Closed What Was That?

Mantis Moth

Barista // Frog Lover // Former Cheerleader
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Mantis was excited to hang out with Wolfgang. She always got excited when they were going to hang out. She had decided to make the plans for their hang out session and chose to take him to a put put place she knew. It was another muggle activity that, while she was not sure if it was in the magical world, she knew it would be fun regardless. She wore a laid back outfit, a tennis dress with sports shorts under it, and sneakers that matched in color. She waited outside the put put place where she had told him to meet her. She people watched as she waited, noting just how many people did this for a date.

At this point Manny wasn't sure if she could call these sessions dates. He had never asked her officially to be her boyfriend and if she were honest she had started to wonder if he would. While she knew about the magical world because of her muggleborn sister, maybe her being a muggle made them too different. Regardless she enjoyed her time with him either way.
Wolfgang Baros would love to have Mantis Moth to be his girlfriend, but every single time he tried to ask her, something ridiculous would happen. Today was the day. They would be together, and if he had to bloody write it out, he would. He wanted to have a good date, in the muggle world since he was curious about it, and he wanted to learn more about her world. The activities were fun too. He wore a plain tee shirt and jeans with almost worn out sneakers. If they weren’t broken or had holes, he could keep wearing them. He had never played mini-golf before. He looked up the activity online and read books before he arrived at the location in the muggle world. He would love to learn to drive a vehicle to really get assimilated in both worlds, but alas, he was still too skittish at the thought. He approached Manny and smiled widely, "Are you ready to beat me? Never played it before…" Wolfgang hoped that after this, he could just ask her out for a fancy dinner, and make a whole romantic scene from it.
Mantis smiled when Wolf approached. He looked pretty dashing in clothes like hers, muggle clothes as he probably called them. He asked if she was ready to win and she laughed airily. "Just because you haven't played doesn't mean I'll win. I've never been any good at this game." She said with a grin. She wanted so desperately to hold out her hand and get him to follow her that way but instead she turned. "Come on!"

She made her way to the desk and got her club and ball, picking a sage green one from their selection. She then lead him to the first hole, hoping she didn't lose him along the way. The first hole was easy. it was a straight shot down an even lane. "So basically you do this." She said as she demonstrated, taking two puts to get the ball in the hole. "Then you write on the score card that you got it in two strokes, and at the end the one with the least wins!" She said eagerly, stepping away so he could play.
Wolfgang cocked his head to the side as she said that she was not any good at the game. Still, she at least played it before, and he had not. He suspected that she would still win. Wolfgang just chuckled though, since he was convinced that she would just beat him no matter what. He followed her when she made her way to the desk to get the club and ball. He got a blue one that would be vastly different from the sage green that she chose. He did wish that he would have taken her hand in his to walk to the first hole. He watched as he demonstrated, though part of his attention was not exactly on the ball and club, but her instead. Men would be men after all. His attention was changed when she used two strikes to get it in the hole. “So, smack the ball to get it in the hole. Seems easy enough.” Wolfgang put the ball down, and hit the ball at such an angle that it bounced off the edges, almost going back where it started. “What the… Are they made of rubber?!” Wolfgang took four strokes before he finally got it in the hole. “Not rubber,” he mused as he picked the ball out of the hole and knocked on it.
Mantis did not catch any of his wandering gaze while she was golfing. She was too intent on looking good in front of him, despite the fact she wasn't that talented. When it was her turn she watched with a continued, gummy smile. He joked about them being rubber and she laughed at his comedy. He was such a funny guy and as she looked at the soft ringlets in his hair she couldn't deny he was handsome too. So why weren't they an item? Maybe she wasn't his type. "No, they aren't made of rubber. Maybe you're just nervous." She said as they moved to the next hole. She didn't elaborate what would have made him nervous, leaving it vague and flirty as she tried to his her ball in next.
Wolfgang just hated how he just continued to just fail in front of her. Mantis was this woman that was so out of his league that he could hardly believe that she was giving him the time of day. And she explained how they were not made of rubber, and how he might have been just nervous. At least they went to the next round, and this one was even harder. “I think I am nervous. I have some big plans for tonight after all.” Of course, the plans for tonight included Mantis, but she did not know that. He used the club to lean on it like a cane as Mantis got ready to hit the ball again, and again, he checked her out. More like studying her, but it could have been confused with him watching how she hit the ball.
Mantis giggled as he tried and failed several times. It was half the fun of the game! The more frustrated someone got the harder they usually hit it. She herself never took it that seriously. She hadn't considered that rather than frustration this could be nervousness. But he said he had big plans and she raised a blonde brow. "Big plans?" She asked before taking her turn, not remotely catching the way he watched her as she tried and succeeded to hit the ball in in two shots. She turned to face him now, still smiling.
Wolfgang nodded as she reiterated the fact that he had big plans tonight. Because he did, but he was not going to say what they were. Instead, a coy smirk remained on his lips as she did her best on the next hole - which she got in two hits. At least he was not busted on checking her out. Instead, she just looked like she was having a blast. That was what mattered the most, right? "You are going to wipe the floor with me." And now it was his turn to give it a shot. He was going to definitely get it in this time. Wolfgang stepped up and put his ball down, and attempted to hit it in, only for it to bounce off the wall, and nearly stop where it started. "What the absolute hell!" Wolfgang let out a frustrated sigh, and this time, he swung at it like one would playing golf. The ball ricocheted off of the side, and came back to hit him right below his left eye, leaving the wizard in absolute shock before the pain settled in.
Wolfgang remarked about her wiping the floor with him and she dorkily flexed her muscles on the arm that wasn't holding the golf club. "What can I saw? I'm a woman of many talents." She said with a giggle, moving so he could have his turn. The first hit went ridiculously poorly, as it bounced off the wall and returned nearly to it's spot. Mantis couldn't help a little giggle about it. His second hit filled her with worry though as the ball came back and hit him in the face. She rushed to his side hand on his shoulder and looking up at his face. "Oh my god are you okay?" She asked, concerned and trying to hold back a small laugh. It was kind of ridiculous after all.
Yes, that was a fact that Wolfgang believed. Muggles were like that. However, it seemed like his little tantrum worked out in his favor when she looked up at him, with her hand on his shoulder. Then, he saw that she might have been holding back a laugh. He reached up and touched the spot that the ball hit, already turning red. It would bruise, but he had bruise paste for it. Not that he could use it out in the muggle world. "You are trying not to laugh, aren't you?" Wolfgang pointed out, a taunting smirk spreading across his lips. "If you laugh, I am going to cover your mouth." Wolfgang dropped the club since he thought that he was probably done for the night. There was no way he could continue like this - mainly due to his frustrations.

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