Open What's Unfair?

Jonah Edogawa

kendo • i hate it here • finicky
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
OOCOut of Character:
Open after Jess with Teo

Jonah practically stormed away from Flying class, utterly frustrated. While he loved flying, he has decided that he now officially hated, hated, Flying class. He just didn't understand why he would fail a class for doing more than what's required when literally every other class in the school kept giving points! They had piles upon piles of extra credit work for doing all the extra things and essays, not that he'd done any of that, but the point was he couldn't understand why he was being punished for one of the few things he actually excelled at. It was so unfair! All his classes were so hard. The History professor threatened to bury him, he could barely cast Charms, Transfiguration was too much, and Herbology had spells too on top of a Head of House he didn't get along with! Flying was supposed to be his best class, but it's the one that he's been getting the worst grades on. He hated it, he hated that professor, and he hated that class. He was so mad and frustrated that he wanted to cry but he was still outside and he didn't want anyone to see how frustrated he felt. This was just the worst day ever and it was still before lunch.
Teo was walking back from class, hands in his pockets. Of all the classes he ignored, flying was his favorite. Though he didn't really participate much. He wasn't paying too much attention, until he noticed a kid from his class ahead. He remembered the drama they'd had and smiled a little, jogging to catch up with the boy. "Hey, wait up! Jonah, yeah?" He asked, an impish grin on his face.
Jonah didn't really want to talk to people right now. That took up so much energy and he wasn't sure why. If he wanted to talk to anyone, it would have been Eli, but Eli hates him so Jonah can't even talk to him right now. He supposed Felix and Will were okay too - or at least he hoped. He didn't know what he would do if he couldn't talk to his friends or if it was okay with them that Jonah was a bit tired of trying to figure out talking. But then, there was a person trying to talk to him and chase him down and Jonah, who didn't like being followed was already quite wrecked when a Gryffindor boy he did not know the name of finally caught up to him. "Do you need anything?" he said already on the defensive because he just really wanted to leave and he did not even know this boy so he didn't know what he could want after class.
Teo smiled impishly, not at all bothered by the boys mood. "Nope!" He countered easily. "Wanna be friends?" He asked instead, falling in beside Jonah. "We're here for seven years, might as well find friends to hang out with. I'm Teo," He told the boy, not wanting to be called anything else. "Where we going?"

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