean pockets. He knew he shouldn't tell people that, when his fear became known around school, he had gotten teased quite a bit.
"That sounds awful." Katheryn said with a soft smile. She bet the boy had been teased quite a bit in schools. School children were mean. "I promise I will keep your secret Brendon." she told him honestly.
"Thank-you" he said looking up at her again smiling, "Why are all the students here anyways? Isn't there school going on?" he asked suddenly.

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