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October Alcott

✨perfectionist ✨ french ✨ ✨ RNZB ballerina ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Sia) (Bisexual
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
10/2030 (33)
She didn't want to be, but part of October was sad not to have a date to her final Yule Ball. It shouldn't matter, it was a silly thing to be upset about, but it only reinforced the part of October that was certain that nobody actually liked her. Amber had been her only close friend for a long time, and now that she had graduated, October didn't have anyone. It occurred to her bitterly that it was a good thing Tristan had been so thoroughly humiliated, even if she had been humiliated herself in the process, as if that hadn't happened she may have considered asking him herself in a moment of desperation.

Standing by the snack table, October sipped a cup of punch, and tried not to look as lonely as she felt. Hopefully people would think she was just... waiting for her friends, or something like that. Even April had a date tonight, and thought October was happy that her sister was so happy in her relationship, it stung once again watching something come so easily to April that October had to struggle and struggle with. She avoided looking at her sister, staring out over the dancefloor almost unseeing as she sipped her punch. October wanted to dance, and though she knew other people were having no problem dancing by themselves, something about the Head Girl dancing by herself felt... pathetic, according to the part of October's mind that constantly reminded her she wasn't good enough. She would just have to stand here, alone again, and hope anything or anyone came along to distract her.
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The yule ball in recent years had made Jess sad, it was a stark comparison to her earlier years at Hogwarts when it was the event she most looked forward to, but in recent years her circumstances around the event had changed. She no longer attended the event with Leila and it always pained her to her best friend dancing with Ulrich but Jess knew she had to try and move on from that feeling. After skipping the event the previous year Jess decided she had to attend, she was using her sixth year to try and make a point to be more social, perhaps there would be some of her Heta omega sisters who didn't have dates that she could hang out with.

Jess put on a dress that she had been saving for a number of years, at one point she had imagined seeing Leila's reaction to it and her mind would drift to a scenario she had imagined over and over, but now she just wanted to wear the dress while she still had Yule ball's on her horizon. The Gryffindor made her way into the great hall and marveled at the decorations, after missing the ball the year before she had almost forgotten how beautiful the hall was during the event. Jess's gaze fell from the decorations to the drinks table where she spotted the Heta Omega president October and inhaled sharply. Jess hadn't spoken to October since she approached her at the club fair, having a crush on your clubs president was a little embarrassing and the idea of approaching her at the yule ball of all places was terrifying, but October was alone and so was Jess, they were in the same club, October wouldn't necessarily suspect any motive behind her actions. Jess took a deep breath and approached the girl, grabbing a glass of punch as she did. "October hey, no date?" Jess asked curiously, she could imagine a world where no one wanted to go to the ball with October, she was by far one of the most beautiful girls in the school.
Looking around the room, October's nerves bristled slightly as she realised she was being approached. In an instant her hope for someone to keep her company turned into nerves at the reality of being seen alone. She knew Jessica from Heta Omega, and didn't want to seem like a loser to the club members. The leader of a club all about friendship having no friends of her own was a special kind of sad. She put on a quick smile though, not wanting Jessica to see how melancholy she was. "Hi Jessica." October smiled, trying not to show the spike of panic as Jessica asked the exact question October had hoped she wouldn't. "I, um... no." October said quickly, heart sinking. "Just... seeing who I can hang out with tonight." She finished lamely, completely missing the cool, aloof tone she had hoped for. "How about you?" October asked quickly, hoping to divert attention from herself.
Jess was surprised when October confirmed that she was dateless for the ball but hopeful that perhaps they could hang out as they were both at the event alone. "I'm doing the same thing," She said trying not to sound sad about the fact. "My best friend came with her boyfriend so I'm all alone, maybe..." Jess paused nervously as she took a sip from her glass. "Maybe we can be sad and alone together?" She suggested in a brighter tone. Just because they hadn't brought dates to the ball didn't mean they couldn't have fun. "We could even dance, who says only couples can dance right?"
October was relieved when Jessica said she was alone, her nerves relaxing slightly. At least she wasn't alone. Any hopes she may have had that her discomfort had played off as aloof cool vanished when Jessica commented about being sad and alone, and October laughed nervously, trying to seem cool. "That... would be fun." She agreed, too conscious that denying that she was sad would only make her seem sadder. Besides, Jessica seemed cheerful now, and maybe they would wind up having a fun evening after all. October smiled brighter at the suggestion that they dance together, nodding in agreement. Dancing was the one thing October really wanted to do tonight, and now she wouldn't have to do it alone. "That sounds perfect." She smiled, setting her drink down. "Come on." Conversations had never been October's strongest suit, but if they danced together she would hopefully be able to relax, and she didn't want to waste a moment, holding a hand out for Jessica in invitation.
Jess had been nervous about her suggestion that they were both sad and alone, she had hoped to be light hearted and jokey but feared the line had landed wrong on October. "I err...didn't mean to call you sad, I'm just surprised to find you without a date...I assumed you would have had a line of guys wanting to ask you," Jess shrugged. She didn't want to make the moment awkward but she couldn't believe that no one had asked November to the dance, it was inconceivable. Jess was glad that October wanted to dance and she felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach when she held out a hand for her take. Jess nervously took hold of October's hand and let her lead them both to the dance floor. "I'm afraid my dance moves leave a little something to be desired," She laughed nervously.
October's hopes that Jessica hadn't seen the worry on her face were quickly dashed, and she was torn between laughing it off to try and save face, or actually letting the other girl in. As much as October wanted to pretend as though nothing were wrong, she felt as though that would only make things worse. So she shrugged, shaking her head. "Nobody asked me." October said quietly, glancing down. "And I didn't... have anyone to invite myself either." Even thinking outside of her woes about not having friends, October didn't think anyone had caught her eye since Tristan. At first she had been so heartbroken it had been difficult to think about anyone at all, and now as she was over him, October had been more preoccupied by responsibility than really thinking about her dating life. It was surprisingly easy to forget about those responsibilities as Jessica took her hand though, and October led the Gryffindor out onto the dancefloor. She laughed softly at Jessica's comment, shrugging lightly. "I'm not exactly experienced at pas de deux, I'm sure we'll be fine." She smiled nervously, starting to move her shoulders slightly to the music. October had never really found it easy to switch off her ballet brain when trying to dance normally with people but she tried, moving her arms and hips and hoping for the best.
Jess could relate to not having anyone to invite, be that romantically or just someone to come with as a friend. All her friends has drifted away from her, even the one she hoped to never lose touch with and no one had come close to catching her eye the way Leila had, not until October at least. "Me neither," She simply, trying to sound too sad. Once they were on the dance floor Jess moved and swayed with the up beat tempo of the music, it was easy to let go and forget everything outside that moment that was troubling her. She couldn't help but watch October as she danced, her movements were mesmerising and breathtaking, she knew she was staring but she couldn't take it. "I can't take my eyes off you," Jess said, her eyes widening in horror at the realisation she had said it out loud. "I'm so sorry, that was so inappropriate,"
October was relieved that Jessica was willing so quickly to drop the subject of her lack of a date, though she still felt embarrassed about discussing the matter at all with the younger girl. It was a relief to get out onto the dancefloor and not have to think about talking, though that presented October with the more pressing problem of knowing how to dance. While ballet came to her easily, it was difficult to set all of the technique and training aside and simply dance for fun. October could feel the awkwardness in her movements, trying to consciously remember not to pay attention to her posture as she bounced her shoulders and wiggled her hips to the music, knowing she must look silly. All of her slightly jerky movements came to an abrupt stop when Jessica spoke, and October hunched her shoulders nervously. "Am I that bad?" She laughed nervously, trying to seem unbothered. "I... only know how to do ballet. It doesn't translate well to this kind of dancing."
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