What Rotten Luck

Sonya Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sonya was still furious to this day. She could not believe that she had gotten in trouble for something that the other person had caused, she hadn't even started it; the other two had by being rude to her! All she had done was give the other girl a simple answer about her knowledge, or lack thereof, of the location of her pet, whatever the pet had been. She hadn't really been paying attention to be completely honest, she just gave her the truth and went back to her reading. She loved to study, it was something that she enjoyed because she wanted to be the best that she could in this school. She wanted to learn, not be annoying by pathetic little people. She sighed to herself, at this. She just wanted to be left in peace to study so in seven years she could graduate. Was that so hard?

Sonya was, right now, walking through the dungeons on her way to the Slytherin common room so that she could do just that. She wanted to get ready for the classes that would be starting extremely soon. They would be fun, and she was certain of this. It would be interesting, to say the least, for her to attend her first class and see how good the professors at this school were. They were probably just mediocre professors, and she hoped that she would never had to be in the classroom of that stupid Head of House, Professor Styx. She hated him. He was quite honestly the worst at doing his job. She let out a large scream of exasperation. "I didn't even do anything wrong!" She said, sighing.
Tholomyès was finding things to do in this period of time before classes, he had been bored by sitting about in the common room, reading his books and practicing the one spell that his sister had shown him. The boy had decided therefore to grab his book, the one he had read many times over the years, an old various poetry book which contained some of the best poetry from the 18th and 19th century France. He liked muttering some of the lines to himself as he walked, but in reading this book, his mind often got distracted and in the end, he had found himself in the Dungeons without intending to. Théo wasn't technically avoiding any of the areas within the school, but his sister had warned him against the area of the school, so, he felt a little strange being in this. Although this first time, nothing would happen he was sure, his sister had just been telling him to be wary, nothing would actually happen, but it would be just his luck that something would happen to him. Théo would end up with his book being torn apart and having to stand outside the gryffindor area till someone got his sister so that she could fix it.

In the end Tholomyès just focused on his book and the words written on it as he wandered around attempting to find his way out, but was in the end distracted upon hearing a voice. He glanced round a corner and saw a girl who was speaking and seemingly getting rid of anger. She appeared to be about the same age as him, and he assumed was about the same in spell competency, so he wasn't too worried, but had this been what his sister had warned him against. He wandered if he should turn around and leave, but he listened to her words. Had she done something? Tholomyès didn't know, they were just arriving in the school, surely she hadn't done too much, what was he supposed to do, "You did something if you're this annoyed about it," Théo said to her, without being able to stop himself from doing so, he spoke politely, he had a light french accent on his words, but it was clear that he came from money, more so than it had ever been clear with his sister. He emerged from where he'd been sort of hiding and looked at her, she would kill him, oh that would just his luck, it would be a typical thing to happen to him really, "I have a handkerchief if you want it?" he asked if she was upset at least she'd be able to clear up her face.

ahaha, this is bad
Sonya looked up when somebody seemed to speak to her, and had the nerve to say that she had in fact done something wrong! She most definitely had not, the girl had everything that she had tried to do coming to her and that idiot professor had stopped her for no good reason! She could not believe what had happened to her, and that he had had the nerve to give her detention for basically the entire year, and took 20 points from her! The other two girls had been worse then her, and they had been the reason that it had started! If they had just kept to themselves, they wouldn't have gotten her answer that they clearly didn't like. It was such a ridiculous situation and she couldn't believe that it was being blamed on her. They were all so stupid and clearly didn't understand how things worked. Turning to the other boy, she gave him a look of pure evil. "I did nothing wrong!" She hissed at him. She wasn't going to take somebody's else's crap, especially if they tried to tell her that she had done something wrong when she had not.

Sonya looked around, seeing if there was anybody else who would try and give her poop today nearby. She couldn't believe that this newcomer, who was as arrogant as his voice made him sound, would come here and insert himself into something that he had no idea about, and, worst of all, it didn't even have anything to do with him! Why did everyone always have to get involved in things they had no idea about. "Having money doesn't give you an all access pass to stuff you don't understand!" She hissed at him again, this time in french. She doubted he would have understood her, so she just smirked at him. Try figuring out what I said, kid. she thought to herself.
Kimmyeon was good at hiding. She hadn't been at Hogwarts long, but she was beginning to get a feel for the building and she had a few favorite spots. The dungeons was one of the easiest, and Kimmyeon had kept to herself most of the morning, pleased to have finally been left alone.

A girl she had spotted getting sorted into Slytherin around the same time as herself was walking past, talking to herself. Kimmyeon made no effort to interact. She didn't really need to. Instead her lightening quick eyes jump and pinned themselves on this girl. What was she talking about? It wasn't too long before another boy approached, and Kimmyeon began to feel as though her favorite hiding spot was to be jeopardized. She pulled out her tatty notebook and pen, and with slow movements, gently began to sketch out the scene in front of her. If she could find out what this girl had done, perhaps it was something worth sharing with the school? Kimmyeon had no need to make a name for herself, but she enjoyed watching other people react to the worlds harshest critics. Too many people just seemed to care.
Theo looked at the girl, suddenly really regretting his choice to open his mouth though he couldn't really help it. It had just sort of happened, and now he was stuck in this situation because of the fact that he had decided to open his mouth, and by the way she responded he knew it was likely the wrong thing to do, but now he was here, now he was in this situation and it was just typical, and he stared at her, trying to figure his method out of this, but it seemed like nothing his mind thought of were viable options, after all, he was a ravenclaw he should be able to get out of this. It was just his luck that he was now stuck here, that he was now just going to have to live it through. He didn't want to say anything, he was sure that this girl had done something, only would a person be annoyed if they had done something. No one got annoyed when they'd done nothing, they got upset, not annoyed. He closed over the book, "If you hadn't done anything why are you so annoyed," he stated, with a small shrug sure that it would do nothing to help anything, but the words had just tumbled because he couldn't keep his thoughts to himself.

When she continued in french thinking that Tholomyes wouldn't understand, Theo chuckled, "I don't see what money has to do with any of this," he replied in french with a small smirk on his face, "You were screaming, and you seemed upset, so I came to see how you were, and really it sounds like you've done something. What exactly happened?" he continued in french, not even trying to hide the smirk on his face. He didn't really like her, and he didn't want to have to spend much more time with her, but he couldn't stop himself from doing so. It was like his mind, his terrible mind just wanted this girl to tear him apart, "You should accept what happened and just move on, you will only feel worse the more you think about it,"

this is also bad..
Sonya wondered what this guys problem was.. why couldn't he just keep to himself and annoy someone else? He had a huge mouth, and a lot of opinions that he should also keep to himself. She wasn't interested in having an argument with this stupid boy but he was being completely insufferable and she was growing more and more angry at him by the second. "Why don't you keep your stupid little opinions to yourself?" She all but hissed at him, if that wasn't a warning then she didn't know what was. She noticed a girl to the side who was scribbling down on a notepad trying extremely hard to keep to herself and she walked over to her, snatching the notebook out of her hand. "Mind your own business you stupid little girl!" Sonya said, hissing even more. She was close to beating the poop out of both of them.

She frowned a little bit when the other boy spoke in french, that was a little surprising for her to say the least, but she didn't even miss a beat on a response. "Money has everything to do with it because you think that just because you're a stupid rich boy you're automatically entitled to have your say in everything even if it's just plain stupid!" She said, her eyes staring daggers at the stupid boy in front of her. "Your advice is absolutely pathetic, I'll file it under U for Useless!" She said with an icy cold chill to her voice. She absolutely hated people who thought that they had to have their say in everything and it was absolutely stupid for them to think like that. She gave him a scowl.

OOCOut of Character:
PM me if you have any issues with the post Pheebz!

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