What The Hell Do You Want?

Markov Kalforovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Markov sat on a bench. He had just sent Ivana, Moriah and Sydney off to do some more 'girly' shopping and he was exhausted. Stupidly, he had told Sydney he'd take her shopping to cheer her up, Ivana had heard and, somehow, his girlfriend ended up involved with the trip too. He forgot that they had different thoughts about shopping than he did. They had been here for about three hours already. Luckily for Markov, his mother had funded their shopping trip and had even taken the other children out for the day as well. All in all, it was turning out to be quite a nice day.

Markov stood up and reached into his pocket for a cigarette. All three of the girls hated the habit, Sydney more so than the other two, but they put up with it. He wasn't going to stop any time soon after all and it didn't help to nag. He didn't smoke around them though, it helped Sydney and Ivana try and deny he did it. Markov lit the cigarette and put it to his mouth, smiling. It was shaping up to be a pretty alright day.

Markov turned around, trying to see the girls anywhere, and his good mood disappeared. His eyes found a small girl in the crowd. Her hair had been dyed since he had last seen her but he could still tell it was her. Shaylah was making her way through the crowds and, though he was almost positive it wasn't on purpose, she was heading straight for him.

Markov watched as the short blonde girl finally laid her eyes on him. He turned his back before he could see her response and picked up the bags that were next to him. He had offered to look after them while they went and spent more money. He shrunk them and placed them in his pockets, thanking Merlin he could do magic freely now he was seventeen.

Markov turned to go and find his three favourite girls but, instead, found his least favourite right in front of him. He sighed and took the cigarette out of his mouth and dropped it, standing on it to put it out. He had to put it out anyway if he was going to see his girls and he didn't want to be tempted to do something stupid. Like burn her with it. "Shaylah." He spoke simply, expecting her to blow up about something any second. It was all she really did these days.
Shaylah walked through Brightstone for absolutely no reason. She just had to get away from the school. She was starting to feel trapped and enclosed there. Brightstone wasn't much of an improvement but it was still better than inside the confines of the school walls. At least there were no professors here to boss her around when she was already in a bad mood.

After reading the letter she'd gotten from Markov, she had been in tears. She hated the fact that her dad may hate her for being glad Tracy was dead. He loved Tracy and wanted to be with her still but he would hate the fact Shaylah didn't like her and now he'd found out that she was dead and Shaylah was happy with it.

Shay didn't know where she was going. She was just walking aimlessly. She preferred to get her mind off things this way than being stuck thinking about everything in a small room at the school. Plus, she was able to hide here and make sure no one saw her at her worst.

Then Shaylah felt anger boil under her skin. She'd see Markov. It was his fault that she was like this and she was going to make sure he realised. She walked up to him, increasing the speed of her steps and ending up with her body blocking his path.

She hated the fact that all he said was one word and the way he said it as well. "How can you be such a heartless b@stard and still be happy about it?! You know how much dad means to be and you still go and do something like that!! What the hell were you thinking?! What am I meant to do now?!" She didn't know how to tell him how she felt. She had too much anger in her to know what she was feeling.
Markov laughed, he hadn't meant to but he couldn't help but let the hearty chuckle out. He didn't think that she would actually take him seriously when he had written that. It was just something in anger, as most things said between himself and Shaylah were. "Jeez, are you sure you didn't dye your common sense blonde too? If you ever had any that is. Stupid little bint."

Markov was slightly nastier to her now than he was before. Sure they hated each other but now she had hurt Sydney it was his job to be mean. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't have a go at the heartless little girl that upset his best friend so much? The only way Shaylah could get even worse in his bad books now was if she went after Ivana as well. She had already tried to hurt his girlfriend, had succeeded in hurting his best friend, if she so much as touched his sister he would rip her to shreds.

"I never sent the letter. Do you really think they'd let me write to him with no relation to the bloke?" Markov scoffed to the girl. He turned away from her. Still intent on finding his ladies. He didn't want to waste his time of people like her when he could be with his favourite people at the moment. Especially when the girl thought that the death of her mother was a good thing. She was a psychopath and he couldn't believe he had dated her.

Markov had long forgiven the Teddy guy, in fact they were meeting him later when he could get his cousins to look after the kids. He was a good friend of Sydney's and he explained he didn't ever like Shaylah that was and now he didn't like her in any way at all.
Shaylah frowned when he insulted her brain. She knew she had never been any sort of genius but she wasn't a complete idiot either and she didn't like being told she was one. Especially by Markov. It wasn't like he was any sort of boffin either.

When she heard what he said she felt like exploding. "Then why the f**k did you say it?! I was never thinking that you would lie to me. I thought you'd actually have the decency to tell the truth to me, even if you hated me." Shay knew he hated her. It was obvious. Why else would he make her feel like cr@p so much??

In the past, Shay would have stopped herself when she felt like properly hurting Markov. She would have held herself back because she had some sort of feelings for her. Now she hated him more than anyone else and she wasn't going to hold herself back. She didn't care what she did to him. He deserved every bit of it.

Shay didn't want to go too far before too quickly though. Instead, her hands went on her chest as she shoved him backwards. She knew it wasn't much but it was a small way of her trying to get her anger out in some way. At least she didn't punch him. Then he'd have a broken nose.
Markov winced as he felt her hands slam into his, still healing, tattoo. A night out on the town had resulted in a dare to get two tattoo's the muggle way. He wasn't even allowed magical pain relief. Instead he had bandaged it and had taken something called ibuprofen that was meant to help with pain.

Markov took a couple of deep breaths and straightened out. He knew that the push wasn't that hard but against a new tat it hurt like all hell. Even though it was Autumn, it was still a pretty hot day so he had no trouble removing his shirt to check under the bandage. The bandage was wrapped around his shoulder and across his chest to cover up the entire thing. The other tattoo, on his hip, was fully healed now and on show to Shaylah as he checked the tattoo.

Markov sighed as it didn't seem there was any damage to his dragon. It looked like it was almost fully healed, it was just a bit tender still. "You little b***h!" He muttered under his breath. It seemed, hanging out with Teddy had left him with his own anger management problems. He didn't mind really, he wasn't often angry. Just when he was around Shaylah did he really get mad.
Shaylah was shocked that Markov winced. She hadn't exactly pushed him hard. It was barely a tap. She knew she was strong but Markov was stronger and she figured that a push that barely threw him off balance wouldn't hurt him enough to make him clutch his chest in pain.

Shay started looking his body up and down as he took his top off before blinking a few times and remembering that she hated him. Her eyes caught sight of the feather on his hip and the bandage around his chest. She had always known that he was immature but this was pushing the limits and he had always hung around dangerous areas but she had never seen him with an injury from one of them. A small cut at the most.

Shay started wondering what he had managed to do so she sighed and looked him in the eyes. "What is that," She pointed at the feather. "And what the f**k have you done to you're chest. You're an immature tw@t but I never realised how much."
Markov glared at her and scoffed. "Well, let's just say Moriah likes it rough." He winked at her. Of course that was a complete lie. They hadn't actually gotten that far yet but his ex girlfriend didn't need to know that. He often bragged to his friends but, in reality, Moriah and him were taking it pretty slow.

Markov let the bandage settle again and looked down at his feather, grinning. "How is a tattoo immature?" He scoffed, a sentance entering his mind that he only just dared to speak. "Dying your hair a different colour is more immature than that. Or are you just trying to look like your older sister?"

Markov waited for the explosion that was bound to happen. Shaylah didn't exactly like Sydney much. It was probably one of the biggest insults he could give her. Apart from saying she was like her mother of course, that would just make her self destruct most probably. He'd have to try it some time to see what would happen.
Shaylah frowned in disgust. She didn't really care what Markov did with his girlfriend...much. But she didn't want to hear about it. Especially like that. "You're disgusting Markov. Do what you must with her but don't tell me about it." She shook her head again then crossed her arms over her chest.

Shay felt angry that Markov would compare her to Sydney. She hated her sister and didn't want to be anything like her. "Why the hell would I want to be like that b!tch. She's a creep. I would never want to follow in her footsteps. And it's immature because you're probably only doing it to show off to your friends. They probably wouldn't even like you if you didn't spend every second of your life trying to impress them." Then Shaylah shrugged. "That is unless they're banging your sister."

Shay was starting to find it hard to keep her anger back. She had been trying to control her emotions more as she would need to if she was going to become a death eater but some emotions were proving harder than she'd originally thought. It was annoying that she'd spent so long trying to be like her father then struggled on the smallest of things that he found so easy.

OOCOut of Character:
Soz. Wrong person :p
OOCOut of Character:
Markov's vision went red when he heard the comment about Ivana. He flipped. Before he knew what was happening the sound of a smack echoed through the street. He watched as his hand made contact with her face and she fell from the power of the smack. He hadn't ever hit a girl before but he was glad she was the first.

Markov felt strong hands grab his arms as he tried to lunge for the girl and he heard a girls voice. Slowly his anger subsided when he recognised his girlfriend and he stopped struggling. He saw that Teddy had arrived just in time to stop him from mauling the stupid little girl on the floor.

Markov glared at the small girl on the floor. "You should know by now not to mention my family. Guess you don't know me as well as you thought." He spat at her before noticing everyone was there now. Sydney was holding Ivana who looked confused and worried. She hadn't seen Markov smacked anyone before, ever.
Teddy apparated into the town, expecting a good day out with the girls and Markov, and instead saw a very angry Markov looking at Shaylah. He knew the tension, he also knew that the bloke was about to explode.

Teddy ran forwards just in time to see Markov backhand the small girl. He couldn't help but smile slightly, almost everyone he knew wanted to smack the girl, but instead he held the guy back. No body liked the girl but Markov would be in trouble if he killed her.

Teddy watched as Sydney, Moriah and Ivana ran out of a shop. He smiled to them before turning his focus back to controlling Markov's anger. He felt the boy loosen as his girlfriend calmed him down and he let go. Teddy completely ignored Shaylah on the floor and walked over to her sister instead, giving Sydney a hug. "Hey hun, how you doing?"
Shay saw Markov's face change and felt kind of worried. She hadn't realised what she'd said until then. She knew what he was like about his family and she didn't know what had come over her. Shay had seen the results of people insulting a member of his family. Some had ended up with weeks of hospital.

Shay felt pain shoot through her face as Markov slapped her. Her balance was thrown and she was too shocked to stop herself from falling. Shay felt her head hit the floor on the way down and saw white light. It took her a while to get her vision back and by the time she did, she looked up and saw Markov being held back by Moriah and Teddy over with Sydney and Ivana.

Shay stood up and glared at him as she held back tears. The pain was horrible and she had a feeling there was going to be some sort of bruise. "You stupid f**king b@stard!! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Shay was practically screaming at him. She didn't care that people were watching. Most were surprised that someone had taken her down. All the people in Hogwarts were scared of her because she had no limits.
Teddy held Markov and spoke in his ear. "She ain't worth it dude. Don't lower yourself to be with the trash." He felt Markov turn and he turned his back on Shaylah, she was still on the floor. "How bout we go back to your house dude?" Markov nodded at Teddy's suggestion and held his hands out.

Moriah and Markov were the only two who could apparate so they'd have to get a lift from them. Teddy made it into town because he only lived down the road and the other two lived with Markov so it was okay. Sydney said that Ivana wanted to shop a bit more and they could pick her up later. Teddy saw the lie but he didn't mention it, Ivana was able to look after herself. She had grown up with Markov and spent a lot of her time with the group.

Markov, surprisingly, agreed and watched as Moriah apparated with Sydney. Markov took Teddy by the arm and they left for his house. Teddy liked his house, there was always something going on with the amount of people that lived there now and, unlike his, there were no fights or responsibilities.
Shaylah felt angry that Markov had done that to her. She felt humiliated in front of all these people. She'd always been the unbeatable Shaylah who was feared by anyone who got on the wrong side of her. Now she was being beaten by her ex-boyfriend and she was doing nothing about it.

Shay's breathing was fast and she was struggling to slow it down but managed gradually. She saw the group turning and walking away. She hated the fact that Teddy was with them. She'd liked him at one point. He'd changed since then. He'd become one of them. Everybody seemed to do it at some point. Anyone who met Shaylah abandoned her and fought against her in the end.

When they'd gone, Shay realised that Ivana was still there. She wondered what the hell the girl was doing but didn't want to find out. Ivana was one of them after all. Why would Shay want to talk to her?? Instead she turned around and walked in the opposite direction, making people move out her way.
Ivana watched as the rest of her family and friends disapperated before running after Shaylah. She didn't know what had happened between her and the rest of the group but she didn't really care. Shaylah was her best friend after all, this didn't matter to her. It shouldn't matter to Shaylah either. "Hey, wait up."

Ivana walked next to her old best friend. "He's not usually like that. I don't know why he was so mean to you. He;s probably just annoyed with something." The girl followed after still, continuing her babbling sentences and theories about why Markov was mean.
Shaylah heard Ivana's voice shouting for someone to wait up but ignored it, guessing she was talking to someone else. That was until she heard the girl run up next to her and continue talking. Shay stopped walking and frowned at her, slightly confused and slightly annoyed and how naive the girl was. "What the hell are you doing?!" She crossed her arms over her chest and looked her up and down. What in the world was she wearing?? "What made you think I wanted to talk to you at all?!" Shay just wanted to get back to the school now. The side of her face felt like it was burning.
Ivana stopped, confused. "Wha...What do you mean?" Shaylah wouldn't dislike her for whatever Markov had done. Would she? They had been friends forever after all and Markov had always annoyed her. They had never fought before. The small girl, though not as small as Shaylah, noticed a red mark all across the side of the other girls face. "Woah, what happened to your face?"
Shaylah shook her head. "Are you really so stupid that you think we're still friends?!" Shay couldn't help but laugh at this thought. Then she heard Ivana ask what happened to her face. "You really are completely ret@rded aren't you?? Did you not just see that you're brother is such a stupid, f**king pr1ck that he decided to hit me?!" Shay turned away from the girl and started walking off. She didn't want to be here right now.
Ivana recoiled at Shaylah's words. For the first time in a while Ivana got angry. "What the hell did I ever do to you?" She yelled at the older girl. Ivana ran after her and stopped in front of her. "I did nothing. I was your friend and I defended you when people at home were being mean and this is my thanks." Ivana suddenly saw what everyone else in her household did. "Mark was right, Sydney's way better than you could ever be."
Shaylah shook her head as she half listened to Ivana and half ignored her. She wanted to shove the girl out the way and get back to the castle. Then she heard what Ivana said about Sydney. She grabbed the girl's collar and pushed her against the wall. "Don't ever compare me to that b!tch!!" Shaylah had been compared to Sydney too much and she was fed up of it. She just wanted be Shaylah instead of Sydney's little sister.
Ivana wasn't scared when she was grabbed. All Shaylah could do was hurt her. She wouldn't risk anything that would get her in mega trouble and Ivana trusted that Shaylah remembered what kind of people her family was connected with. "Why shouldn't I? We've been friends for years and I barely know her but she's treated me better than you ever did. She treats everyone better that you ever did, even Sam loves her more than she loved you." Ivana didn't know if that was true, it probably wasn't, but she knew what Shaylah cared about. Well, she knew what the old Shaylah cared about.
Shaylah was already in a bad mood. She thought Ivana knew better than to get on the wrong side of her when she's in a bad mood. She, of all people, knew what Shaylah was capable of. Shaylah slapped Ivana hard across the face. There was no way she was going to hold back on this girl. She didn't care if they used to be friends or not. "You obviously know nothing about me any more so why don't you run along to your ickle brother and go have fun with him. He obviously cares about you more than I do because I don't give a sh!t. For all I care, you could turn up dead in a ditch and I'd carry on like nothing happened." Shaylah was just taunting Ivana now. She didn't care what anyone thought of her.
Ivana held her face before smiling. Only Shaylah could bring out this side of the sweet girl, only Shaylah knew this side existed. It was the part of her Shaylah had put there, the only meanness she had. She took her hand away and smiled wider, not caring that the muscles hurt. "Well, it seems the Shaylah I know has gone. The one I knew would never do anything to hurt her daddy in anyway and yet here you are, smacking family friends and rejoicing in his wife's brutal murder. Don't think we're not afraid to tell him."

Ivana sneered at her and turned to walk away. She understood now why Markov had been fine with her leaving. He didn't miss her once he had discovered the kind of person she had turned into. Ivana had always been able to put up with her violent side but this was too far.

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