What's wrong with bamboo shoots?

Aion Zephyr

🐉 magizoologist; father; epistemological
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2027 (35)
If Aion thought his first semester was hard, he was having even more of a rough time during his second. NEWTs were just around the corner, and despite his best efforts he was finding himself more distracted at each passing week. He still couldn't get the thought of Maddie out of his head, even after hearing about her spending time with the boys in her house, and with Valentines approaching he wasn't sure where his head was at anymore. He'd taken himself down to the kitchens; it was late, and he'd managed to miss dinner. There was only so much time a boy could spend locked up in his dormitory surrounded by dead trees. Aion may have been a seventh year, but since he'd transferred during his fifth, there were still some areas of the castle he'd never ventured into. As he wandered around the abandoned kitchen in search of a snack, he pulled at cupboards and draws, hoping perhaps for something more nutritious than the marshmallows he'd stocked up on to help him study. Eventually he found a tin of peaches, and after a few moment prying off the lid, began to sip at the juice from the can.
Cyan had just woken up from quite the wonderful cat nap when she realized she]d missed one of her favorite meals. Whilst on her way out of her dorm she gave a rather rude glare at the girl she picked to blame for not awakening her for her meal. Her stomach grumbled as she made her way down to the familiar area of the kitchen. Cyan adored foods, especially sweets. She'd been having adventures down to the kitchen since she was a wee first year. Hard to believe it had been five years since then. The petite woman couldn't help but think she hadn't changed much - or figured out anymore with her life than what she'd known then. It was almost sad to think she'd graduate soon and would perhaps still not really know what her dream was. If our Cyan knew it was something to do with cosmetology - she'd always thought hair dresser but what if she didn't make enough money? The adult life was worrying to her now.

However once she approached the kitchen she noted there was someone there that could perhaps make her forget she'd have responsibilities. A friend. Cyan tiptoed to him and when she was close enough attempted to cover his eyes, standing up tall to do so. "Guess who!" She exclaimed, uncaring if she startled him.
Locating a spoon, Aion lifted the lid off the tin completely and began to demolish the peaches. He hadn't really realised how hungry he was until now, and he drank the sweet liquid in between mouthfuls. He wasn't really a massive food fan, and only ate because he had to, but it was peaceful down in the kitchens at this time. As he ate he paced slowly around the room, on the lookout for anything he could take back to his bedroom. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him, but before he could turn to see who it was he was blinded and taken abruptly by surprise. He wasn't actually sure who it was, but he smiled nonetheless at their playful behaviour. Taking one hand, he took the girls in his, and turned to see the delighted face of the Hufflepuff he'd briefly met a few weeks before. "Cyan" He grinned upon seeing her, a flush of warmth flowing through his body. Although they'd only spent a few minutes together, she seemed to be the only person in the school who currently made him feel a little less alone. "Peach?" He offered her the tin, although to be fair, he hadn't left much.
Cyan giggled and nodded. "You had to cheat though. Mr. Ravenclaw isn't so clever huh?" She teased, looking at him and then the can in his hand. Cyan wrinkled up her nose. "No thank you!" She said as politely as she could, southern accent thick with a small amount of disgust. "I came for some sweets! I already found one." She said poking his chest. "Now for one hat I can eat!" She turned a bit and glanced around the room. The house elves were probably sleeping or taking a break or something. "What are you doing down here? Did you forget dinner or somethin'?" she inquired, digging through shelves and pulling out different kinds of sweets such as chocolate chips and other baking products. Perhaps she'd make a cupcake - but she was too lazy to. She looked back at Aion to see f he had a response. Maybe he was here with friends - more friends for Cyan to make! The thought of that excited the Puff and a close mouth smile was ever fixed on her pale complexion.
Aion raised one eyebrow at the Hufflepuff when she prodded his chest. He certainly hadn't forgotten about their previous encounter, even if they were just having some fun. Watching the sixth year hunt for food was amusing, and hoping up onto one of the counters, he propped his feet up on a nearby stool as he finished off his fruit. He shrugged at her question "Same as you? Missed dinner. Had other things to do but now I regret it." He replied, drinking the last of the juice before setting the can on the counter top beside him. He glanced around at the objects within his reach, and pulled a large jar towards him that had been stored up against the wall. Popping open the lid, he reached in to grab a handful of Dolly mixtures, before throwing a couple into his mouth. "Here, stand over there" He pointed a few feet away, ready to throw her some. "Can you catch?" He laughed, preparing himself to lob them in her direction.
The girl looked at her half blood friend. "So was that studying? Or maybe something more fun? ooh let me guess!" The girl hopped onto the counter next to him adn reached across him to get into the container he had. "You had to save the castle from exploding!" She joked. It was apparent the girl's sense of humor was just as strange as she was. When directed Cyan moved from the counter and stood across the room. Once over there She stood with a large smile on her face, laughing. "I don't think I'll be very good at catching them!" She laughed while defending the fact that she had little coordination. "What do I get if I catch some?" She inquired, giving him a look that dared him to give her a lame prize. Cyan was glad to have made a friend or two. She really was social, but she often found herself too distract to keep a constant amount of contact, or forgot sometimes when plans were made. It wasn't as if she was trying to be a bad friend - it just happened sometimes. Cyan was told keeping a rememberall would help, but when it came time she could never remember what she forgot.
Midnight snack.

These two words came into Danielle's mind when she was into her studying two hours later. She only had a quick dinner, grabbed some scones before heading to the common room. Those scones were long gone and she was a bit hungry again. After all, using your brain would make one hungry than playing Quidditch. With this in mind, the Alternate Keeper decided to go down to the kitchens to see if she could get any snacks from there. Grabbing her gray robe, she went out of the common room quietly and went down to the castle's kitchens.

The castle was really quiet which is usual except for the patrols along the corridors. She managed to evade them though and was able to breathe in relief when she was already at the kitchen's entryway. She pushed the door slowly, the door creaking loudly against the silence of the place. She winced at the sound, afraid that someone might hear it. She slipped inside and closed the door only to hear voices in the same room as she. She turned around to find her Ravenclaw friend, Aion Zephyr, holding what looked to be some snacks in his hands. She heard him laugh. When she thought about it, she had never heard him laugh that way. He smiled but that was it. He seemed to be talking to someone else so the Hufflepuff assumed there was somebody else other than them. She let her eyes roam the place until they landed on Cyan Territe, a sixth year in her house. Danielle didn't move but just leaned against the door, watching their interaction with silent interest. She was afraid that if she spoke out, they would be spooked out or her presence might not be welcomed.
Aion smiled as Cyan moved into place "You'll get the sweetest of all the prizes" he said, knowing he was going to have to come up with something extra special of she did manage to catch them all. As began tossing her a few of the candies, laughing at her attempts to catch them. He only realised how quiet he'd been for the last year or so when he was around Cyan, and even though he continued to feel guilty about not being able to spent time with Maddie last year, he wasn't going to ignore a chance to enjoy himself if the moment presented itself as it did now.

Something in the corner of Aions eye caught his attention, spotting that they were no longer were the only two people in the room. Placing the jar back down on the table, he squinted through the darkness to try and make out who stood near the door. Removing his wand from his trousers, he lit up the room quickly and smiled at the familiar face. "Danielle?" He called out. The seventh year seemed nice enough, and had stuck up for him when he found himself in a tight situation last semester. "You looking for some sweets too?" He asked, glancing between both Hufflepuffs.
Cyan laughed. It was a challenge she was wiling to take on, and eagerly began trying to catch them when he threw the candies. She missed one, and two. She missed the third but caught a fourth and a fifth. When he finally stopped throwing, and Cyan stopped chewing she cheered a little bit. "Hey I caught two so I should at least get a small prize!" She spoke with a large grin. She was just crossing the distance to Aion when she started to look to the darkness. What if it was something scary? The hufflepuff stayed a little behind him, grabbing his leg when he started to grab his wand. "What is it?" She asked in a frightened voice, before there was light, and it revealed it was just another girl.

"Oh A friend of yours?" Cyan said with an eager grin before racing over to the familiar blonde. Cyan didn't know her name, most likely because she was a mud blood, but as she was discovering with Aion they weren't all bad. "Hi! I'm Cyan, come join!" She said, grabbing a hold of the girl and tugging her toward the room.
Aion glanced at Cyan as she approached him, her hand on his leg sparking electricity once more, even if it was only for a second. "Yeah, she's my friend." He smiled in Danielle's direction, walking as Cyan quickly made off again to drag the quieter girl further into the kitchens. Cyan was incredibly welcoming, as he'd experienced first hand, and the Ravenclaw was glad she was here with them. Leaving the girls to introduce themselves to one another, and pushing the surprise that they'd never met before out of his head, Aion looked around again for some other snacks.

"Look at this!" He said suddenly, turning back to the Hufflepuffs, bright red Twizzler now hanging out the side of his mouth as he thrusted the packet he'd found in the air towards them. "Can't believe they have these here" He mumbled, chewing on the end of the sweet as he spoke. It reminded him of his hometown, his childhood. He'd not had Twizzlers for years but they tasted just the same as before.
When Aion asked Danielle whether she was looking for snacks,she could not say anything except to shake her head then suddenly nodded. Now she was confusing him with her answer.Of all the people she expected to find here,the Ravenclaw was not one of them. She glanced at Cyan approached him and connect with him before the young Hufflepuff noticed her. Cyan went over her and introduced herself. Looking at the young girl,Danielle gave her a smile,"Hey Cyan!",she laughed a little."You probably don't remember but we are in the same house. I'm Danielle. Dani is fine.",she then realized that she never told Aion about her nickname and he didn't know until now. On the other hand,Cyan was a sixth year so it was possible that she had heard of her being friends with Silus Hollister,a Ravenclaw in her year.

As Cyan was beginning to pull her from her leaning position on the door,Aion announced about some treats which Danielle recognized as Twizzler. The moment she looked in his direction,he thrust the packet towards them. Danielle,with her Keeper reflexes,shot her hand out and caught it smoothly. "You better be faster than that,Aion.",she said with a smirk as she made her way toward him together with Cyan. Now,she was smirking like Silus. She laughed at this in her mind.
Cyan smiled at the blonde. “You’re a mixed blood then?” She asked, since while the girl knew hey, Cyan did not know the girl. She smiled a close lipped smile. “Guess I never noticed you!” Cyan watched Aion as the twizzlers were thrust toward the blonde. The girl was pretty quick it seemed. Cyan may not have been a fast mover, but she was clever. What a shame she wasn’t a slytherin she thought. Since Dani - Danielle. Whichever - had the entire pack being hogged Cyan approached Aion. Considering he’d let a piece hang from his mout she snagged that instead. Their faces had been kept a good few inches apart when she bit the end and tore it almost evenly in half. “Since she took all the snacks.” Cy commented while bubbling happily at he rope candy. “So you’re a seventh year like Aion? Are you doing the same things?” She inquired, a friendly demeanor not broken in the slightest by a new guest.
Aion watched as Dani caught the packet in one swift motion, glad that they hadn't hit the floor. He gave a half laugh as she tried to insinuate his intention had been for them to miss, and watched with curiosity as Cyan bounced back over to him. She always seemed to catch him by surprise, and as she leant over to nab at the sweet in his mouth it was no different. He tugged back as Cyan managed to free half the Twizzler, but just smiled at the Hufflepuff. Usually he wouldn't have been caught being so direct with a girl, but with Cyan that just seemed to be how they rolled, and he wasn't complaining. Propping his elbows on top of his knees, legs bent and feet still resting on the stool, he grabbed the end of the candy in one hand, taking what he had remaining of it out his mouth to speak. "We share a Care of Magical Creatures class" he answered before Danielle could respond. Despite how comfortable they already were around one another, he knew he wanted to learn more about Cyan and hoped she was just as curious about he. "It's my favourite subject" He added, before popping the sweet back into his mouth.
Danielle nodded at Cyan's question,"Pureblood for a father and half blood for a mom." She wondered why of all the questions the girl could ask, blood status was of importance to her. The alternate Keeper would understand if Cyan was a Slytherin but since she was not, this confused Danielle. "I take it you're a Mixed blood as well?", she asked in return as she took a seat beside Aion with the packet in her hand.

Danielle watched as Cyan bounded over to Aion and took a bite at the candy that was hanging from his mouth. She had never seen someone so direct with a boy. She was not that direct, although she could if she wanted to. Clearing her throat, she nodded at Aion's answer on them sharing the CoMC class. "We share the same class although Aion's the better student than me.",she bumped him on the shoulder as she opened the candy, placed some for her and passed it to Aion. "It's one of my favorites along with Arithmancy and Potions.", she commented lightly. She then remembered that she wanted some cake. Pulling out her wand, she summoned some cake, resulting to a round of chocolate cake floating toward her. She caught it and set it down beside her and took a small slice with her hand. "Want some?", she picked up the tray and offered it to the other Hufflepuff. She only knew Cyan because they have the same house but never got the chance to connect with the girl in a much closer setting.
Cyan gave an extremely indignant look when the student accused her, a Territe, of being a half blood. “Oh honey. Bless your heart.” She said with a laugh. Cyan wanted to be much meaner, but Aion was a half blood, so really he would likely take offense to what she had to say. So she stuck with a southern saying that was often used to talk down to, or about a person. “But hey, your father must have a soft spot. I find myself the same.” She joked, prodding at her friend. After all, he was nice to her. He cared what she wanted instead of insisting she believe all these rules about blood, and proper living. Boring details her father talked about and her mother observed. When the girl summoned the chocolate cake Cyan thought of taking a bite, but she wasn’t fully sure if she’d rather have that or the twizzlers. “No thank you!” The southern girl responded munching happily at her candy instead, not moving the candy but rather taking it from the area it was laid, she wasn’t really paying attention where that was.. “Aion and I are from the same country. But we don’t have any classes together.” She went on to explain. “We met in the great hall. I like that he likes animals, it’s noble to want to work with them.” Cyan’s Large orbs roamed over to the blonde. “What does your future hold? Are you and Aion gonna study together forever?” She asked, a perfectly harmless question.
Just as it had during their first meeting, the topic of blood status crept up. Finishing off the Twizzler in his hand he listened to the Hufflepuffs bring up their opinions. Although Aion didn't truly believe Cyan felt so strongly in favour of purebloods, he continued to smile at her as she prodded him. Apparently he couldn't help himself a round her.

As cake arrived, the seventh year weighed up his options. He too was happy enough with their American counter part, but that didn't stop the boy from nicking a chocolate button from the icing of Danielles slice "Sorry"' he grinned at her, clearly not meaning it. He'd been tempted to tease Cyan a little more, but it didn't seem appropriate with Danielle beside them. He watched Cyan and her energy flow as she spoke about their meeting and his love of animals, before peering curiously at Dani. He'd spent much of his time at Hogwarts alone, and while it was strange to have as much company as he did now, he was glad for it. Obviously they had very little time left in the castle together, but he was curious to see what she said. Taking another red sweet, he cheekily bit it in half before passing it across to his latest friend, grinning as he did so.
Cyan's look did not escape the seventh year Hufflepuff yet Danielle was unfazed by it. To her, blood status is of less importance when making friends and achieving goals. Also, having traveled more than staying at home when she was young, come to think of it, this was the longest time she stayed at one place, all thanks to her mother wanting her to be involved with the business, Danielle was familiar of what Cyan was saying. Playing innocent, she just gave the girl a smile which her brothers usually call "an evil smile that betrayes all innocence".

Danielle just grinned when Cyan refused her offer, "Oh, well.", as she turned to Aion if ever he wanted some. Before she had the chance to offer it again to the Ravenclaw, he nicked a chocolate button, not from the tray but from the slice she was holding. With wide eyes and an amused smile, she laughed as Aion placed the chocolate into his mouth,an icing near his mouth left in the process. "You got something there.", she said, reaching out to wipe it herself with her finger. Placing the tray back beside her again, she took another bite of the slice and sighed in contentment. She listened to Cyan talking about she and Aion being from the same country, not having the same classes and Aion liking animals. The second part almost made Danielle choked in laughter while she already knew the last one. "Oh honey. You can't have the same classes as us because we are not in the same year. It doesn't work that way.", she let out a small laugh "And Aion doesn't like animals,he loves them. Finds them fascinating. Thus the reason for his dream of becoming a magizoologist." She glanced at the boy beside her. When she was asked of what her future was, she looked back at Aion, remembering his advice on her problem that Danielle told him. "My mom wants me to be with her for the business. She wants me to manage half of it. However,",she placed a hand on Aion's arm. "thanks to my friend here, I took his advice. I talked to her and asked for a year or two to explore on my own. Probably visit my brother who is a dragon keeper in Romania. That would be my starting point and make my plan as I go." She took the candy that he passed her,biting into its sweetness as she smiled at her plan.
Slightly embarrassed, Aion wiped at his mouth with the back of his sleeve, unsure as to how he'd made a mess. Listening to the pair, there seemed to be some unresolved emotions flying about. He frowned as Dani explained how classes work, as though by the time a student was a sixth year they hadn't worked that out. He nodded as Dani confirmed his idea of becoming a Magizoologist, glancing at Cyan to check her response. As Dani caught the Twizzler he'd offered to Cyan, he pushed away the stool from under his feet, jumping down from the counter. At least the older girl had taken his advice, and she's also get a chance to travel before settling down. That being said Aion couldn't shake off the idea that now on two occasions she's tried to belittle his friends. Shaking her from his arm, not for the first time, he turned to face her "What are you doing?" He asked her outright. They'd not really had a chance to talk properly, but she always seemed to act differently when Aion was in the presence of a other girl. When he'd been speaking with Matt she's been pleasant, and he didn't appreciate the tone in which she'd spoken to both Cyan and Maddie.

Not waiting to stand and listen to her reply, Aion proceeded to hunt around the room for various things, packing them tightly into a tin box he'd spotted earlier on a shelf. He had no intention of being present for dinner for a number of days, and he needed to be prepared for that unless he wanted to find himself in this situation every night.
Cyan felt her face burn red hot with frustration and embarrassment when the girl called into question. Cyan thought for a moment about her childhood, being the only child with tutors for years, always called out on her mistakes as someone would an adult they were trying to look down on. Cyan didn't hang out with many people who were like that - or really man people at all. The girl with mermaid hair looked at her own knobby knees and went silent for a bit, listening to Danielle tell how much she knew about Aion. Maybe Aion and this girl were close. Cyan felt suddenly that she was the intruder in their space. She was the odd one out. Perhaps halfbloods shared a bond she wouldn't understand. When Aion moved she barely heard him question the girl. Suddenly the gap-toothed girl felt a little out of place. "Hey it's okay. I think I should go to bed anyways." She responded, trying to hide her intense embarrassment from the situation. She should have said something different, but instead she made herself look like an a** in front of her new and only semi-close friend.
Danielle was a bit shocked and stopped short when Aion pushed the chair and moved out beside her. There was an icy tone on his voice when he asked her a question. Then he was off to the other side of the kitchen. Immediately, she knew. She was out of line this time and this was unfair to her Ravenclaw friend. She set down the candy she had and jumped down as well. However, she was torn between following him and sort things out or stay there with Cyan near her. The answer was handed out to her when the Hufflepuff sixth year spoke out in a soft,with a hint of embarrassment, voice. This made Danielle turned to her, her green eyes shining with apology. Placing both her hands on the girl's shoulders,"No,stay. I should be the one going.",she held out her hand,"and I am sorry. I was out of line. I hope we can start on a clean slate. Friends?" This girl was Aion's friend and Danielle's fellow housemate. Plus, Danielle didn't want to leave the school with unresolved issues.

Danielle glanced at Aion, who was on the other side of the kitchen, and sighed. She grabbed the packet that the Ravenclaw threw out to her a while ago. "Aion.",she called out,at the same time walking toward the boy. She placed her hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry.",she apologized softly,holding back the tear that was threatening to escape her eyes. Without waiting for acknowledgement, she turned away from her friend that she felt she lost because of her own mistake. She slowly made her way to the kitchen door without glancing at either of them as she wiped the tear that had managed to made its way down her cheek.
In just a matter of minutes, the atmosphere in the room had turned from playful to stone cold. Aion was back in his own version of reality, the feeling of sickness and dread overwhelming his stomach. It was a good job the tin wasn't very large, since he wouldn't be eating much anyway for while. He listened out as Dani apologised to Cyan, but while it was clear that she was feeling guilty for her comments, Aion still wasn't sure of her true intentions towards either of them. When it came to his turn, he didn't respond at all as the seventh year touched his shoulder, preferring to keep his thoughts contained. He was good at that.

He paused his packing upon realising that Dani was leaving the room, but he couldn't bring himself to stop her. Maybe it's what she needed if it meant she'd stop looking down on his friends. He turned to face Cyan once more, but by this point he wore his mask, the version of himself that he often presented to the rest of the world as he'd supressed his personality for the dominating task of studying. That was his life, and the reason he was here, and he needed to leave the school without distraction. A part of him wanted to see if Cyan was okay. To comfort her and apologise. She'd clearly been quite uncomfortable at the latest proceedings. But that part of himself was now buried under the weight of his thoughts in his head, unlikely to resurface. Picking up his belongings, he headed out towards the door "I'll see you around" he added generically, before disappearing in search of his bed.
Cyan could almost feel the way Aion's personality shifted. She waited, like a statue for her friend to disappear before approaching the girl, whom seemed to have been waiting for him to beckon her back. "Happy?" She asked, prodding for a response. "People like you make me sick. A filthy mudblood who can't stand to see someone else happy. You were rude and when he called you out you decided to cry about it? What kind of a manipulative, immature, piece of burnt backyard barbecue does that?" She asked, not yet satisfied. "You know, Aion doesn't seem like the kind of guy who is always rainbows and butterflies, and yet you couldn't let him have fun. Instead you decided to guilt trip him. That's what makes you a mudblood. Not your magical status, the fact that you taint yourself like that. Were you jealous? You know what I don't even care, but if that's the case I hate to break your tiny heart, but he and I definitely kissed before you got the chance to even touch his shoulder, so swallow your misplaced whatever it is and take a hint. Let other people be happy, got it?" She asked, moving towards the door. "And if i find out you're continuing to upset Aion, I will not hesitate to come after you." With that Cyan left the room swiftly, her appetite ruined by nasty, crocodile tears.
Danielle was already at the door when she heard Aion said goodbye. This time, she fully knew that it was not, and never, directed at her. The Ravenclaw brushed past her as he left the kitchen. This constricted her heart more, knowing that she had lost a friend that night. All Danielle wanted was suddenly to go back inside the kitchen and stayed there until the wee hours of the morning. As she turned back around, Cyan was already in her face, almost cursing her to next week. She just let the girl explode, even ignored being called a mudblood when usually she would stand up for herself. Not this time. She didn't have the energy to do that. To always stand for herself. She felt Cyan left swiftly and the alternate Keeper was left in the kitchen all alone, standing and looking down at her hands and at the packet of treats that reminded her of what friendship she would have gained but lost instead.

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