What rhymes with recieved?

Leighton Marsters

Well-Known Member
Leighton had just come back from work, and picked Autumn up from the child care centre, returning home on another stressful day of over-thinking. He wanted Bella either to be gone and at rest or he wanted her here with him, either joking around or teaching him to dance. Autumn didn't seem herself either, and Leighton was scared because the sudden change in her behaviour wasn't normal for a young girl her age or size. Three days earlier, it was her birthday, and he hadn't even bothered reminding Izaak, Leah, Alexis or Casey of anything because he knew out of all of those selected few, that their was an unaniment idea that something would un-fold if either crossed paths. Leighton wished Bella would just come to a normal hospital, but he guessed that couldn't be the case on her terms because of her magic or whatever. He couldn't just keep flying off with Autumn all the time to see her, it wasn't healthy for either of them.

He put a sleepy Autumn to bed and walked down to the foyer, collapsing butt first on to the lounge. Mixed emotions swirled around Leighton's system and he became overwhelmed with hatred, fear, sadness, contempt, and longing. He held his knuckles to his temples and squinted his eyes shut. He lifted a pillow and put it over his face, and gave a long and forceful yell into it, muffling it not much but just enough, so as not to wake up Autumn.

Leighton slapped the pillow down on to the lounge and got up, racing up to the office to send an email, with much frusteration, and anger, but wanted it to come out on to the keys with much collected calmness there was possible.

I don't know what it is you want me to do, but if it's really what I'm assuming, then no.
There isn't much time, Bella either becomes a freakin' vegetable or we let her go, and it's the best for everyone.
It's a sad fact buddy but you honestly don't want to see your sister the way she is forever, do you?
I have no patience anymore, either give those monks the consent to stop helping her or stay out of my way!

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