What's Rose in German?

Leila Walden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Leila Walden took her duties as a rose deliverer very seriously. Dressed in a flower crown and armed with her roses in tow she headed to the library to see if she could find the young Ravenclaw who was her next recipient. She walked among the rows of books but couldn't see anyone in Ravenclaw robes. "Alexis?" she called out, hoping someone would know the girl.
Alexis was in the library,doing some light reading after finishing her rose delivery.It had been fun yet tiring at the same time. Happy to have the time to do her homework,she had made her way there. A few minutes into her book browsing,she noticed a girl wearing a flower crown and bringing a bunch roses. The Ravenclaw was about to pay the girl less attention when Alexis suddenly heard her name. Or seemed to be. There could be many Alexis in the castle. Still,she took her chance."Did you say Alexis?",she asked out,hoping that would catch the student's attention.
Leila turned to the girl who had called out to her ”Yes! I’m looking for Alexis! Are you her? I have a rose and a note for her!” she said excitedly.
Alexis nodded slowly. "If you mean by Alexis Kramer,then it's me.",she replied with a friendly smile.She had already received one rose from Simon.She did not expect to receive another one.
Leila grinned "oh perfect! Here is your yellow rose and the note that comes with it!" she sang as she handed both items over to the Ravenclaw girl.
Thanks for sharing your scone with me, you're a kind friend!
Alexis accepted the yellow rose and note as she smiled at the girl in front of her. Indeed, it was for her. "Thank you." She opened note and a brighter smile graced the Ravenclaw's face. It was from Nixon and he even mentioned the scone. This made her wonder if the Hufflepuff received the rose she gave him.

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