
Kayleigh Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Kayleigh was angry, upset and hurt. Sure, they had a bit of a falling out, but Kayleigh thought that she meant more to Alana than this. Obviously not. Obviously the girl didn't know how to forgive and forget, and the news Kayleigh found out through the grapevine had shook her. She wanted to be there for her friend, but were they even friends anymore? Without wanting to write all of her feelings down, Kayleigh scribbled a small and fast note, hoping to hear back soon. That was the one thing she envied about muggles - their fast communication systems.
Alana -

You're pregnant?
Why didn't you tell me?

Alana had only just arrived home from her shift and settled on to the couch, her swollen feet happy for the respite. She tried to stay off of them as much as she could, but these days, any walking set them off. Lifting them onto the arm, Alana struggled to get comfortable for a moment before finally settling in. She summoned the mail to her, Chaos must have gathered it, and was startled to see one addressed to her from Kayleigh. The two hadn't really spoken in a while. When Alana opened it up, she turned beet red, filled with chagrin.
It kind of just
Yes, I haven't really told anyone. I didn't think you'd care. Am still kind of getting over the shock of it. Chaos is happy, I think? My feet look like centaur hooves. It's gross.


It took Kayleigh awhile before she could reply to the letter. She didn't know how to react. She was angry, but she it wasn't unfair to unload all the anger onto her friend, who was probably going through a rough time.

I do wish you would have told me. We're supposed to be friends and I want to be there for you. It sucked hearing about it from other people.
But congratulations. I'm glad Chaos is happy.
I'm sure your feet will be better soon. You're carrying another human in your body - of course it's going to make your feet funny! Keep in touch. I'd like to catch up if you are up for it.


After a difficult day at work that had ended with her having to repair a scrying mirror that she had dropped, Alana had gone home to cry and then indulge in some cookies Chaos had made the night before. At six and a half months, Alana had given up hiding her bump and resigned herself to people wanting to rub her belly and asking all manner of invasive questions about her life. So seeing the owl annoyed her to no end, and when she saw who it was from, it didn't help. Thankfully, Alana waited until much later that night when she was full and tucked nicely into bed.

I'm sorry. I'll keep saying it until you believe me. I didn't mean for you to find out that way. I should've known better than to keep it secret. The whole Zhefarovich family probably knew before I did. I tell you, this family is weird. Ask your boyfriend? Are you and Desislav still a thing?

Getting around is getting harder every day, but yea. Let me know when the next Brightstone is, and I'll be there, a walking, talking PSA on why it's important to use those potions to prevent pregnancies.

See you soon!

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